Need you to keep me from falling apart

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Harry's POV

It's been two days and no sign of help. I rather die than suffering from the pain. The stick hurt it so much and I couldn't move at all. But since then he didn't come back to the room. He's raping Zayn now. I could hear his screams. It's so heartbreaking.

Oh my god,I'm so sorry baby. He's screams just gets louder and louder. And there's time he would scream Harry which only broke my heart. I could hear his sobs but they don't   even think about how painful is it. All they do is  raping and beating us up. I'm glad they didn't do anything to the babies although  they suffering from a discomfort place.

I lean against a wall,try to sit but it's only making it painful. Finally,I gave in and lean against the wall. I could feel bloods forming from my hole. I need to wash them out.

"Can I use the toilet?"I said to one of his guards.

He let me go. I went through the room and I saw Zayn probably fainted. I try to go near him but the guard pull me by my hair. " Baby,are you alright? Zayn? Babe! Answer me!" I said screaming. He didn't move at all.

I went to the toilet and started to cry. I can't do anything without you. I washed away the blood stain and it really irritant when it mets the water. I hissed in pain. I saw blood running with the water. Then,I wipe it away with tissue. I wash my face over and over.  I slowly start to walk. It hurts so much. I limp and went past Zayn again.

This time he was leaning against a wall. "Babe,are you alright?! I saw you just now motionless"

"I'm fine,just passed out because no food" he said in a quiet tone and a weak smile.

How he could lie to me? He's really good at it. He's trying his best to hide his pain infront of me. He literally fainted because he can't handle being raped by a monster . Even his pants are covered in blood. This is so cruel.

I give him a small apologic smile as well and went inside my room. Then, psychopath entered the room. He had his hair bald. He smirked looking at me.

"Well,well look who's fresh?" He said and took a stool to sit infront of me. He hold a grabful of my hair and took something out of his pocket. It's a razor.

"Let's cut out your beautiful hair should we?" He said and started to shave my hair.

Zaynie's favourite hair and I couldn't save it for him

Tears just ran through my face over and over again.

"Aww you're crying just because I cut your hair? How childish" he said stop it.

No bitch,I cried because I couldn't even save my freaking hair for my lovely husband

"Stop glaring Harold,you can beat me up if you want to" he said smirking cause he knows who will win.

I gave up and moved away from him. I sat around the corner,knees to my chest. I don't want him to see me crying.

Eventually he leave the room because he don't have anything to do. But,as soon as he leave the room I heard Zayn scream. His scream is really high pitched. I try to look over what is going on but I can't see. I only saw that Austin dickhead holding a razor.

Zayn's POV

Austin bitch walked to Harry's room but he come out the next minute which I really glad. I don't want him to hurt Harry anymore. Now he's walking towards me. His stupid smirk never leaves him face.

"Feeling good Malik?" He said bringing razor to my skin.

I try to avoid it but he hold my hand tight. He took the razor and first shave my arm hair. Then,he let it go deeper and cut my skin. I screamed couldn't handle the pain. Bloods clouded my arm. He took another turn to cut my leg as well. This time more deeply. I could feel my  the miserable pain. I let out a high pitched scream and cried out loud.

He then left it to his other guys. They started to get naked and I know what it means. It's a gangrape. I squeeze my eye shut and move to the corner. I cover my eyes afraid of their big giant bodies. They easily carried me and throw my clothes away. I begged them to stop but they didn't. They just use their dick which is bigger than a baseball bat to push in. I fall to the ground,not caring if my face get hurt. They keep pushing in,one after the other. My body was squeeze under their bodies. I finally vomit out everything from my body. From their freaking cum until the expired date bread.  But,mostly my stomach twisted because of the lack of food.

Finally,they all got up and leave the room. Leaving my damaged self and my sobs. I saw Harry looking at everything that was happening and I couldn't handle it. I feel like I don't deserve to be alive. I faked a smile at him and showing a thumb up. But,I know he knows that I'm suffering. He wipe away his flowing tears. The worst thing that could happen is your husband saw that you're getting rape by a monsters by their own eyes. I'm sure he's blaming himself for it. But,it's not even his fault. It's just this person is a psychopath.

I told Niall that day that we are at a show factory. Then,Niall told the police. That's why they left the place immediately. This time I have to be a sneaky bitch and called Niall. Or maybe straightaway call 911.

God have some mercy on us

Another update just for you guys. I'm sorry this will end soon. They would do something to escape but it needs some more chapters before they do it. Thank you for being patient enough waiting for the story. I love you guys so much ❤️ Zarry love 💕✨

~Love J 💚💛✨

Before I leave a Zarry fanart. Honestly I don't know who made it but its seriously hot 🔥 credit to the owner.

 Honestly I don't know who made it but its seriously hot 🔥 credit to the owner

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(Just appreciate the beauty😍💓✨🔥💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚)

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