Shaezie or Jelisha

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Third POV

After a nice warm bath,both of them get ready to sleep. Zayn was looking at the ceiling while Harry was laying on Zayn's chest. "Harry, can I ask you something?" Zayn ask bring back Harry from his daydreaming. "Sure, just spilled it out." Harry said looking at Zayn deeply. " I'm sure that Louis and you pick a name for your unborn little girl. I just want to know about it. Would you mind sharing it with me?" Zayn ask which makes Harry's heart to tremble. "Louis always wanted to name her Shaezie but I always want to name her Jelisha. Then,we play a game to determine which name is the one. Its called Truths but lies. When someone tells the truth,there are some lies in it. The person should correct them to win. The game only have three rounds. We played it and Louis won of course. I'm too stupid. It was Shaezie." Harry said and started to think deeply . Zayn sense it and bring him closer and whisper" I'm here now babe. Just like I told you,Lou wouldn't love it if you still cry over spilled milk.  Just remember that I love you so much and I'll never leave you. One day we will have a nice family together forever."he said and kiss Harry's temple before both of them drifted back to sleep.

Next day

Harry's POV

I open my eyes and realise Zayn is not beside me. I try to move and I feel my butt is sore.

"Ow! I should definitely get used to it."I tell myself and slowly got up from the bed. Suddenly,someone open the door without knocking and they scream like it's an earthquake. "HARRY,ARE YOU AWAKE?" It was Safaa. I nearly got an heart attack. "Since you open the door really nice and sweet yeah I am awake."I said sarcastically but she didn't understand my sarcasm so....let it be. "Great,see you down soon."she said and slammed the door hard once again. This girl is really loud. Just like Louis. I was smiling softly alone in the bedroom. Shit,everyone is waiting for me.

After few minutes,I went down to the kitchen. I saw Trisha was cooking some lunch.... Wait is it lunch? I waited until Trisha look at me because I don't want to greet wrongly.  "Good afternoon sunshine. How you feeling?" So it is lunch now. "Good afternoon Trisha. I'm feeling good actually."she nodded and continue to cook if I'm not mistaken a chicken curry. I walk towards the living room to find Zayn but he's not there. Where is he? "Uhmm... Trisha,do you know where Zayn is?"I asked politely at the same time feel guilty because I'm disturbing her work. "Oh you didn't know? Today is Waliyha's birthday. He went out to buy a cake and some presents for her"she whispered. Crap,I didn't buy anything.

"Trisha,I'm going out too. Will be home soon. I'm bringing Niall with me." I told her and before I could go upstairs to invite Niall she said "By the way your friend Niall also join Zayn. So he's not upstairs." Wow, everyone left me. "Hmm,it's fine. I could make it myself. See you later Trisha."I said while grabbing my coat and headed outside. The last thing I heard her talk is have a great day darling .

I've been walking for 20 minutes now and I still haven't found any gift shops.  As usual,this place is so peaceful and scary at the same time. When I smile at anyone who was passing by,they would give me 'is he crazy' look. I wish I could meet Zayn and Niall . And wish I could have eaten anything. I'm starving like hell. Then,I saw an Italian restaurant. Maybe i should take a break and enjoy some meal. I went inside and sat at a window side table. I saw a waiter approach me.

"Benvenuto signore. My name is Alberto"he greeted me. "Would you like to have some of our special drinks?" He asked politely. "No thanks,honey tea is enough." He then handed me the menu card. I was actually don't know what to eat because the foods absolutely looks good." Vorresti consigliare qualcosa da mangiare?"I asked him to recommend me some food. "Oh, sai parlare italiano?"he said me if I know italian "Conosco alcune parole ma non proprio."I said I know some words but not really. "I would recommend our special chicken marsala."he said waiting for my answer. "That would be great.Grazie."I told him and he went after giving me his perfect smile.

