First Crush and First Love- Part 1

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Harry's POV

After a great night with Zayn,I woke up.My eyes were really tired and I don't feel like getting up. When I look for Zayn,he is not beside me anymore. God I miss his warmth. And I just realised I am shirtless. He knows that I love to sleep naked but he still keep my boxers on. I heard someone knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?"I heard Zayn ask me.
"Yeah,sure"I replied while hiding my body in the blanket. "Good afternoon Harreh. Since you missed your breakfast,all of us are waiting for you to join us for the lunch. So can you be quick because Safaa and Waliyha won't eat without you."he said with his great smile. "WHAT! Is it afternoon?What is the time now?" I started to feel bad. His family is waiting for me to eat. "It's 2.40pm already Harreh and I know you had a tired night so I just let you sleep for awhile. But awhile becomes hours."he laughed at that. God,I'm such an embarrassment. "Sure,I'll join in awhile. Just need to brush my teeth."I told him as I rushed to the bathroom. "Hurry up"he shouted as he exited the room.

It didn't even took a minute for me to finish brushing my teeth. I rushed to the dining room. I found all of the Malik family eagerly waiting for me. And how the fuck Niall woke up this early?

"Hello Trisha. I'm so sorry for keeping you wait for me for lunch. I was just too tired"I said with really apology tone. "Nothing to worry darling. Now let's eat before the food gets cold."she replied with a nice smile. We started to eat. The place was really quiet. Niall was eating like it's his last meal. Zayn just eat looking at his plate and me. Whenever he looked at me, I nearly spit my food. It's just I don't understand. What makes him change that quick. Yesterday evening he was acting cold at me. And at night he wrote a song. While I guess it's my about me. He even kissed me twice or thrice. God I won't forget this moments.

"So Harry,where are you both going today?Trisha asked me. "Well,I don't really know about this place. So it's up to Zayn where he want to bring me." I told her while eating my food. "Yeah mom,I have decided to bring him somewhere special."he said while looking directly at my eyes. Now I actually spitted my food at Niall. "What the...."he started but Trisha warned him to not curse.The girls just laughed out loud while Niall looking at me like he's going to eat me up. Zayn went back to the kitchen to bring a cloth to wipe Niall's shirt. "I'm sorry Niall. I was was an accident. "I told him while wiping away all the spitted food. "No way Harold. You're not getting away from this. You're going to buy me something. " Well that the least that I can do. "Sure Niall. I had to"I rolled my eyes.

After the terrible accident,I got ready to talk to him about everything. He asked me to get ready and ask me to wear something nice. I just wear my white shirt and my nice tight black jeans with a brown boots. I looked great. I saw that he wore his black  varsity jacket with his light blue jeans and his white sneakers. He looked great in everything. How he does that?

"Mom, we're going out. Will be back by 8 . If we're late eat the dinner first."he informed his mom. "Take care both of you, have a great time."she said while standing at the door. I smiled back and follow Zayn.

So,I told him I want to talk to him and he's bring me to some nice beach. Wow,for the first time in my life I have seen a beach that doesn't have anyone. It was really quiet and I wish he won't kill me. We found a nice shady place and sit there. Only silence. For the past 15 minutes. I guess I have to start it.

"So Zayn, I am going to tell you something that really....."he didn't let me finish before he placed his finger on my lips. "No...don't say anything. Let me start it. "He said and took a deep breath before start.

"It was 2008. Its the year you transferred to Canada.


Zayn's POV

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