Chapter 16

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   Christmas break has approached, and I'm heart broken. Last week I received a letter from Miss Molly, which gave me even worse news.

   Y/n, my dear. 
    I'm sorry to have to tell you that your mum is still at her recovery and she will not be home for Christmas, but you are more than welcome to come home with the boys. If not I'm sure they will stay with you for the holiday. Either way dear remember that we love you so much, so does your mum.
           Love always,
              Miss Molly

   "We will stay with you here, Y/n," Fred said in a low voice, "Anyway with all the strange stuff Harry and the others are getting into, we need to stay and watch them."

   George placed his arm around my waist, giving me a squeeze, "And we can sleepover in the common room again."

   I smile holding his hand and looking into his eyes, "Yea, that sounds fine. Ginny probably would like some girl time as well. She seems down lately."

  I say this last part looking over at the girl I call my little sister. She's sitting alone just scribbling into her worn, old diary. As I'm looking at her, I don't notice the smirk that the Twins give each other. And little do I know they have something up their sleeve.

** George and Fred

   The two of them have been devising a celebration for Georgie and Y/n's one year anniversary. Most of the planning has been going on at night in their dorm room, the only place that Y/n isn't with them, and the occasional class that they don't have together. Sneaking around hasn't been easy, so honestly Fred has been the errand boy for this excursion. In their dorm room with Lee Jordan, George brings out his list, and Fred grabs the bags with the supplies.

   "Okay, let's lay everything out and check it off," George orders Fred and Lee as he clears the floor of their brooms, stray dirty clothes, and miscellaneous parchments.

   Fred and Lee roll their eyes at each other. "George, we've gone through the list so many times! I'm sure you have it all!"

  "Lee, he's gonna get angry again if you don't let him go through it again," chuckles Fred.

   "I just want things perfect. Y/n still can't change anything. Her eyes get lighter, but her hair, and everything. She just needs something amazing to help her know, that we belong together. And that I'll never leave her. Everything needs to be perfect, for her to get back to normal." George looks at the other boys, "She just acts happy, but I can tell she still isn't herself."

   Lee and Fred nod. They've all noticed it. Oliver Wood has noticed during practice too, but since McGonagall talked to him about Y/n, he's cut her some slack. Fred thinks back to potions class, where Y/n normally exceeds, but lately she's even gotten reprimanded by Snape. Lee even noticed how she hasn't been eating as much, and when he brought it up at dinner one night; Y/n snapped at him to mind his own business.

   George shakes his head to clear out the thoughts of how Y/n is still going downhill. "Anyway gentlemen, let's get to it."

   Matching fuzzy socks, matching glasses for firewhiskey, a big fuzzy blanket, and flower petals neatly in a mesh bag. Also a flannel bag to put it all into, and a big green bow on the side. After they get everything situated, the boys sit back, admiring their work.

   "Now, where to set it all up?" Fred asks.

   Lee speaks up, "The astronomy tower? We can conjure a fireplace to make it more cozy?"

   George perks up, his bright smile glowing, "Lee that's perfect!" 


   Christmas Eve is here and I'm sitting with Ginny, picking at a pumpkin pasty at dinner. She's being extremely quiet, but I don't mind. The silence between us mixed with the hum of conversations around us is inviting. I'm not paying attention when two hands go around my eyes.

  "Long time, Y/n," Cedric's deep voice greets me.

   I roll my eyes facing him, "Hey Diggory. Yea there's been a lot going on, and I don't appreciate you acting like something was going on between us to my boyfriend."

   He looks taken aback, about to say something before being interrupted by Fred running into the hall. I jump up thinking something is wrong, leaving Cedric behind as I stride over to Fred, who is out of breath.

   I grab his shoulders, looking into his flushed face, "Freddie, what's wrong?"

   Freddie looks at me, "It's Georgie, he's in the astronomy tower. He needs you to go now and see him!"

  I don't stop to think about it before I am running as fast as I can. Bad thoughts of what could have happened to him racing through my mind. I won't be able to deal if something bad happens to George. I can feel the tears start to flow as I round corners and march up stairs. Finally climbing up to the astronomy tower, and busting up to the top. Only to not be greeted by George hurt, but by a fireplace, flower petals, and a blanket spread out.

   George steps out from behind, a smile so bright illuminating his freckled face. I'm gasping for air, running not being a strong suit of mine. I'm shocked and worried, but my words won't come out. George notices and takes two steps towards me, encasing my body into his. He places a kiss on my forehead, and nose. 

   I slap him away, "Georgie! What's wrong? Fred said you needed me?"

   George blushes, running both his hands through his hair and over his face, "Y/n, sweetheart, I may have fibbed to get you up here." He gestures to the lovely area he has laid out, "Happy anniversary my love."

   I stare, feeling terrible as I had forgotten all about our anniversary. I can't believe that George did all of this for me, even when I was being so distant. My heart soars as I clasp my hands around his neck and pull him into a kiss that I hope shows him all of my love and feelings towards him. His arms snake around my back, holding me close as our lips dance together. Finally we pull apart, I look up into his green eyes, smiling and honestly feeling the most happy I have in so long.

   George looks at me beaming, "Y/n, your eyes! They aren't black or grey! They are pink, and your hair too!"

   I smile, not having to look at myself to know it's true. I pull George down on the blanket in front of the fire, as he pulls another blanket, with our initials in a heart, on top of us. He hands me a glass with the familiar light brown liquid. I take a sip and sigh.

   George drinks his and looks at me, "I have another present for you." He pulls out a set of matching fuzzy socks!

  "Oh, Georgie! You know I love fuzzy socks!" I immediately take off my shoes and socks and put the warm socks on my feet. George laughs and does the same.

   I finish my drink and snuggle into the side of Georgie, as he rubs his hand up and down my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. After a few minutes George stands up, offering his hand to me, which I oblige and he pulls me up. With a swish of his wand, My Girl by the Temptations starts to play in the background. I lean into his tall stature, intoxicated by the smell of cinnamon, sweets, and smoke that radiates off of his body. We dance close together, his face buried in my hair as we twirl around.

     "I love you, Y/n," George whispers to me.

    I smile, finally feeling at peace and happy in the arms of the boy who made me love again, "I love you too, George."

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