Two of us

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Harry's Pov

I can't believe this day would come this fast. Momma laying in a coffin,eyes closed, cold body,no heartbeat, no chest rise and fall. Only thing that could hear is cries. Cries in the surrounding. Those small,soft cries.

It's so heartbreaking to see Yaser crying. I never seen him crying. I bet no one as seen too. He's crying in the kitchen, closing his face with his big palm. I got behind him and touch his shoulder. He wiped his tears and give me a fake smile.

I didn't say anything. I just hugged him. After some moment, he gave in and started to wet my shirt. Not that I care the most now.

"I-i should probably go now. Thanks son" he said patted my back and leave.

I still remember how Safaa, Waliyah and Doniya reacts. Of course Doniya was furious about the whole situation. She even hit me and grab me by collar saying that I'm lying. But, then she started to cry and just ran to her room.

I didn't tell Safaa nor Waliyah because I  know that they won't understand it. But when they saw their mom in a coffin, lifeless, they understand what happened. They both are right now sitting around momma, shedding tears.

My mom is here and she's devastated. But she did make sure to prepare for the worst.

Liam, Niall, Snig, Tom are all here. But, where's my husband?

In our room, not opening his door for me. He didn't let anyone in. I quote what he said, "I'll only open when mom tells me to"

How am I supposed to do that?

"Son, they're gonna bring her to the graveyard. Bring Zayn along"

I went up and I try to open the door. It's locked. I could smell weed from the door.

"Babe, we need to go now"

"Where to" his voice is too deep. The voice you get when you're trying not to cry.

I think for a while. He won't follow if I saw graveyard. He would say that she's still alive.

"We're just going to visit momma" I said and the door opened. I mean I didn't lie.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Is this really Zayn Malik? Half of his shirt is wet. His eyes are puffy and red. His lips are cutted, probably he bited his lips. His hair is messy. No, messy is not even the word. His legs are shaking and I can't do anything except hugging him.

"We have no time for this Harreh! Let's go" he said like a kid who wants to go for school shopping.

"Nah,before we go wear this tuxedo"

"Huff fine" he said and quickly striped down and changed. I myself changed too. I didn't even care to wash my face.

"Let's go babe" I said intertwined his fingers with mine. He still believes it's not real.


"Why are we here?" He questioned when he saw some grave stones.

"This is where momma is" I said cupping his face.

"Accept it babe. It's the truth" I whispered and just hugged him.

He didn't cry nor give any reaction. He just got out of the car and walked towards the crowding people.

I followed just behind him. He haven't eaten anything or drink. I'm afraid he might passed out any minute.

"Mom..." Zayn whispered and he let himself fall just beside her coffin. The coffin is closed. Zayn's hand trailed all along the coffin like he's searching something.

"Zayn...babe" i got closer to him.

"They're gonna bury her. Let them do their job" I said holding his shoulder. But he pushed me away.

I did told him several times but since he don't want to listen, I just dragged him away.

"Get off me, get off me" he yelled but I just held him until she got buried.

He's not crying but his actions is worrying me. He's either looking at the floor which only has sand and worms or look at the sky where there's clouds and sun.

"Babe, we should go back. It's around 7pm now"

"Can't ya see I'm talking to her Harreh? Give me some moment" he said and leaned closed to the newly buried sand and whispering something.

"That's enough of talk for you Zayn. Let's go home. It's pouring"

"I don't care if I got cold or fever or cancer. I just need some moment yeah?"he said not even looking at me.

It's already started to rain heavily. Everyone has headed home. It's just me and Zayn. I sighed and just wait for him in the rain. Honestly it's too cold and I'm started to shake.

My whole body was trembling. "Za-zayn, let's g-go." I said struggling to make words. He looks at me and his face turn soft.

He open up his coat and give it to me. I could feel the heat that radiated between us.

We got inside the car and I was drying my hair. I don't want to get cold nor fever.

"WHY WERE YOU STANDING IN THE RAIN?" He raised his voice making me scared.

"I was waiting for you babe. I don't wanna leave you alone."

He sighed and look me in the eyes.  "Don't care a lot about me Harreh." He said and ride the car like he didn't mean anything.

The whole ride I was being so dumbfounded. I don't understand anything. When we reached our home, he helped me out of the car. But then he leave me alone in the living room. He went to our room straight.

I sighed, I might crash the couch.

But before that I make sure to striped down my wet clothes and to wear a new a new pair. Jesus Christ! I need to make him open the door.

I slowly got upstairs but before I could knock i saw a pair of clean shirt and a boxer outside the door.

He's confusing me. He don't want me to care about him but he could? Or is this a signal telling me to stay out of this?

Thinking a lot makes my headache. I just changed all my clothes in the bathroom. Then head to sleep. But my mind wanders around all the place. I took a deep breath and put on a soft song to sleep. It's kinda work although I slept around 3am.

Hye loves, I'm sorry I haven't updating quiet alot. I've been having some hard time with my schedule. I'll make sure to update fast. Thank you and I love you guys. Stay safe beautiful people.

~Love J 💛💚

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