Detective Zee on duty

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Zayn's POV

After what Harry told me,I feel like dying. I try to fix between us. Why he didn't understand when I try to talk with him. He doesn't give me a chance to explain it. He just say anything what comes from his mouth. I could feel tears coming from my eyes.

NO. I shouldn't cry. Why I need to cry for him. I don't deserve him. NO,he don't deserve me. I'm too perfect to say no. He don't appreciate me,my help,my attitude when he's screaming like hell. All he cared is his freaking past story which I don't know what the fuck is that.

I straightway went to our mansion more like Harry's mansion to grab all my things. I just want to clear everything from my mind. Maybe I need break from all of this. Well,something is missing. It's my costly shampoo. It's in Harry's room. Don't think too much perverts. I used the bathroom in his room because the bathroom in my room is broke probably. Well there are other bathroom but I just .....I don't know want to go his bathroom. I went inside his room which always smell sweet just like a candy.

I took my shampoo bottle. As I headed back to my room,I saw a photo at his nightstand. I look closer and saw Harry with a guy who looks good but not better than me of course. So,this is the guy ah? What's his name again? Fuck I forgot. But it's start with L. Fuck that. I took my phone out and took a few snap before put it back inside my pocket. I look at the photo one last time before put it back at the nightstand.

Now Im curious. What else he got inside his room. Hmm let's start from the wardrobe. GUCCI,GUCCI,GUCCI everywhere is freaking Gucci. Even his boxer. I guess nothing. I tried look at the whole room and still nothing. I get too tired and just lay in his bed. His bed seriously smell like his hair. Those ices mint shampoo smell. BREATHTAKING. I just rolled around his room and look under his bed . I saw plenty of boxes. Wow, Detective Zee on duty.

Harry's POV

Hospital is so boring. The smell of medicine and the doctors is just make me nauseous. I need to went back home fast. I need to talk to Zayn. I'm pretty sure he's upset. I'm too stupid to think before talk. My thoughts has been disturbed by Niall. His hand is full of food. And he already munching something on his mouth. HE'S CUTE.

"Hye Hazza, feeling better."he greeted with a big smile of him. I can see he took off his braces. "No way Ni, you took off your braces,did ya?"I asked with excitement. He nodded repeatedly. "Good pal,now no girl will say no to your kiss."I teased him. He laughed. That makes me obviously laugh. "Shut up Harry, now eat this soup. It's taste good while it's hot."
"Thanks Ni,I really need it. Hospital food is sucks."
"Yeah it is. Now less talk more eat."

Niall never fails to make me laugh. If he's gay or a bi I'm sure I will marry him. But I got Zayn. My smile gone thinking about him. I swirl my spoon around my soup.

"Harold, what's wrong? Why your face turn sour?"I didn't look at him. I feel ashamed. I'm a bitch just like Niall told me. My voice cracked. "I made a mistake Ni,I shouldn't act bit-bitchy around him. I-i only brokes him again and again." I can't control my tears anymore. I just cry out. Niall hold me and wipe my tears.

"Look Harry,if you lost love in your past it means you're going to get a new love which is way more better than before. Humans make mistakes. It's ok to be not okay Harry. Just give him a chance Harry. I'm pretty sure Zayn likes you. He just trying to be nice and the fuck part you should ask his explanation. I trust Zayn, Harry. You're a married man now. Be responsible when it comes life. I'm always here for you okay. After you get better,we go look for him and you both have a nice talk. How is it?" I just look at him. I'm pretty sure he's a angel. I just hug him tightly. Tears still streaming down my face.

"Harry,it's going to be okay. You're going to be okay. Zayn's going to be okay too. Just don't think about it too much. You're just recovering. Hmm how about I feed you the soup. I thinks it's a great idea right Harry?"he took a spoonful of soup and pointed towards my mouth. "Here comes the aeroplane, iyeeeeeooooooowwww (just imagine a sound of plane😂)"
At last I laughed, hiding my face behind his back. Seriously Niall is a good advisor. I'm really lucky to call him my mate,my best friend,my brother. But there's someone else.I'm missing too. He's not with me now. I think I should stop thinking about him. Past is past and I can't have him back. I think it's time for me to move on. Yes, I'm sure.

Hye bud,I hope all of you safe and sound. So sorry quite busy with my schools, school is boring. So,back to this chapter. Niall is a good advisor and a great friend. I wish to have a friend like Niall. And what did Zayn find under Harry's bed?Comment down what you think. Thank for all the support 😊💖. Stay safe . Zarry forever

~Love J 💛💚

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