As I was waiting for my food,someone kiss my neck which makes me slap that person. It was LIAM. What the hell is he doing here? "Why the fuck you kiss my neck fucker?"I asked glaring at him. "I didn't do anything. It was my lips fault. So crash it with your lips baby." He said giving me lustful look. He took a sit at my table. He keep looking at my eyes and I look away because he's looking at my lips. "Darling,look at me. Do you know how hot are you? You're so fucking sexy. I'm sure Zayn is so lucky to look at your fluffy ass and your pink ho-" I quickly get up and slap him again . I grabbed his collar and leash him like a dog until the entrance. Everyone was looking and I'm sure he's embarrassed right now. I push him out from the restaurant and show my finger to him and said" I could have kill you right now because you hurt my Zaynie. But I won't do it because if I kill you I would end up in jail. My Zayn needs me with him. So just fuck off from our life you blood sucker." He was looking at me and I'm pretty sure know that he would come back for us. But I will stay with Zayn to protect him. He's a little fragile person. I sighed and took a seat back at my table. When I reach there,my food was there and I enjoy it . I was happy that I could do something for Zayn. I could kick that motherfucker's ass. After finish my meal,I ask the Alberto about gift shops and he gladly even brought me there. I thanked him and buy a fluffy unicorn doll for Waliyha. I hope she would love it. When I head back home, I saw everyone waiting for me . Zayn approach me and look all of my things . "Where have you been Harreh? I was scared you know."he asked concern all over his face. "I went out to buy something. But I couldn't find one. Finally I asked Alberto and he took me there."I said casually because Waliyha was there.

"Who is Alberto?" Zayn ask me while looking deeply into my eyes. "He is a friend of mine."I tell him. "Since when you have friend in Bradford . You never told me . " He said looking at me. Is he jealous? "We just met today. So I guess I can't tell about him right?" I said looking at him. His look can kill people honestly. I should have not tell him. "Enough Zayn, you should thank God for bringing Harry back safe." Trisha interrupted before Zayn could talk. Thanks Trisha for saving me. Before he could interrupt anymore,I quickly went upstairs and took a nice warm bath. When I come out from the bathroom,I saw Zayn sitting at the edge of the bed. He get up when he saw me. I was only wearing a towel.

"Who is Alberto?"he asked emotionless. "I met him in a restaurant and we become friends. Actually he's a waiter and he's so cool."I told him. "Oh,does that mean that I'm not cool, Harry Styles?"he asked each word getting higher,his eyes glaring at me. "That's not what i-"he didn't let me finish. "Am I less cool to you Harry? Do I need to show you how cool am I Harry?"he step forward for each words and lastly he's  close to me. I could feel his hot breathe. "I-i never said he's cooler than you. Did I?"I am already scared. "So now you're comparing me with him. Is he really that good?"he asked me which in return I'm getting goosebumps. His eyes were dark enough.

He then remove my towel. He push me up against the wall,kiss me hard until my lips get swollen. I can't even breath. He doesn't even take it easy. He went through my neck and leave some fresh red love bites all around it. He traces through my body and suck away my nipples. In each thing he's doing,he's mentioning that I'm his. He then carry me and throw me against his bed. He removed all his clothes. His eyes just shows lust and anger. When he remove his brief,his member was standing up straight. He took a condom and wear it so fast that I could not believe. Zee spread my legs and put one of it on his shoulders. He took some lube and use his fingers to open my hole wide. Without any warning,he push his member in which I moaned louder enough to everyone hear. Oh God,how if Safaa heard? He moves really fast. Our body was hitting together. He only whispered one thing to me. 'Your mine,your mine,your mine'. He was biting my ear which gaves me a chill in my spine. Finally,I release all my cum on him. And Zayn release inside of me. He took his member out from my hole.

He said," Tell your friend,Alberto that you are mine. Mine only. He should just fuck off. If I got to know anything else,I'll fuck you even harder. Next time with no lube."he said and went to take a shower. Well,I need to take shower too since I'm sticky on my own cum. I don't know that he's so possessive. I should be careful next time. But,I truly enjoy this raw and hard Zayn version. It's so damn hot.

Wowow,hahaha so I hope you guys enjoy. I love when Harry did what deserve for Liam. And thanks for all your support ❤️. Stay safe,stay strong and love yourself. Will update it soon😉✨❣️

~Love J💛💚

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