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Harry's POV

Zayn's been really happy with our babies although he is dissapointed for taking his beard away. I got to know the babies are good with beardless man when Louis get along with them. I just had a perfect dream about our family becoming even bigger with  another baby boy. I'm awake but I'm not gonna flickered my eyes soon. I sniffled the air to find some perfectly smell of coffee. Just Zayn doing his regular things.

I open my eyes to find my other side of bed empty. He seems to be doing this for 3 days now. He's so energetic and he always give me breakfast in the bed. How the hell a night owl like him can wake up damn early to make me breakfast. Well,I won't complain. Speak of the devil

I could hear the door open and closed. Let's just pretend to be asleep.

"Honeycomb, wake up sweetie" he said running his palms over my face. I keep my face still,afraid we would know that I'm pretending.

" As far as I know you really not good at acting cookie." He said smacking my butt.

I couldn't help but crack a smile. I try to kiss him but he stopped me.

" Go and brush your teeth cuppy cake" he said, hands in his hips. I pouted but still smile.

" What's wrong with you babe? Why so many nicknames? It's making me feel nauseated. You know I'm not a big fan of sweets." I said making my way to the bathroom naked while making a bun.

" I want to make you more sweet so we can have a sweet memories together" he said with his cheeky smile.

I grabbed my toothbrush and add on some toothpaste to it. I brush everything and spit it out into the sink. I look at my teeth on last time in the mirror before going out of the bathroom still naked.

Zayn was standing right at the door watching what I was doing. I don't know why it made me blush but I can't help. "God,you're such a creep" I said covering my blush.

"Just enjoying my view" he said smirking.

I huffed and wear a boxer. As usual he bring all the foods and place it infront of me. He open them one by one to reveal a heart shaped pancake with some strawberries and blueberries, my favourite coffee with extra milk and scrambled eggs.

"Aww babe. You're the sweetest." I said pinching his cheek.

"Now let me enjoy this" I said digging on it. He just look at me with so much passion which makes me choked in my food.

He help me by giving me some water and massage my back. "Be careful babe. I bet you can choke better next time" he said his hands moving through my waistband. Honestly it makes me choked again.

What is wrong with him?

I just keep quiet and keep eating until my tummy nearly explode. It's so delicious. I let out a small burp and giggle to myself after excuse myself.

"Babe, haven't our babies woke up yet? I haven't heard them crying." I said remembering our babies.

"I just let them a day in their nana's house" he said shrugging.

"You could've tell me Zayn before dropping them" I said rolling my eyes. I get up from the bed and pick one of his shirts to wear. I rush myself to the downstairs. The place was too clean for exist. Now I have nothing to do

"Well you could do me" I heard Zayn said with a smirk.


" You said it out loud"

I groaned and sit on the couch. He eventually come and sit beside me.

"Babe, you haven't kissed me since the morning. Let me taste your beautiful pumply lips." He said running his fingers over my lips. Maybe doing him won't be a bad idea.

I started to tease him by letting his fingers in my mouth. I slowly sucked them which makes him hard. I smirk and ran my long fingers around his neck. I blow some soft hot breath along his jaw which makes him release a small moan.

I let my teeth to sunk around his neck to claim that he's mine. I work on my tongue. My tongue gone over all over his body. But,I still tease him and didn't touch his member. He keep groaning and his member are visible by now.

"Ha-harreh, st-stop teasing." He said gritting his teeth. I left some soft laugh before opening his boxers.

But, the door open furst compared to his boxers. We both immediately separated from each other and fix our clothes.

Stood by the door, Louis with a wide eyes.

"Was I interuppting something?" He said like he's too innocent for this world.

" Of course you are

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" Of course you are. Loueh you idioh" Zayn said scoffing even more. His stood member seems to be lost.

"I'm sorry for that" he said scracthing his back head.

" Apology accepted. Now leave" Zayn said turning his gaze to me.

"That's so rude of you Zayn. You may stay Lou." I said pushing Zayn a bit.

"Such a cockblocker" I heard Zayn mumbled.

Lou made his way to the couch and sit. He seems to be nervous for god knows why. He keep fidgeting his fingers and looking down. A while ass silence for 5 minutes.

" I think I will bring some snacks to munch" I said breaking the silence.

"No! Sit" Louis said making me flinch.


I looked at Zayn and he just shrugged.

Louis took a deep breath and let go. He looked at me directly.

" First of all I'm sorry Harry. For everything I've done. I know I shouldn't left you alone but the situation was not right. I-i was not good for you and I know it. I-i really don't know how to explain this but" louis shuttered.

"I think it's better if you explain later after got your senses Louis. " Zayn said out of the blue.

"No, I will be leaving today. Back to Barcelona. I should pour it out now. And I need you to help me explain Zayn" he said.

I raised my eyebrows at Zayn. He just widen eyes and gulped down his own saliva. " I don't think it's the right time now lou" Zayn said.

" There's no right time to talk about this Zayn. It's now or never."

"No lou. You can't tell it now when everything's going alright."

" I need myself to explain to him Zee. I'll be leaving in few hours. The guilt will wat me up if I keep procrastinating the issue."

"No! Not the right time. Take a little more time can't you?" Zayn said like he's pleading.

" Can't you both shut!? You guys talking like I'm not here at all. Zayn! Louis! Whatever shit is it,I need to know." I said glaring at both of them.

"But haz-" Zayn started but I cut him off.


So, I add little spicies to this lovely dovely family. Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. I might be off for awhile. My school started and I feel restless. I need some time for myself. Anyway,enjoy this chapter. I love you guys. Stay safe

~Love J 💛💚

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