how many nights does it take to count the stars?

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Zayn's POV

It's around midnight which means it's 2nd of January. It also means that Noah will lend me his phone for a moment. I only had seen Harry when they guide him to the babies room. He look so exhausted and pale. He had bruises around his cheek and arms. Just like he scratch my heart tattoo,he scratch Harry's too. He would give me a small smile and mouthed I'm alright but deep inside I know he's so hurt. I guess he heard my screams and he looked at me with tears eyes.

Right now there's no one in the room. All I could hear is echo of my own breath and dropping of water. After some moment I heard boots sound echoing through the room. It's Noah. He release me from the rope. He handed me his phone.

"Quick,before they come back."

I speed dial Niall's number,hoping he would pick up. After three dials,he picked up.

"Hello,hello Niall it's me Zayn"

"Zayn where ar-"

"Niall listen to me I dont know where we are but just a moment" I paused and asked Noah what place is this.

"It's Mounthood Shoe Factory." He said . Shoe factory?

" Niall,it's a shoe factory,mo-" before I could finish,Austin was behind me holding a pistol behind my head.

"Give me the phone and on your knees. If you don't follow,I will blast your head" he shouted.

I immediately hand him the phone and kneel down. Noah was looking terrified. He tried to run but no use of it. His other maskot hold him tight.

"Where you get this kind of brave Noah? I never teach you to be kind to anyone" he screamed.

"I-im sorry. It-its just they look pity" he said trembling for words.

"That's not gonna safe you from dying" he smirked and pointed the gun to Noah. I closed my eyes and ears shut. I can't handle it. This is too much. After some moment still no fun shot sound.

Austin smirked looking at me. "Are you scared Malik?" He asked grabbing my chin harshly. I didn't say anything,just keep quiet.

"Well,since you didn't answer" he pointed to his other maskot something. They brought Harry with them. Oh no.

"No,no. Don't. Just let Harry go" I plead. He smirked more.

"Let me show you both what will happen if you didn't do what I say" he said and pulled the trigger.

Harry covered his ears,shut his eyes. One shot on Noah's head,a big fire sound then he collapsed. His body is swimming in his own blood. He is motionless. Some of his blood find his way to my arm. I quickly moved away, avoiding looking at it as much as I could do. I heard Harry crying. He look terrified for sure. I tried to reach him but I was blocked by two of his gangster.

"Harry,don't worry baby. We will be safe honey" I shouted trying to stop my overflowing tears.

He didn't say anything. I know he's scared by now. I'm sorry Noah. You died because of us. You should just mind your own business. There's no place for good people here. May you rest in peace. Thank you for even thinking about helping us.

This won't end in a good way.

Niall's POV

As soon as I heard Zayn talked to me I was relieved that they're still alive. I told the police what happen and they're trying to track the phone call.

"Did he said anything about the place?" One of the police man asked.

"Yeah,he said something about a shoe factory. But before he could say the name of the shoe factory,the line went off."

"Do you think it's a shoe factory around this place or what?"

"Yeah I think so. "

"How many shoe factories we have around this place?"the officer asked the other officer.

"We got three shoe factories around here. Coresplay Shoe Factory, Bahamas Shoe Factory and Mounthood Shoe Factory" he said.

"Okay,let's go to all three places. Tiger squad,go to Coresplay Shoe Factory. Cobra Squad,go to Bahamas Shoe Factory. Chicken squad,go to Mounthood Shoe Factory." They shouted yes sir and leave the place.

"Officer Jeremy, you lead Tiger Squad. Officer Luca,you lead Cobra Squad and myself will lead Chicken Squad." All of them nodded.

"Dispersed" he shouted and all of them join on their separate ways.

We stayed at the police station,hoping they would find them. After 1 hour,all of them came back. But,no sign of Harry and Zayn.

"What happened officer?" Liam asked

"Well we find some blood spot at Mounthood Shoe Factory. There was a lot of knifes and mask all over the place. There's one room which happens to have a old bed. I guess that room was the place where the babies were. I saw a lot of bloods and we took some samples of it. We're gonna run a DNA test and see whose blood is it." The officer clarified.

"But Zayn,Harry and the babies?" I asked.

"No sign of them. Probably they got know that we're heading there,so they left the place immediately. They didn't even care to wipe the blood away. And guess what,we found a bullet case. So,he shot someone but we don't know who." He said and it's making me scared.

"We try to track him using his phone but he broke them to pieces and left it at the shoe factory. We saw tyre prints of the truck. Apparently the truck is an 8 wheeler. So,they are probably 6 of them excluding your friends." He go on.

"We will wait for the DNA test and check the result. We can find who he shot by that. We got three different sample. It may took and hour so please wait patiently. Don't  worry,we will get that kidnapper and save your friends."

The officer clarified everything and leave the room. Honestly his words are not convincing enough. But I brave myself.

"Don't worry baby,we will get them." Liam said kissing my temple. I try to lose my nerves but it's no use.

I sighed heavily hoping my heavy heart will be a bit lighter but no. Nothing could help.

I update just for you guys. This is so heartbreaking but what should I do? You ask for dramas. So,vote comment your thoughts and maybe follow me. I love you guys and I can't promise anything 💖. Stay safe loves. Zarry forever 💛💚

~Love J ❣️✨🤡

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