Boy? wait....girl?

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This chapter is dedicated to @Tina__08. Thank you for always voting.

Snig's POV

We got a message from Zarry last week that they are having a gender reveal party and we are more than excited. I'm now getting ready and drove to Niall's apartment where Tom is at too.
Both of them were wearing blue. Me myself is blue too. I dont know why I feel like it's a boy.

"Hye Snig. How are you?" Tom asked me.

"I'm fine until you ask me" I sassed.

"Ouch,that hurts" he pretended to be hurt.

Niall was just laughing like a psychopath and I'm not surprised by that.

"So,we three are in the same boat I see" Niall started.

" We are in a bloody car Niall" I said.

"For fuck sake Snig, stop your sassy ass for a minute." Niall started which I just giggle.

"Fine,fine. I will stop"I said giving up.

"Why do you think it's a boy?" Tom asked.

"I don't know man. It's just my instinct I guess. I fucking not sure but I don't know. I just simply choose." I said still don't know the reason.

"I love baby boys,so I just hope on with the blue one. I love baby girls too" Niall stated his opinion.

We ended our chit chat when we saw the big gate of Zarry house. We love to call them Zarry. A great ship name for a perfect couple.

We parked the car and went inside the house. The whole house was decorated with pink and blue balloons. Everywhere is pink and blue. I spot Zayn's family wear pink and some of them blue but Harry's family wear pink. I can't see the Zarry couple yet. I saw a cake,to be exact a white cake. They gonna reveal sooner.  I heard them coming from the upstairs. Zayn holding Harry carefully like he always do. Smile in both of their faces. Harry was wearing a nice pink t-shirt which is way too big for him but he still look great like always. Harry wears a blue trainers. Zayn as a prince himself wearing a blue t-shirt with pink pants. They flashes us their great smile.

Harry had cut his curly locks. Still look dashing. "Hello guys,let's start the party with some drinks should we?" Zayn said excitedly. Everyone cheered loudly. We are having some fun. Everyone was drinking alcohol except for Harry. He was drinking some orange juice. He is really happy but I can sense something is wrong by his face. Not a good time to ask or maybe I should just let him tell me.

"Guys,so I can see everyone wearing blue and pink. They both are equal here. Let us cut this cake and reveal the gender. Are you guys excited?" Harry said while intertwine with Zayn's hand. All of us cheered. We are damn excited.

Both of them held the knife,smile at each other before giving a cut. We are waiting patiently,not so patiently. I'm dying inside actually. They cut the cake to be reveal a purple. Wait? What? How is that possible. I saw everyone are talking like what might that be?

"I knew you guys will be like wondering what that means. It means there's both pink and blue. I'm happy to say we are having a twins." Zayn said kissing Harry's temple. All of us cheered and have a toast. The rest of the night we were talking about Harry's weird pregnancy cravings and their lovely dovely life.

"Have you choose the name?" Niall curiously asked.

"Well,we haven't. We made a deal actually. Zayn will be picking for the baby girl and I will be picking for the baby boy." Harry said smiling showing his dimples.

"So,did you have pregnancy sex?"I asked them which in return Harry's face turn red and Zayn clear his throat.

"Well,that must be the reason we are having the twins Sniggy" Zayn said with his cheek little pinkish.

"I knew it. You can't resist each other for even a minute. See,Harry is tracing all over your body."I said with a teasing smile.

"C'mon Snig. We are husbands." Zayn said with a huff tone.

"Yes,horny husbands" three of us laugh. Harry and Zayn just shook their head and turn red even more.

"I can't wait to see your babies. Must be perfect like you both." Tom said with a dreamy smile.

" We can't wait either. We are gonna raise a beautiful family. Don't worry I will decide who is the godmother and godfather." Harry said. How could I forget that.

"Oh my god,it past 8 and I have a date at his house"I heard Niall said. I don't know why Harry freaked out a little. His green eyes widened. "Yeah,we should head back. Thanks for having us." Tom said hugging both of them. I hug them both and give them a small cheek kisses. I remind them I love them and we head back home with such a jolly mode. I can't believe I'm going to be a aunt for the twins . It's gonna be fun.

"Niall,who the hell is your date?" I asked him since my curiosity mind is killing me.

"Oh,it's someone handsome,sweet and he got tattoes and he has this dreamy eyes and h-"

"Niall,just tell me his name"

"His name is Liam Payne"

I put a sudden break which cause both of them to be terrified. "What is that for?" Niall asked me still look scared.

"He's not the right one Niall"

"I know everything Snig. From the boyfriend to rape. Everything. He is mentally disturbed and I'm trying my best to cure him. He deserve the world. I love him Snig. He loves me too. We know it. He is getting it together now. I'm happy,we are happy. Please if you don't want to support us,at least don't break us apart."

His words hit me hard. I'm so stupid for saying something like that. "I'm sorry Niall. I will support you. Bring him to my place for lunch ya?" I asked him and he just smile saying yes. "You too dipshit. Don't forget to show up tommorow"I inform Tom as well. Tommorow will be a long day.

Hye,guys just finish this chapter. I don't know when I'm going to finish this book. Thanks for those who stared to follow me. Means a lot to me.  I hope you guys like this chapter. I'm sorry if there's any mistake. If you have anything you want to talk to,just message me. I will love to help. Zarry baby will strike. Stay safe💕✨

~Lovd J💚💛

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