Our first night together 😉✨

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Zayn's POV

After hours cuddling Harry under the moonlight,we decided to went back home. "Hye Harreh,are you ready to go home?"I asked him softly. He looked at me and mouthed no. "Then,where do you want to go?"I asked him again. This time he sit up and said "I'm hungry. Can we go to grab something to eat?"he asked pouted just like a baby. "Hahah,sure. Let's go."

After a nice dinner together at a restaurant,we head back home. We tiptoe to our room. I decided to take shower because I feel like my body is full of sweat or I can say tears. As I took of my shirt, Harreh look at me with a lustful eyes.

"Like what you see?"I asked smirking. He was blushing hard but he didn't look away from my abs. His eyes moves from my abs to my pants. I could feel my pants getting harder. Harry notice that and he come closer to me. He caresse my member which gave me a chill in my spine. He was smirking looking at me. He use his long finger to massage my balls. I can't keep it anymore. I kissed him hard. I push my tongue inside of his mouth,waiting to fight with his tongue. He broke the kiss first. He went down on his knees and took off my boxer. My member was standing straight. He look at me before start to pump using his hands. I could feel my body get hot. I close my eyes and enjoy the pleasure. He then uses his beautiful lips to give me a blowjob. His mouth was so hot and he plays with his tongue. He keep pumping while I can't control anymore. I shoot my cum all over his mouth and he drank all of it. We continue to kiss harder. Lips getting swollen .

"I want you daddy." Harreh ask me which turn me on 100× more. I quickly grab a condom and a lube. He help me wear the condom while I was preparing him. "Ready?"I asked him. He nodded. I entered one finger in his pink hole. He moaned. I push my finger up and down to make him get used. I started adding another finger. This time he was moaning even louder. He was sucking my other fimgers. His lips is so fucking sexy. Finally i added my third finger. This time I could feel his body shaky. "Harreh, should I stop?"I asked stop from what I was doing. "No,just continue. It's been a long time since I've done this. That's why."he gave me a approval. I pushed all my three fingers in and out. He's ready now.

I grabbed my member and pushed it inside his hole slowly. He screamed in pain . I had to cover his mouth with my fingers. He was sucking all of it. I make a move slowly . I speed it up a bit and I could feel my self coming close. "Im-im clo-close zaddy"he said . "Let's release together babe. " I cum inside of him while he cum all over our bodies. I gave him one last kiss before took of my member from his hole. "Babe, you're so good."I informed him. "Thanks,so do you."he said with his dimples. "Let's clean ourself babe. It's too sticky."I told him. Before he could say anything,I pick him up bridal style and bring him to the shower. Well,we were not showering exactly. There was a second round . We can't get enough of each other. Then,I realised he had a black heart tattoo just like mine. "Hye,when did you get that?"I asked pointing to the tattoo. "It's a long time ago. Why did you ask?"he asked me while rubbing my back with soap. "Because I had that to. Don't you realise that? You was looking at that for hours just now."I asked him. "I was looking at your abs and pants. And I can't think straight just now. So I guess I didn't notice that."he giggled. Aww he's so cute. "Is that means we're couple who have a mathcing tattoos?"he asked excitedly. "Yeah,we are Harreh."I said while playing with him hair. His hair is the death of me. "So,no more problems right?"he asked unsure. "Yeah babeh,no more problems."I said and he kiss me hard. But what Harreh don't know is that Liam is in Bradford too.

Awww😉finally the smut you guys was waiting for. I guess I can satisfy you guys with my smut because this is my first smut. Hopefully I could get  better. Thanks for your support and please vote for me. You can leave comments below. I swear I won't ingore your comments. Will be update soon. Stay safe ✨👀🌞🙏🤗
Zarry forever ❤️💚💛🔥🌟

~Love J💚💛

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