Chapter 72

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*The Next Day

    "Georgie!" I yell as I get ready to leave for Andy's house, "I'm leaving! Are you going with me?"

    George pokes his head into the bedroom, "I wouldn't miss telling Teddy that he gets a baby."

    I smirk, "He's going to explode."

    He crosses the room and places a hand over my stomach, "He's going to be so excited."

    I place my hand over his, rubbing the top of his hand, "I can't wait."

   Artemis swoops at George's hand, placing herself between us. George huffs, "Artemis, I thought we were over you being a twat to me. That's my baby and my wife. You can't just get mad at me."

   She screeches again. I can't help but laugh, "Artemis, sweetie, it's okay." I scratch under her chin and she leans her head into me before flying back to her perch.

   "Let's go," George huffs, giving a death glare at my over protective owl.


    Teddy and George roll around on the floor as I sit with Andy. She looks down at the two smiling, "George is going to be an amazing father one day."

   I turn to her. George holds Teddy up by his feet causing a flurry of screams from the small boy. I smile, "George and I have something to tell you both."

   George fixes Teddy to sit on his lap. His voice is low, "Listen buddy we have something serious to tell you."

   Teddy fidgets, "What is it, Unc?"

   He looks up at me. I sigh, "Unc and I are going to have a baby."

   Andy leaps up, curling me into a hug, "I am so happy for the two of you!"

   I look down at Teddy, who isn't as excited as I thought he would be. My eyes dart to George, who pulls Teddy into him, "What's wrong buddy?"

   "You have been saying you are going to have a baby, but haven't yet. I don't understand why today is different," his voice is small as he looks up at us.

   George snickers, "No, buddy. Auntie has a baby in her belly right now! We only have to wait a few more months and we will have a baby!"

   Teddy squishes his face up, thinking. Suddenly he jumps up, a bright smile on his face, "I get a baby!"

    We all laugh. I pick up Teddy and hug him close, "I'm so glad you are happy, Baby L."

   He wiggles down and stands away from me, "Did I hurt the baby?"

   I furrow my brow, "No. Why?"

   He twists his hands around, "I don't think you should hold me, Auntie. The baby could be hurt."

   My eyes go wide as I look at Andy and George. Andy laughs and kneels next to Teddy, "Teddy dear, Auntie is fine and still going to be able to play with you and do everything she normally does with you. The baby is safe and sound."

   Teddy's eyes twinkle as he looks back up at me, "Are you sure?"

   I smile, leaning down, "I'm sure, Teddy Bear."

   His face breaks into a smile as he jumps up and down. My heart is full with how excited he is and I can't wait to tell everyone else.

*A few days later

    I hold George's hand as we walk into the crowded Burrow. The always big family has grown so much over the years, that it is almost impossible to fit everyone in the living room and surrounding rooms. My heart races, even though two of the people already know what we are going to announce. George places a hand at the small of my back. I feel my nerves settle slightly.

   "Everyone! Listen up!" George calls from the front of the room causing everyone to stop and stare, "We have something to say!"

    I can see Hermione and Ginny giddy with each other. The curious faces of the other Weasley's make my heart flutter. George squeezes my hand, ushering me to tell everyone. I breath in and out, "I'm pregnant!"

   A shocked silence is abruptly interrupted with roaring cheers from everyone. Miss Molly makes her way to the front and pulls me into a bone crushing hug, kissing the top of my head, "I'm so happy for you!"

   I hold onto her tight as Mr. Arthur and the others come up to us. Each congratulating us one at a time. Our other nieces and nephews giving us kisses and hugs. Everyone is so excited over a new baby.

   I feel my head get a little light headed. I rub a hand over my face, turning to George I whisper, "I'm just going to go outside for a minute. Get some air." He smiles and nods, continuing to talk to Bill and his dad.

   The cold air makes goosebumps on my skin. I walk down to the old willow tree and stare down at my old house. I sigh, leaning my head back.

   "You okay, Little One?" The gruff voice of Charlie Weasley sounds behind me.

   I don't open my eyes, but a smile spreads across my lips, "I am, Char. Just needed some air."

   He leans beside me, our arms touching. It seems like forever ago when a simple thing like this with Charlie would make me weak in the knees, but now it's just like having another brother beside me. I chuckle thinking back to how small and innocent everything was and how far away that part of me seemed, when the only problem we had was what our crush would say to us.

   "What's so funny in that head of yours?" Charlie moves so he is facing me.

  I open my eyes and turn to him, "I was just thinking about the last time we were under this tree together."

   He rolls his eyes, "Little One, look at how far you have come since then! I am so proud of you. Everyone is so proud of how far you have gone in life."

   "I just wish my parents were here to see this," I say wiping at my eyes.

   Charlie puts an arm over my shoulder, "Why don't you go find your mom? We can get her memories back and she can be apart of your life now."

   I sigh, "I did go find her, but I didn't and don't want her to feel like I did something so horrid to her. She's living her life in Hawaii with a boyfriend who seems really sweet. She teaches scuba diving for crying out loud!"

   "When did you do this?" His eyebrows shoot up.

   I run my fingers through my hair, groaning, "I didn't tell anyone, besides George, but I had Artemis track her down and George went with me. She's so happy and so am I. Why should I ruin that?"

   Charlie shrugs his shoulders, "It's ultimately up to you, but if you want her to stay in the dark then that's what is best."

    I hold onto Charlie, "Let's go back up, before they get suspicious."

   He laughs, "Yea, okay. They better not get any ideas."

   I jump onto his back, "Piggy back ride for old times sake."

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