Chapter 74

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. A lot of things have been happening and I'm just now feeling mentally stable enough and happy enough to write again! My birthday is on the 6th, so this weekend I will be a bit MIA as well, but I plan to finish the story shortly after that (well maybe; it might go on longer)! I'm editing the birthing process so if it seems weird that's why, and I'm mostly doing it because when I had my two kids I only remember the after part of holding my boys. Also thank you all who have made this little fan fiction go so far! 7.4K reads and counting!

*Late March 31

    "AHHHH!" I scream out, dropping the plate of biscuits on the floor, shattering it.

    George runs over to me and grabs the crook of my elbow, "Love, what's wrong?"

   "It's time," I say in a rash voice.

   His eyes grow wide, "Wait, but I didn't pack anything. You- we- no!"

   I roll my eyes as the pain shoots through me again, "Andy helped me pack weeks ago! Ginny put the bags in our closet. Just go get them."

   He rushes to our room, tripping over Teddy's toys that stay at our house. Even with the shooting pains in my stomach, I can't help but laugh at his goofy self. I groan again as I grab my shoes.

    "Hey, slow down there, Love," George exclaims as he shoulders our bags and loops his arm under mine. "Let's go."

*At the Hospital

   The IV fluids make me feel warm inside, and the medicine I've taken is easing the pain. My eyes follow the pacing figure of my husband, who has no more finger nails at this point. I chuckle as I rub my stomach, "Georgie, you are going to go through the floor if you keep pacing."

   He stops, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm just nervous. What if I suck at being a dad? What if I can't figure out how to change a diaper?"

   I smirk, "You will do fine. We have enough practice with Teddy and the other gremlins! You act like you never helped do any of those things!"

   His face flushes as I see his forehead glistening, "Oh! I guess you are right!"

  "I'm always right," I roll my eyes laughing.

  Dr. Thom walks in, "I'm so glad to see these smiling faces! Who's ready to have a baby?"

  George gulps, "I guess there's no turning back now."

  "It's time to do this," I smile, getting into position, feeling his head position down.

   "Ok, Y/n, it's time to push!"

   George strides beside me, grabbing my hand. I squeeze, grimacing at the pain.

  "Okay, breathe and push." 

   George is holding his breath, looking down with his eyes wide. A mutter escapes his lips, "I see his head."

   I push again. A plop is heard and our baby boy is placed in my arms. His eyes are closed, but his mouth opens in the tiniest cries. I feel the tears run down my face as I look down at the newest Weasley. 

   Fred has a full head of bright red hair, no surprise there as he is a Weasley through and through. His hands and feet are so tiny. The almost translucent skin is just a thin barrier of protection. His head has little indents of where he came out. Fred's nose is squished and his lips are a perfect shape. His body fits perfectly in my forearm, the amazement I feel from finally having him outside of my body is overwhelming.

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