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Zayn's POV

I could feel my face getting wet. Must be our dog, Buster. I opened my eyes but to my surprised it's my kitten, Harreh.

"What are you doing Harreh?" I said closing my eyes and pushing him out of my face.

"I'm hard babe, feel it" he said grabbing my hand and place it on his hard member. He moan by my touch which make my eyes open wide.

I got on top of him and smirked. "What makes you hard baby? Uhm, tell me everything" I said while slowly touching his inner thigh.

"I-i had a dream. Fuck, and you were riping my ass with your massive cock."

"Do you want to make your dream come true?"

He nodded aggressively.

"I need words come out of your mouth princess" I said smacking his peachy ass.

"Yes zaddy. Fuck me, rip me apart"

"Not too fast my love." I said attacking his left nipple.

I suck his left nipple while he was pulling my hair so hard. My other hand was playing his right nipple. His moans are music to my ears. I make sure to give some attention to his other two nipples that aren't fully developed.

I smacked his juicy ass while licking and leaving hickeys all over his chest area. I take a look and felt proud to call him mine.

I went over to his harden dick and blow some air on it. He shivered. I put on a ring so that he won't able to cum.

He groaned while I make way to his ass. I open him wide enough and started to lick his pink hole. He was gripping the bed sheets screaming while I use my tongue techniques to get deeper into him. I sucked on each part of his ass.

I looked at him panting hard on the bed with his throbbing dick. I put three of my fingers into his hole. He was moaning so hard. I started to move slowly.

"Who's the bad boy now? Want me so hard uh? Look at your dick begging for me to touch it. Don't you want my touch baby? You want me put on the ring the whole day?"

"Ye-yes daddy. I wa-want you inside me"

"Does it hurts baby? Do you want my mouth covered your dick like how the ring does? Do you wanna swallow my whole dick for me? Tell me"

"Yes, I'll do everything. Pl-please remove this ring."

I removed his ring but no I didn't want him to cum. Not yet.

"Don't cum now. If you cum now, imma put on the ring back."

I took my dick and went it over all his face.

Harreh got up and took my member inside his mouth. He keep pumping while I was getting red and hot. His perfect mouth always makes me wanna cum on the spot. His fingers were massaging my balls.

"Oh fuck Harreh, how you are so good? Keep going. I'm gonna cum"

But he stopped. He looked at me and smirked.

"You wanna cum zaddy? How about I see you cum?" He said using his fingers and ran over my dick. I shivered from his touch.

"Ouh Harreh stop teasing meh"

He laughs and kiss all over my dick. I was aching to release my load.

"Fuck Harreh,I need your lips co-covered now" I moaned while he teases me.

At last he started to pump again. I shot a whole bunch of seeds into his mouth.

"Drink those seeds. It's precious. They're our kids."

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