Chapter 56

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Fred busts open our door shouting, "I FOUND THE PERFECT PLACE! GET UP! COME ON!"

I roll over out of George's arm, moaning, "Ugh, Freddie! It's too early! What did you find?"

"Our place! It's perfect!" Fred comes and pulls the covers off the still sleeping George.

"WHAT THE HELL!" George springs up, grabbing the blanket back.

He tries to pull me back down with him, but I push his arm away. "Come on, Georgie! Freddie has to show us."

He groans, pulling the blanket back over his face. I get out the bed, pulling on a pair of jeans. Fred paces the room before jumping on George causing them to both tumble out of the bed. I laugh as they wrestle on the ground. I grab one of George's old quidditch sweaters and pull it on.

"Hey boys? Can we get going?"

George stops, fist in the air, and Fred scrambles from under him. Fred straightens his shirt, "Thank you, Y/n! This is serious. We've started making more inventory, but we need a place to put it. I think I found it!"

George shakes his head, running his hands over his face. He groans the whole time he pulls on a ratty t shirt and jeans. He pulls me into him, kissing my forehead and snaking his hand in mine, "Okay, I'm ready!"


The corner store Fred brought us to has beautiful curved windows, definitely in need of a new paint job, but has promise. We walk into the creaky door. The vast ceiling expands up into a curve, and the stairs lead up to a loft. Dust and old papers clutter the shelves. I let go of George's hand, walking around the downstairs.

"Isn't it great?" Fred gleams at us.

George climbs up the stairs, looking over the banister. His face splits into a smile, "I think it will be perfect."

"Y/n! Come up the stairs and look where we will be living," Fred exclaims.

"I'm coming," I say as I take the stairs two at a time.

Moving to the upper back of the shop is a section that holds a large room and two smaller rooms with bathrooms attached. I can already picture a nice living room set and where our pictures can be hung. Gathering our family here, and growing old with the business. Fred ushers us into the bigger looking bedroom.

"I figured you love birds could have the bigger room. You know, in case you decide you need a little one," Fred giggles.

I smack his arm, "There will be no little ones from me for a while, Freddie."

"Hey! What if we decide it's a good time?" George sounds offended.

"You know why we can't have any kids right now. Not only are we barely adults, but a war is still brewing," my voice softens towards the end.

George holds me close, kissing the top of my head. Fred grabs us both, still laughing, "As long as you name your first one after me, I don't care when you have a gremlin of your own!"

I roll my eyes, "Whatever you say, Freddie."


The next few weeks were full of work. We spent everyday, all day cleaning up the new shop. Miss Molly, Remus, and Sirius helped as well.

I laugh with Sirius, "Thank you so much for helping us, Sirius."

He throws an arm around me, pulling me close, "I'm glad to help. This is something I would have wanted to do, if I had the chance."

I squeeze him back, knowing that he spent so much of his life behind bars. This is the most he's been out since he escaped anyway. We keep the windows closed while he is in his human form, and he can only walk with us in his animagus form. A crash from upstairs causes us to break apart.

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