So tell me you believe in love

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Niall's POV

Zayn called me an hour ago to let us know that the babies are here. I held Khai like she's a fragile since she's sleeping. I'm so excited to see them. Must be cute and innocent. I need to bring them to play golf when they're grown enough.

"Babe,stop grinning. You look creepy." Lima said hugging me side ways

I pouted which he kissed me hard. We arrived at the hospital just at the moment. We saw everyone was there. Styles Family along with Malik Family. Everyone were murmuring something. I didn't see Zayn tho. Probably inside the hospital. It's Christmas Eve evening.

Snig and Tom was there. They were smiling hard. I could see their 32 teeth.

"Shut your mouth man. This is not a toothpaste ad" I said annoyed by the sight.

They close their mouth but the smile never leaves their faces.
"Oh my god guys I held both of the babies. They are fragile look and so cute." Snig said excitement all over face.

"God,slow down your voice. Khai is sleeping." I said since she started to move.

"Let me hold Khai and you both  have a look on them." Snig took Khai from me. I held Liam's hand and walked to the door. I slowly open the door to be revealed a sleeping Zayn and Harry. Their babies are sleeping in the crib. A sleeping family we got here.

I close the door and went to peek at the crib. Oh my god,they look adorable. Both of them are sleeping. I feel old already. I'm an uncle for three kids. Liam cooed the baby. The baby made a crying face. I try to shushed them but they started to cry.

Zayn woke up like a tornado and kinda shocked to see us.  Harry woke up as well. "Hye Niall,hye Liam." Zayn said and walk to the babies.

"Ww-we're sorry. We just looked and they just ...started to cry." I said

Harry left some giggles. "Horan there's nothing wrong about it. Babies should cry. It's a natural phenomenon.  When did you arrive?" Harry started smiling.

"15 minutes ago." Liam said with a small smile.

"They're cute just like you Harold" I said which Zayn clears his throat.

"Oh,you too Zayn. Of course not without you" I left some nervous laughter.

Zayn was pushing the cribs to make them sleep again and magically they sleep. Wow, Zayn is good at parenting.

"So,when you will be discharged Harry?" Liam asked out of nowhere.

"I can discharged today and I want to go home. I hate the smell and the medicine" Harry said making a disgusted face.

I laughed looking at his face. Harry try to laugh but he squeezed his face shut.

"What happened Harry?" I asked concerned.

" The stitches still hurts but I can handle it." He gave an assuring smile.

"So.....the name?"I asked both of them.

"Not gonna tell now Ni" Harry said

"Why?"I asked pouted.

"It's a surprise" Zayn said winking.

I gave up and leave both of them having their time of life.

Harry's POV

Currently my ass is sore,my body is aching and I'm so tired. I just gave them some milk. Apparently the nurse taught me how to feed them. It's pretty easy actually. I'm doing it pretty well. Zayn is doing great as usual. He knows more about babies since he used to change his sisters diaper when he was still a kid.

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