Squeeze into your jeans

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Harry's POV

"Zaynie, catch me if you can" . I ran with giggles. He eventually catch me up from behind and lift me up. " Got ya" he said behind my ears. " Put me down, put me down" I whined like a kid. He put me down only for me to run again . We're running through the gardens where nothing bother us. We both fall down on the grass and breathing heavily. We were laughing like an idiot. Zayn put his arms around me and I snuggled in with him. I lay my head on his chest and hear his fast heart rate. I closed my eyes and just listen to it until-

The alarm clock rang like it's fucking Monday. I groaned and get up to off it but it off by itself.

Wait what?

I just noticed I've been spoon by someone, hands on my waist and just pulled me even closer. I can feel the hot breathe along my neck. Of course I know who is it, just by his scent. What the hell is he doing here?

I try to got up but he only hold me tight. " Zayn, zayn, Zayn!" I shouted only for him to roll until he fall from the bed. I try my best to control my laughter since I'm still angry at him.
He got up and running his ass again and again. I couldn't help but crack into laugh.

" Do you want a slap Harreh?" He said making his way to me.

" Back off. Don't ya think I don't remember what you did."

He rolled his eyes, still making his way to me. "I said back off. Fuck off!" I growled getting up from the bed. My back was aching so bad.

"How the hell did you end up here!?" I said making my ways to the window. The windows are closed.

He snickered, " Mom let me in." He said like it's no big deal. I growled again and went past him to the kitchen.

"Mom, Mom!" I shouted getting no response from her.

" Oh, she went for shopping, for the babies of course."

"How she han-"

"Gemma is with her too." I sighed and make my way to the living room. He was doing something in the kitchen while I open Friends. Such a great episode.

" Babe, here I made you some hot cocoa and chicken sandwich" he said handing me with his cute smile. The sandwich is in a heart shape.

" Cheesy shit" I mumbled but took the plate since I'm really hungry. He settled himself beside me. He didn't eat anything but prepare himself a cup of tea. I just noticed he got thinner just in these four days. Haven't he eat anything at all?

"Zayn?" I called him out. He hummed, eyes fixed in tv.

" Where's your food?" I asked and he just shrugged and said.

" I'm not feeling like eating." He said this time looking at me. I was giving a worried look and he quickly change the topic.

" I just had some stomachache. Nothing much. Dont worry." He said sipping his tea.

I just nodded, but my mind is wandering around the places. "C'mon, give me a sip of your tea."

He looked confused and give me his cup. I taste it and for sure there's no sugar in it. What is he doing to himself?

" This tea is damn good Zee. How if we do this? You take my hot cocoa and I take your tea?"


" Please. It taste so good" I said making some puppy eyes.

He eventually gave in and take the hot cocoa. But, whenever he take a sip, he would make a face like he's drinking medicine. Something is wrong.

" Babe, I can't finish this sandwich. Since you haven't had anything, kindly finish it off would ya?" I said handing the plate before he can fight back.

" I'm gonna shower a bit." I said but only to hide and watch what he's doing. He was just staring at the tv, not sipping the cocoa or eating the sandwich. After a minute, he got up and throw everything in the rubbish bin.

Then, he look around him which I hide behind the wall. The next thing he do really breaks my heart. He was forcing himself to vomit out everything he ate, when he only drank a tea and cocoa.

After finish throwing up, I got inside the bathroom, crying. I couldn't believe he's doing this to himself. I took a quick shower and found him laying in the couch. I kissed his forehead and went back to kitchen to prepare his favourite foods.

Zayn's POV

Oh god, my head is spinning like I've had an alcohol. How long was I sleeping? Surely more than 3 hours. I got up and scratch my head. Pleasant smell enter my nostril,making my tummy growls.

Oh how I wish I can eat.

" Zaynie! You're up. Let's have lunch together yeah" Harry said holding a spatula.

" Babe, I don't feel like ea-"

" You're not gonna eat what I made for you ?" He said pouting. This guy has myself wrapped around him.

"Fine, just for you"

He smile and pull me to the dining table. He settled me infront of the table, helping me out on the napkin and even feed me.

He prepared me a tandoori chicken  with my favourite bread, naan.

" God Harreh, I can't eat anymore. I'm really full" I said holding my tummy.

" You just had a spoon of the food Zayn. Stop being dramatic" he said with a straight face.

Excuse yourself and go to the toilet.

" I need to loo. I'll be right back" I said excusing myself.

" You're not going anywhere. I know why you want to use the toilet." He said which I only sighed

After forcing me to eat, he asked me to get ready for a unexpected date.

" You can't be kidding Haz?"

" What? It's been a long time since we went out for date. We need to digest this food, let's walk around the lake" he said excitement all over his face.

I eventually gave in cause I can't say no to Harry. I know I am an idiot.

It's way past 7 and I decided to go home.

"Babe, let's go home yeah? It's pretty late. " I said squeezing his hands.

" What are you talking about? Our date haven't ended yet." He said raising his eyebrows.

" What do you mean haven't ended yet?"

He smiled sheepishly and said, " we are going to have a little romantic dinner at my favourite diner."

"What?! Haz, I'm really full after a whole lunch thing and I don't need dinner right now. It's unnecessary."

" Believe me it won't be too bad. It's just two of us with red wine and some garlic bread. Nothing much. You really want to fix your shit right?" He said with a little smirk which I don't know what it means.

I sighed and nodded.

We can throw up later.

✨You still have to squeeze into your jeans,
But you're perfect to me✨
(For every little soul reading this)

Hye guys. It's been kinda a long time. You know school sucks. And exam is coming soon. Im probably dead. Anyway, let me know what you think and leave your thoughts. Poor Zaynie. I love you guys and stay safe always.

~Love J 💛💚

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