Tint of orange

168 16 13

Zayn's POV

God,Harry is not picking up his phone and it's already past 2pm. I don't want any shit to happen. I'm so fucking worried.

I am now pacing back and forth in the kitchen while smoking.

"Zayn, you know the rules. No smoking in the kitchen nor the living room." I heard my mom said.

I huffed and went upstairs to the balcony. My mind is restless from last night. I couldn't sleep. Whenever I close my eyes,I imagined himself in a pool of blood just like what happened few months ago. I shrugged it off and make myself calm. But,no I couldn't. I feel my body shaking now. Oh no, I'm going to have an anxiety attack and I'm at the balcony. I try to calm myself but there's no use. My legs are like jelly and I can't stand still. I steady up myself and went inside and call my mom.

"Mo-" before I could called her I'm rolling all the way through the stairs.

"ZAYN!" she shouted. I still shaking and my vision getting blur. And,what's that? Oh,it's my blood flowing from my head. That's my cue to sleep.

Harry's POV

I groaned and try to open my eyes. It's so fucking hot and why am I sleeping full clothed? This is so weird.

Wait? Where am I? I sit up straight only to gain a huge headache. I wish I can put away my head somewhere to avoid the ache. Wait? Who's house is this? Who's room is this? I feel like I am wake from a coma. I look beside me and see an empty bed. Oh,it's the freaking hotel.

I groaned because of my headache and went downstairs. Last thing I remembered is went to a party. Yeah, Justin's party. But,how come I am at my own hotel room? It's getting too weirder now.

I decided to have a cup of coffee in the cafeteria. Hope it will make my head better. After several sips,I feel like I could breath.

Now, for the answer. Let's try to remember what happened. I try to think but then my headache start to kicking again. That's when I got an idea. Veronica and Marcel was there too. They must bring me back for sure. Let's just ask them when they come down for a coffee.

At the perfect time, the couples made their way to the cafeteria. I wave my hand at them and they did walk towards my table.

"Hello sir" both said in unison.

"No formalities please. We're here to talk yeah" I said and they laugh nervously.

"How was yesterday night si-Harry?" Marcel asked after taking a sip of his coffee.

"Honestly, I don't remember any shit." I laughed.

"We bet you don't. You really much was goofy yesterday." Veronica said.

"Was I?"

"Yeah, you were dancing in the table and pole." I facepalm myself.

"Oh god how embarrassing was that "

"It was fun too. Then, you kinda fainted that's when a guy brought you back to the hotel " Marcel said making me scrunched up my face.

I look back at him. " A guy?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah, he's name is" he was thinking along with Veronica. Who was there with me yesterday night?

"Is it Ben?" I asked and they nodded their heads.

"Yup, that's him"

"Oh" I said and taking the last sip of my coffee and leave the couples alone. I went inside my room and started to panicking. Did something happen between both of us? Did I cheated on Zayn with him? My eyes are in the verge of tears. But,if I did cheated on him then I must be naked along with his presence beside the bed. But,no. So,there's a possibility that I don't cheat. I really hope so.

I look all the way through the bed, carpet, cabinet, table,couch and balcony. Nothing that involves his presence. But, wait? What the fuck is that? I saw a condom along with a lube under the pillow. Did we have it? I can't control my tears. I feel so ashamed of myself.

I went inside the bathroom to wash my face. I open the door that will reveal the shower. And that's when I saw Ben lying in his own pool of blood. I screamed but then covered myself since I could been blamed.

My shaky hands went near him to check his pulse. But,no. There's no pulse. I really feel like to throw up. I control my tears and try to figure out what happen yesterday.

Flashback (Author's POV)

Ben bring Harry back to his hotel. He did drugged Harry's drink before so that he could have him tonight. Harry was in his own world.

Ben started to remove his belt and pants down. The dose that he gave to Harry will only last for half an hour. So,when Ben try to open Harry's clothes. Harry punch him in the face.

Ben got really angry. Harry was still dizzy and drink since he had himself some alcohol. Ben pull Harry's hair and bring his to the toilet. He showed Harry's face inside the toilet and Harry was struggling.

Finally, Harry find his strength and kick him back. Ben hit himself in the wall but still he didn't give up. Harry kick him several times before brought his face to smash with a mirror.

Ben passed out and Harry was sleepy. He did wash his hand and went back to sleep. Ben actually was alive but die when he loss a lot of blood.

End of flashback

Harry's POV

I facepalm myself. I couldn't keep myself from crying. My life in two words right now is fucked up.

Didn't I told you it would be something you won't imagined? HAHAHA I hope you guys like it. And things will get spicier. I hope you like spices. Leave your thoughts for me to enjoy reading. Love ya and stay safe ❣️✨

~Love J 💛💚

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