Chapter 55

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   Landing on the steps of 12 Grimmauld Place, we all hug and cheer as we slam open the door.

   "Mum! Mum!" George yells.

   "Sirius?" I inquire, knowing that he would at least be home.

   Fred and George go to inspect the kitchen, while I head upstairs. "Sirius? Where are you old man?"

   A coughing fit leads me to Sirius' room. I knock and wait for a response. "Come in," a gruff voice sounded.

   I walk in on Remus and Sirius sitting on two arm chairs with tea in the middle of them. Their shocked faces at me standing there make me laugh, "So I did something with the Twins today."

   Remus springs up, "Y/n! You better not be pregnant!"

   Sirius leaps up at that, "I'll murder the Weasley boy!"

  I topple over laughing. I try to talk through the laughter, "No- oh my gosh- bloody hell no!" The two men look at each other. I finally calm down enough to talk, "We destroyed Umbridge's rules, and let off all the Whiz-bangs we had on hand! We left Hogwarts, completely."

   "YOU DID WHAT?" Remus yells.

   Sirius rolls his eyes, muttering, "Would have preferred you being pregnant."

  I gasp, "What? No! This is a good thing! This way we can start the joke shop now instead of waiting! Why are you not excited about this?"

   Remus sighs, "Sit down, Y/n."

  I sit in the arm chair. Sirius sits in the opposite one. I look at Remus, his face scrunched up and his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

   "You are such a bright witch. I told you that from day one of meeting you. I thought you wanted to be an Auror? You can't do that without finishing your education! You can't just leave school with no solid plan!"

   I recoil back, "We do have a plan! We have the money Harry gave the Twins and we are going to open the joke shop! We have sold so much already at Hogwarts!"

    Remus' eyes narrow, "School children's pennies! Do you think you will be able to make an honest living off of children's toys?"

   I stand up, fists balled at my side, "Yes I do actually!"

   "I don't think you thought this through! You only had months left! You should have stuck it out! Become an Auror!" Remus grimaces at me.

   "How can I be an honest Auror and work in the Ministry with the corruption going on? Professor you should know yourself! They don't even like people with Lycanthropic disease! They don't believe Voldemort is back! And. And they would never let a Deatheater in their mix!" My voice falters at the end as I grab my arm.

   Sirius moves over to me, putting an arm around me, "Sweetheart, stop that. First, I don't agree with you leaving school for a boy, but you are engaged, so I understand. Second, Remus is just looking out for you, as you know he has a soft spot for you. Hell, we all do. We want you to be safe. Third, I think he just wants you to be at Hogwarts because it is safer there for you with the Mark."

   "But no where is going to be safe for me. There is so much going on that I can't tell you," I groan running my hand over my face. 

   I don't notice the two look at each other. Remus comes over and puts his arms around us both, "I just want you safe, but I also know I am not your father and George is your fiancé. I'll be right behind you cheering you on."

   Sirius nods, placing a sweet kiss on the top of my head, "Me too. Right here. Always."

   I hug on tight to these two people, who I never thought would mean so much to me. I don't even worry about the tears that fall down my cheek. I'm just happy they support me, even if they don't approve.


   The three of us make our way down to the dining room, where we can hear Miss Molly laying into George and Fred. Sirius snickers, "Oh, this is going to be good." I jab him in the side causing Remus to stifle a laugh. 

   I stop at the door, listening. "HOW DARE YOU LEAVE HOGWARTS! NOT A WARNING. NOT A CLUE AS TO WHAT YOU WILL BE DOING NOW! THIS IS BY FAR THE DUMBEST THING YOU HAVE EVER DID!" Miss Molly's voice carries out through the closed door.

   "Mum, calm down," George's caring voice can be heard trying to calm his mum. "We have a plan, and it will all work out. You should have seen how Umbridge was acting! The quills wrote on children's arms! We couldn't stay there any longer."


   Fred scoffs, "She practically threw herself at the chance to leave as well."

  I turn to Remus, mouthing, "Should we go in?"

  He shrugs his shoulders. Sirius breaks through the door, pushing me in to full view of Miss Molly. Her eyes catch mine and she points to an open chair. I sit, ready to take the verbal lashing she is handing out.

   Instead of yelling, she crouches down beside me, placing a gently hand on my shoulder, "Sweetheart, did you really want to leave Hogwarts? Or did these nimcumputs coerce you? If you didn't really want to leave then I am sure I can go and talk to Professor Umbridge about letting you finish up the last few months?"

   I look at both Fred and George, then back to Miss Molly. I sigh deeply, "I promise I wanted to leave just as much as they did."

   Her eyes go wide as she glances at Sirius and Remus. She gets up and points a finger at them, "Did either of you know they were going to do something this stupid?"

   Remus stutters, "Of course- no- Molly of course we didn't know! Do you think we would be okay with Y/n just leaving like that?"

   Sirius laughs, "I kind of wish we would have thought about it in our last year."

   Remus nudges Sirius as Miss Molly give him a stare full of daggers. I can't help but feel George move closer. I instinctively hold out my hand for him to grab, and he wraps his long, slender fingers into mine. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

   He leans into my ear, "It's okay. She'll be over it in a day or two." I lean into him, knowing that as long as we are together then nothing can stop us.

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