Story of our lives

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Harry's POV

It's December and I'm getting one way step closer to my labour. I don't what wrong with Zayn. Sometimes he's acting like he's in his period. I know it's weird. Christmas is coming and we are shopping a lot. Christmas trees,presents for Khai,twins and my Zaynie. Apparently we left Khai with my mom. She really does understand the situation but Zayn's family are dissapointed with him. But I know they just need time to get things right. I'm now out with Niall who keep stuffing his mouth with all the food we just bought.

"God, Niall stop. You are embarrassing me." I told him since everyone look at us.

"This is damn good Styles. Try this" he said handing me a burrito.

I just rolled my eyes at him. Finally we got at a Gucci store. I really want to buy him something but what should I buy him? Let me recall what he love.


"Babe,when I used to date Liam I always wanted to buy a customize jacket. Like we can actually design however we like. Do you know anything about it Harreh?"he asked me looking at me with such a curiosity.

"Yeah,I heard about them. Why don't you do it?"

"I was craving for it when I was a teen. I'll admit I still love them but I used to love them because I thought I could wear with Liam like a couple you know. But everything crashed." He sighed laying at my lap.

End of flashback

Yeah,just like I should. I'm gonna buy him a customize jacket and I will buy mine too. I design it with his name and some cool stuff he draw at his art room. He sure will love it. We are going to wear them such like a proud couple would do. And I'm buying that too. This is going to be awesome.

Zayn's POV

I seriously don't know what to buy for Harry. He loves almost everything and he has everything. Maybe something that will keep us together. Something that he wear everyday,to prove my love for him. Yes, I got the present.

I order my present for Harry and left the shop. I bought some for our babies too. My mind is stuffed with a lot of shits. My mom is dissapointed with me. Harry seems to be hate me. He sometimes look at me pitiful and it hurts me. Am I look pity? Sometimes I don't know what I'm talking. Like suddenly I got mental breakdown and throw everything bullshit from my mouth. What was I even thinking? Im a dad now and I have a real responsibilities. I should just throw all the thoughts and focus on with our family. Yes,that's good for both of us.

Harry's POV again

We just stopped to sit at a bench since my legs are swollen. I getting to feel my back hurts. I might be labour in a few weeks. It's 9 December and my due date is 27 December which is good because I want to celebrate my Christmas with my family first.

"So Niall,how's your honeymoon?" I asked with a smirk.

He turn into a tomato. "It went great. He was great and we was great. Everything was great. The place was great,food was great,people were great an-" I cut him off.

"Can you drop great for a second?" I said annoyed with the repetitive of words.

"Sorry. As I was saying, everything was wonderful. He planned a nice dinner by the beach at night. The air breezes and his lovely look just melted me. That was so dreamy Styles. Can I go for another honeymoon?" He said with an excitement face.

"Well,if you want to. Enjoy your sex life." I said which makes him blush.

" You can enjoy it too after you got into labour." Niall said which makes me realise things.

We didn't have sex for about 3 months now. He denied to have sex since he's afraid that he will hurt me. That's why he's kinda stressing himself. Why I didn't realise earlier. Well,I'm an idiot what to expect. I need to blow him when I got home.

Zayn's POV

Why am I feeling myself so stuffed? I hate this feeling. Let me get a fucking drink. Yes,nice beer. I continue until 2 bottles finish. Then,I saw Harry coming through the door. Niall followed him behind.

"How you went through the door?" I asked confused.

"I opened it and enter babe." Harold said with a straight face. His plump lips is attracting me. I went near him to kiss but he push me back. My heart shatter to pieces.

"Di-did you guys reject my kissy?" I asked tears around the corner of my eyes.

"Niall,go back home. Text me when you arrive at your home." He said not answering my question.

"Harreh! Answer me. Did you reject my kiss?"

Niall leaves and leave both of us. "Yes I did reject your kiss babe."

"Bu-but w-why?"I started to cry.

"Babe,you are drunk. Let me bring you upstairs." Harreh said supporting my weight. He's really a strong man. He already have my two babies inside of him and still he guiding upstairs.

When we arrived at our room,I just run to our bed,burried my face with the pillow. I was crying hard. I can't follow the lead. We are having a family and I'm only making the job worst. He came closer to me and sit  by my side.

"Babe,what's the matter? Tell me darling " he cooed at me. I looked at him. Gold meet green. He make a pout and kiss my lips. "Don't cry babe. I know what wrong. Let me blow you first yeah?" He said making his way to my pants. I just give away to his attention. He slowly stroke with his hands which makes me moan. I realise how I really need his touches. Single touch makes me cum right now. My member is swollen and its really hard. "Har-babe, i-im gonna c-cum" I said trying so hard to hold it. "Wait babe,let me finish it" he said and use his mouth to make me even more pleasurable. I can't even control my moans and my legs are shaking of how much I need right now. His hot mouth is working really good. He even left some tiny kissy around my cock. Them,he kiss the tip which makes me want to cum right there.
"Ba-bae,I can't a-anymore" I said controlling really hard. He put the member inside and gesture to me to shoot it. I shoot everything into his mouth. He drank it and some of it spill from his mouth.

"Thats a lot of cum babe." He said making me a bit shy and proud at the same time.

"You done a great job babe. I really enjoy it."

He blush now,"I thought you need it because for the past days you were acting weird. I thought maybe it's about sex since we had sex 3 months ago."

"Wow,I could myself finally cleared. Thank you babe for always helping with my problems and understand me" I said kissing his lips.

He look so hot with his curls hanging around and those dimples getting deeper whenever we done a blowjob. His green orbs is shining love all way. His bunny teeth is to add up for of his cuteness. His clumsy ass is everything I love about. But,he really done a great job while being pregnant.

"You seems lost in thoughts. Care to share?" Harreh asked me with a griny smile.

"I'm just grateful that I got you in my life Harreh. You are like a freaking god who came into my life to make me realise my mistakes." I said holding his hand.

"Aww aren't you the sweetest babe?" Harreh said and the next moment he was crying.

"Oh my god,what's wrong Hazza? Did I do something stupid?" I asked scared of him response.

"I'm just emotional Zaynie. I never knew I would met someone after I lost Louis." He cried even more.

"Well we are basically made for each other babe. We are the ying and yang"

"We are Romeo and Juliet"

"We are Jack and Rose"

"And we are together forever" hazza said and we shared a passionate kiss.

I hope you guys love this chapter. Honestly,I run out of ideas and I can't wait when Harold give birth.

So what do you think Zayn got Harry for Christmas? And what other thing Harry got for Zayn? Met me know your thoughts.

Stay safe folks 🤗 virtual hug for anyone who needs it ❣️✨

~Love J 💚💛

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