A razor?

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Zayn's POV

" A razor?" I asked not believing my eyes. Hazza just nodded excitedly.

" What you mean by no?" Hazza asked pouting

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" What you mean by no?" Hazza asked pouting.

"I'm not shaving my beard. I thought you like them." I said pointing my points.

" Well, yeah but there's surprise jaan. Go and shave right now. Or else the surprise will be buried in forever." Hazza said while I just sighed.

" You sounds sexy when you said jaan." I said smirking.

" Aww thanks babe. But, no stalling anymore. You can't fool me. Go and shave right now."

I groaned, " Should I have to shave my head as well?"

"Not necessary right now but I bet you look hot." He said licking his lips. I wet my lips to smashed it on him but he block me.

" What the actual fuck Haz? You shouldn't be doing this to me."

" I asked you to shave. No matter how I flirt with you, you should be shaving first. Shaving, surprise then me." He winked.

" If this surprise is not good, I swear to God you won't be sitting for a week." I said and dissapear to the nearest bathroom inside the house.

I just shaved a bit of them and regret it the next second. No. I will look like a baby.

" Keep shaving. I want it to be clean" I heard Hazza said like it's a military training.

I groaned and keep shaving until nothing left. I look  myself at the mirror and my face covered in blushes.

" I think you're done. Please step out babe" I heard Hazza said.

Suddenly my insecurities kicked in. How if Harry don't like me? How if he left me alone in this fucking mansion? How if he make fun of me? Fucking Louis would do that.

" Stop overthinking and step out my husband." I heard him knocking the door. I sighed and step out.

His eyes got widened and his jaw dropping. I feel myself to cry. "Babe....you look fucking handsome" he squealed like a girl.

" Really?"

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" Really?"

" Oh my god really. I could kiss your jaw without any beard hurting my face." He said running his hands around my jaw. I chuckled.

"Now give Zaddy a kiss"

" You are not Zaddy anymore. You're my baby right now" I put on a neutral face while hazza cooes at me. I hate it already.

" Now for the surprise, follow me babe" I just followed him until we reach the living room. I saw Anne standing there with one of our babies. I really can't see who is that but it makes my heart ache again.

"Happy birthday darling." Anne said hugging me sideways. I could see the baby is Al.

" Thank you mom" I smiled. "Now,hold the baby." She said handing me Al.

" No mom. He's scared of me" I said gulping down.

"Try it Zayn. It will work out. Trust yourself." She said and just hand it to me without waiting for my answer. I could sense he's flickering his eyes to open. Then, his eyes met my eyes which makes me so scared. For my surprise, he smile and giggle at me.

" Haz, did you see that? He just giggle at me. I trust myself and this happens" I said smiling and kissing his nose.

" I hate to ruin your moment but he is smiling at you because you shaved your beard. " Haz said smiling lightly.

" This is the surprise you're talking about? "

Harry just nodded.

" I love you Harry. So so much. I can't thank you enough." I said and kiss him in the lips. Just a touch since baby Al is breaking us apart.

" You want all attention uh?" I said blowing raspberries over his belly. He giggled making the other two to wake up as well. I try to put pick them up which they gladly let me. I feel like a new born with this beard but it's such a amazing experience.

After a lot of cooeing and kisses and giggling, we all went to bed. Hazza is addicted to my jaw. He attached with me like a leech.

" Babe, stop being a leech." I said annoyed by his attention only to my jaw.

" Can't help it babe" he said between kisses.

He eventually stopped and snuggled with me. I kiss his forehead.

" So,do you like the surprise?" He said grinning at me.

" It's the best surprise I ever got love" I said while my eyes started to fill up.

" Thank you babe. For everything. I shouldn't have left you like that. Such a bitch I am" I said hating myself.

" You're not a bitch babe. I understand your situation. It's fine now. We are alright now." he said kissing my bare chest. We cuddled and drift to sleep.

Short and sweet. Let me tell you the flashback in the next chapter from my point of view. What do you think of this chapter? I love you. Stay safe.

~Love J 💛💚

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