Rewind back

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So,to explain what happened to the babies, I'm writing this in my point of view. Hopes this clear your confusion. Enjoy. More like suffer💀💔

"Well,well. What we got right here? Three helpless babies. What we should do to them?" Austin asked his other minions which all of them shrugged.

"C'mon, idiots. Don't be fool. Think more. It's so bored after both of their dads had passed.

" How about we scare them boss? They would be terrified. And as usual we love tears and screams." One of his minions exclaimed with a grin.

" That's a master plan." Austin said and grab one of the babies,which makes it baby Al.

Baby Al is still giving his dimply smile and giggles.

"What we got here? Oh,it's a big slut in the world" Austin said referring to his manhood.

Baby Al clutch to his shirt and keep holding tight. Baby Al ran his palms all over Austin's scruffy beard.

Austin laugh bitterly. " You want a shower slut? I just prepared you one." He said and bring baby Al to a shower. It's so cold and the water are way too deep for a 2 week baby.

Al is still playing with his beard until he just throw baby Al inside the cold,deep water. Baby Al try to keep it good but end up falling deeper and deeper.

After a nice minute, Austin felt bored when the baby did nothing but sinking. He pick the baby up again and baby Al was shivering.

" I need cries! Cry for me! Scream!" Austin screamed which makes the baby to flinch and cry harder. Baby Al was coughing out the water by his own.

Austin was really happy and placed the baby in the old bed again. He picked baby Khai now.

"Oh, this is a bitch. What we should do to you now uh?"

" I would rape you if you are hot like your dad. But,I guess you're still small. My dick won't fit you. But,I bet it would be tight enough to pleasure me" Austin said moaning.

"But, don't worry. I won't do that to you." He said and bring her to bathroom.

" But, instead I want you to have a great spin inside the washing machine. " He said and try to place her inside.

Baby Khai just put her head on his chest to have a peaceful sleep. But, she was dragged and placed inside the washing machine.

As cruel he is, he didn't put any detergent in. After about 2 minutes, he picked her up. She was shivering and keep coughing. She also cry harder. Then, he placed her on the cold bed again. When he decided to pick Baby Shas up, one of his minions interuppted him.

"Boss, Harry is up." He said which makes Austin smirked.

"I will come to you later bitch." He said and went downstairs to rape Harry again.

The only thing the babies know is beard. How a beard man scared the shit out of them. How he become so cruel to enjoy their cries.

But, after Austin went downstairs, two of the minions can't see them suffering. They gladly help them with some medicine from the first aid. The reason the doctors can't find what's wrong with them. Baby Shas didn't get anything,so she is good with Zayn. This is what happened. I really make it short but not sweet.

This is what happened. And if you still confused, ask me in the comment section. I would love to answer. Have a great day ahead. I love you guys. Stay safe

~Love J💚💛

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