Louis's house

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Zayn's POV

Fuck Louis. He just left me with his 3 year old child, Freddie. I didn't sign up for this. I thought I can get away from the thoughts of babies but here I am babysitting while he and Eleanor went out for a date. Life is sucks. Do they need to date every fucking day? I never complain about this little boy. He is nice and friendly. Sometimes he throws tantrum but he's a nice guy. He's sleeping now.

I cover myself with a blanket although it's fucking hot outside. I need someone to cuddle but...I guess Harry doesn't care about me. He only cares about his babies. I need to stop thinking about babies.

But I miss them so much. Don't give up now idiot. I won't,I won't. I need to proof to Harry that I can live by myself. You're literally staying at Louis's house fucker. Fine,don't remind me. I guess I should just sleep to relax myself. Louis and Eleanor will be home soon.

"Zayn, ZAYN!" Louis shouted right inside my ears.

"Stop being a bitch Louis" I said turning to the other side. I could feel my back pain.

"I told you to not curse infront of Freddie idiot."

I sighed. "Then,let me sleep"

"No,wake up now. We thought we want to make a movie night today." He said moving me.

I pulled the blanket over my head and said, " I'm a vampire get away".

"We will watch twilight then. Get your ass up" he said hiting me.

" Why can't we make it other day?" I groaned inside the pillow.

"You have become a douchebag since you came here. Lazy head,get up now or no food for a day" he warned me.

"It's better than stealing my sleep. I prefer if you took my food away"

"Sleep then. No sleep for a day if you didn't wake up. Extra gift, you need to take care of Freddie for a week."

"Do you know that you're an asshole?"

"Don't worry,I know it"

I sit up straight and groaned to myself.   I stretched up a little bit and went to shoot out my piss. I didn't know I was holding it. When I come out of the bathroom,I saw Louis and Eleanor sparling in the couch making out. Seriously? I rolled my eyes and took this opportunity to crash my bed. But, Louis notice me.

"Where ya heading Zayn?"

"Nowhere" I walked towards them and they played Twilight. This movie reminds me how me and Harry acted. I will act like a vampire and bite Harry's neck. He should scream but he moan and turns me on. I sighed loudly which makes their attention to me.

" Is the movie boring?" Eleanor asked.

"No,just tired is all" I give a small smile. Nice lie.

They give a small nod and continue watching. Whenever they kiss or just show me the true love between a vampire and human,I just cried. I can sense both of them giving pity smile. Be man Zayn.

" Zayn,why are you still crying? She isn't dead and they even went to prom together." Louis asked.

When I looked back the tv,I found credits for the movie going on. Oh god,I didn't realize the movie ended. "Nothing,there's a dust flew inside my eyes like hell from just now." I said faking get the dust out of my eyes. They both nodded in acknowledgement.

"So,I see you guys in the morning. I'm sleepy. Goodnight" I said and head my feet towards the stairs.

"Wait Zayn. I need to talk with you. Alone." I turned and found Eleanor leaving us both alone. I sighed and took a seat beside him.

"Zayn,are you alright mate?"

" I'm perfect,why?" I said smiling.

" Please don't lie Zayn. I know your expression change."

"What? What ya talking about?"

" I know what you felt when we were watching Twilight."

"I didn't feel anything to be honest."

" So,you cried until your mucus fall just because a dust flew into your eyes?"

I looked down my feet. " I.....I just...it's a sad movie"

"You literally cry from the beginning to the end"


"Zayn,it will be better. Both of you need some time apart. Don't worry. He's not alone."

I cut him off. " What! Who is he with? Don't tell me he's divorcing me. I will die without him" I said and cry even more.

" What the hell Zayn? He's with his mom. She's helping him with your babies."


"Yeah,you can take a long ass time to get back with him. He will wait for you even if it takes an eternity." He said patting my shoulder.

I give him a smile and hug him tight. "Thank you Lou."

"You're most welcome Malik. Now don't wet my shirt with your tears."

I pulled away from him. I needed to give him something. " Louis, tommorow's dinner is my cooking. Don't go anywhere to eat. Ask Eleanor to stay as well."

"Wow, Masterchef Malik in the house. Can't wait to taste your cook."

I smiled proudly cause they will die by the taste of my cooking.

"Yeah Lou. Now go back to your bed before Eleanor kicked me out."

He laughed, " If it's too loud,cover your ears" he shouted before dissapeared.

"You should just use a gag idiot" I shouted back. When I didn't get any response,I went inside my bed and tucked myself in the bed. There's no one to kiss me but it's fine. It's just for temporary. I will get everything after a great break between us. I love you Harry, Khai,Al and Shas. Daddy will be home and it's Zaddy for Harry.

I laughed to myself and went to sleep. Seriously it's hard to sleep with the sound of slapping skins and moans. Why they're being loud? I know it won't stop so I just get my earphones and listen to some songs. After a god ass an hour, I could finally let myself sleep peacef-

I heard Freddie crying now. I groaned to myself and cover my ears with another pillow. This house is loud just like Louis.

A chapter before the birthday surprise. I seriously can't wait to share it with you guys. Stay safe and feel free to message me if you need someone to talk with. This pandamic can be frustrating sometimes. Even I feel it too. Stay safe and I'm here for you always. Thank you ❤️😌✨

~Love J 💛💚

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