Right now it's priceless something that you can't buy

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Harry's POV

I still am tied up in my bed. The doctors said they won't untie me since they afraid I will suicide again. This is bullshit. I need to see Zayn. So, I made a plan.

"Hye Doc, untie me." I said more like begging.

"No, Mr. Styles. We can't risk that." The doctor said and flipping some records.

" So,should I just pee in my pants? But it will get wet since I'm not wearing any nappy."

He sighed and untie me. I faked going to the toilet and run to Zayn's room.

All of Malik and Styles family are there. Niall,Liam,Snig and Tom was there too. My mom spotted me and run to me. She was crying. She held me for a hug which I kindly give.

"Why? Why baby boy?" She asked crying.

"I don't know mom. My part of life is ruined by my life" I said crying.

She pulled away from the hug. She wipe away all my tears. She kiss my cheek. I heard the door cracking open. I found a nurse pushing a stroller. Zayn was covered with a white cloth on him. I ran to him bumping everyone. I feel so suffocated. When I reach there,the nurse just look at me. I wipe away my tears. Somehow I'm afraid to look.

I gather my courage to open the cloth. My hands were shaking and my mind is blank. I could feel like my heart is coming out. I was sweating like a crazy guy. Help me lord.

I remove it and found Zayn lying lifeless. I cluthed my body to him,crying hard. He is cold as ice. He did had a small smile around his lips which hurts me even more.

"ZAYN!" I cried and just get myself beside him. I could some sniffles and crying. I kiss all over his body. But,he didn't respond to any of it.

"Baby,I need you. Our babies need you" I said crying and kissing his jaw.

"Baby Al loves you so much. What should I say if he ask where is daddy" I said crying. I wipe my mucus with my shirt. My head is spinning. I couldn't believe it at all.

Then,a few doctors approach me and took me away from Zaynie. MY ZAYNIE.


I pushed all the doctors and ran to hold my Zaynie. But,the nurse is fast. She keep pushing to the mortuary room. When I read the sign ' Mortuary Room' I couldn't get inside.
But,still I push inside. I found the nurse writing something and I took this opportunity to bring Zayn out. I push him away from the hospital to a nice park.

I stopped at the park and let some sunrise hit Zayn's face hoping he would be warm.

"Zayn, remember when we come here babe?" I said smiling.

"We come here to enjoy our 5th date. I was 4 months pregnant. You make sure I don't trip on anything. You always hold my hands and we feed the ducks as well."

I pushed the stroller to a tree. " See this babe. Remember we wrote our name here. Look,it's still there" I said and pointing to him.

I keep pushing and I tripped. "Babe,I just tripped. Why don't you say 'clumsy ass' and hold my hands tightly"

Not even a move. People were watching us. Some has a pity face,some has a weird face,some was calling someone. I couldn't care anything right now.

We spent our nice date when some hospital stuff hold me tight and bring Zayn with them.

"No! Leave us alone you assholes." I hold his hands but our hands got separated when they pulled away. I cried again and again thinking about us.

I kneel down on the ground covering my face. I could feel my head nerves and I feel like I'm gonna get asthma.

I find it hard to breathe and I just curled in the ground. Two of the doctors out me in the stroller and let me ride the ambulance with Zayn. Zayn was just beside me, sleeping peacefully. More like die peacefully which leads me to restless.

The doctor give me the gas and I could feel myself relax. But,they add some anastasia as well. I could feel myself tired and I can't even keep my eyes open. I try to open my eyes but no use of it. I closed my eyes looking at the perfectly sleeping Zayn.

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭no comment from me. Stay safe

~Love J 💚💛🤧

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