Out of my head

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Harry's POV

I woke up the next morning. It was so nice to fall asleep in Zayn's arm. I thought I won't get to feel it again but I can. "Babe?" I called out. He's not even flickering. The way that his lips parted a bit while sleeping is so hot. I put my finger in between his mouth and he didn't even realise it.

After some time he realised. But of course I took a picture. I mean he look like he's sucking my finger like a baby. Indeed he's a baby.

"Urgh, what is up with you this morning?" He groaned tossing.

"That's enough of sleep. Now get your ass up. We have some issues to talk about"

I said but he's not even moving. " Wake up sleepyhead or else I won't give you a head"

He got off quickly walking to the bathroom. "I need that head" he shouted and I ran behind him like puppy.

After some blows, we decided it's the best to keep our hands to ourselves. At least for now. We shower together and I make sure to make myself clean.

After got off the shower, I decided to wear a white tee with brown shorts. Nothing much. I'm too lazy to dress up.

"Imma make some breakfast first. Don't you dare to sleep again" I warned while watching him doing his hair. For sure he won't lay. It's about his hair now.

I jogged downstairs. I decided to make pancakes today. It's two different pancakes. One with chocolate and the other one with strawberry. Since dad couldn't eat sugar too much, I prepared him a plain pancakes. And now for the coffee. I made myself a black coffee. I prepared Zayn cappuccino and for dad it's mocha.

I jogged to our room and Zayn still styling his hair. "I've made breakfast. Eat before it gets cold" I said and didn't wait for his reply and went to dad's room.

I knocked on it and I heard a deep yes. "Dad, I've made some breakfast. Come and join us" I said and I heard some shuffling. He opened the door. He smiled a bit at me and said, " Sure son, I'll be there in a minute"

I ran back to the kitchen waiting for them to appears. The fact that it's 3th time my stomach growled. What's taking them so long?

"Aww baby is waiting for me" Zayn said cupping my cheeks.

I pushed him away and pouted. He kiss the pout away making me blush. That's when I heard throat clearing.

"Oh dad, come on. Sit with us yeah. I'll serve you some fresh pancakes."

"Thank you son"

Zayn just ate his food without any sound. It's like an awkward silent. But I need to break it.

"I need to tell you both something Momma told me before she passed." I said taking a deep breath. They both stopped eating and having a straight face.

"Actually momma could be alive right now. But, she decided not to. She skipped her medicine. She told me that it's her time now. She said, it's the best if I leave earlier because the longer it takes, the harder it gets." I said wiping my tears.

"I-i know all of it but she told me to not to tell anyone. She made me promised her that i-i will took over her place. I-i will took her priority which is taking care of all of you. When I told her that I can't let her do it she asked me if she would love to see her in pain. If course I said no. And-and she just gave away " I said crying fully now.

For some reasons, I could've just told Zayn that his mom told this. But, u couldn't broke her promise. So, basically I killed her.

I saw Zayn and Yaser tearing up. I got up and hugged both of them saying sorry repeatedly. After making my shirt wet by tears, I let them go.

"If Trisha trust on something, it can't be wrong. Thank you Harry. I know how hard is it for you to keep it to yourself for this whole month. Proud you son and I'm sure you can accomplish what Trisha said"

"Thanks dad" I said wiping my mucus.

I looked over at Zayn and he just looked at me with teary eyes. He just ran to me and hugged me tightly and crying harder.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you. All you ever try to do is care me just how mom did. I-im thankful. Thank you so much babe"

"I will be doing this even if she's here but she's not lucky enough" I said wiping Zayn's tears.

"I will make you guys lunch. Chicken kebab. I'm not good at it but I'll try. " I said smiling at both of them.

"I know you'll do good son"

"Yeah babe, after all you're a great cook" he said kissing my temple. He whispered a soft I love you.

"While I'm cooking why don't you both have some father and son activities?"

"That's sounds good. Dad, I have a lot of things to tell you" Zayn said putting his hands around dad's shoulder.

I turned around feeling relieved. Did I do good momma? I don't know but I really hope I could satisfy you.

I decided to call on my mom.

"Hello Mom, good morning"

"Hye baby, how's going on?"

"Good, I need you to stop by around 3pm with our babies. "

"Are you sure?"

"Yup, I'm so sure"

"Then,it's good. I'll be there later. See ya"

"See ya, love you"

"Love you too"

We hanged up.

I sighed thinking about everything that went through. I really don't want to dissapoint anyone. I'm trying my best to act good but how can I be when I don't even trust myself?I just pushed away those thoughts and started to prepare ingredients for the kebab.

Hye guys! Wow, I've been in write block for so long. I don't know why and I will understand if you don't like it. I can't think of anything good. Just want to remind, this book will end soon. I really don't want to end it but I should😭🤧be ready. Stay safe and I love you guys

~Love J 💛💚

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