Karma is a bitch

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Zayn's POV

My sisters and I went to meet a anniversary planner. She was really nice and she also didn't get mad even we have to do the preparation in a day. We were having a discussion at a Italian restaurant. To my surprise,I saw Harry and Niall walk inside and took a seat by the window. Harry look damn sexy in that navy shirt. I just laugh because Harry have to stick with Niall when Niall's having a date with the girl. A few minutes later I saw Liam walk inside the restaurant.

What is he doing here? He might hurt my baby. But instead Harry hand his hand to Liam and ask him to have a seat. Okay,what is going on? Is he cheating on me? Or does he even know how Liam looks like? Of course he knows. He even slap him twice. Surely,I can't hear anything their talking. But something got me interested. Harry shouted saying 'What! You're not kidding are you?'. That's the only thing I heard. What might happen? I can feel my head going to burst any minute. So,I just excuse myself to go to the toilet. When,I come back they are no more sitting there. Harry,what are you hiding?

Harry's POV

After a long ass conversation with Liam,I got home. Luckily,Zayn haven't come home. I change my shirt into more comfortable and headed downstairs. I spend time with Niall only saying to shut his mouth. Zayn might know something peculiar happen by Niall's face. He haven't change it at all.

"Niall,can you stop with your face? He might know you dumbass."I said for the fourth time now.

"I'm trying Harry. It's damn hard. And he even ask me for a date and you're sending me. How if he kill me? Who will take care of my family?"

"Slow down your voice Niall. Liam just need some counseling and you can give it to him. You give the most valuable advises and you know that right?"

"I know that. Just for you Harry,I will try my best. If he kill me,I swear to God I'm gonna hunt you."

I laughed. Whatever Liam done is bad. He shouldn't treat Zayn like that. But what Zayn did also wrong. He shouldn't hurt someone feeling like that. Past is past. I hope Liam would forgive Zayn and vice versa.

My thoughts were cleared by the front door opening. It was Zayn and he was drunk.

"Zayn, you're home and you're...."

"Dr-drunk"he burped.

"Let me hold you"I hold his hand but he rejected it. I could feel my heart crack into million pieces.

"I don't need you. You're a slut,do you know that? One dick is not enough for you."

"Zayn,why are you talking like this?"I can't control my tears anymore.

"I'm talking like this because it is the truth. First, Louis,second Me,third Alberto and now Liam. Well done. You just got yourself an oscar award for the best slut in the world"he said leaving me crying to myself at the living room.

Niall rushed and he just hug me tightly. "I'm sorry mate"

We both end up sleeping together on the couch. I leave the house the next morning. I quickly pack all my things when he was sleeping. Niall and I wave our goodbyes and went back to London. The whole journey I was sobbing. His words keep chanting in  head. I dont know what makes him to talk like that. Even Niall is sad for me. Niall notice me crying and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Harold,you shouldn't been crying. If you cry because it's true then it makes sense. You done nothing. You have no reason to cry. Now wipe away your tears. We are going to eat breakfast. Today,you choose what to eat. "

"That means a lot Niall. Thank you."

"That's what best friends are for. Now,choose where to eat for breakfast."

Zayn's POV

I woke up to feel my head spinning around. I smell really bad and it's 2 in the afternoon. I groaned and headed to the bathroom. I found Harry's shampoo and razor is no more there. With a confusion,I finish my bath and went downstairs. My mom was looking at me like I'm a devil.

"Mom,why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I never know my son is so stupid."

"What are you talking about mom?"

"Yesterday you were drunk and you called Harry slut. Poor boy he was crying all night and he just left this morning."

"What? How you know about it?"

" The whole house might hear your voice. Since when you become a monster?"

"Mom,I know I've done stupid shits but I don't want you to hate me."

"Then,fix it. Until then don't come back to our house."

"But mom today is your anniversary."

"Fine,leave at night. I need Harry in our house again. "

I just sighed and nodded my head. I shouldn't shouted at Harry without asking him. I'm so stupid. I don't even know why I can't believe Harry.

Let me call him

' Hi this is Harry Styles. Drop your message after the beep. Treat people with kindness'


"Harry,this is Zayn. I'm sorry I was being a freak last night. I shouldn't have said those words to you. I really regret it. Call me when you receive this message. I love you."

I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. Last week he was begging for me. Now,I'm begging for him. Karma is a bitch.

🌟Hye guys,a small chapter. Merry Christmas fam🌲☃️🎁. I hope this chapter will be a gift for zarries.I'm too lazy to write longer but I'm sure it will worth it at the end.  Thanks for reading. Stay safe 💖 zarry forever 💛💚

~Love J💫🤗✨

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