Trouble always comes

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Zayn's POV

After I fucked Harry,I sleep on the couch. I mean he didn't think I'm cool. Whoever that fucking Alberto is the one Harry thinks cool. But me? His husband? No. This is so stupid. It's 2 am and everyone is sleeping after celebrated Waliyha's birthday. Maybe I need some music to heal me. I open Spotify and found some Ed sheeran songs. 'Perfect' was playing when an unknown number displayed on the screen. I groan to myself and pick the call.

"Are you fucking crazeh? It's 2 am you asshole." I just hissed whoever on the other line.

"Wow,nice greeting babe."the other line laugh. I knew who is that.

"Fuck off Payne. How many times do I have to tell you that stop ruining my fucking life. Just find other fuck toy."I just shouted but quietly since everyone is sleeping.

"Well,I already find one. I called just to say thanks for everything. I got this new toy because of you."he laugh again.

"What you mean by me? Why am I always involved in your things? "

"It's because the new toy is your husband. God I'm getting horny by thinking about him."he said in a horny voice.


"Haha... we'll see about it Malik. After what he done to me,I'm going to take a revenge. Until then bye."before I could ask anything,he ended the call.

What Harry done? He never done anything. Is it some kind of his games? Fuck I don't know. How am I supposed to sleep when I know Harry is in danger. More Ed Sheeran songs probably works.

After 3 and half and hours,my mom woke up as usual. I'm gonna thank God for this. She did notice that I sleep in the couch and I was getting comfortable.

"Sunshine,are you awake and why are you sleeping on the couch darling?"she cooed. "Just a little fight with Harry and I am going to sleep now. So don't woke me up until I do. Good night." I drifted off back to sleep.

After I don't know a few hours,I woke up. Feeling my eyes heavy than it's suppose to be. I try to open my eyes but the crust were sticking like a glue. My god,why am I having all this problems. "Good afternoon sunshine,more like good morning to you."she laughed at that.

"Where is Harry?" That's the only question that came out of my mouth when I open my eyes. My mom was surprised though. "He's in the backyard with dad. What's wrong honey?"she asked,concern all over her face. She shouldn't know about it. "Nothing mom,just going to talk out our problem yesterday."i told her and luckily she believed. "I'm so proud of you. You started to manage family really good. Now go on and talk to Harry. He probably sad because of the fight."she gives me a kiss and disappeared to the kitchen. I rushed to the backyard and found him planting some tomatoes. Isn't he cute? I approach him slowly to scare him. As I was getting closer to him," hye son. You're up."my dad interrupt me.

Harry turned around like a tornado. He was smiling,showing his dimples. "Dad I was trying to scare him. Why you always ruin it? You even ruin it when I was trying to do to Doniya."I gave a annoyed face. "People might die of shock Zayn. You shouldn't play someone's life like that."
"Whatever dad"I turned back to Harry.

"I need to talk to you. Meet me at our room in 10 minutes."I told him sternly because it's important but him showing his little cute smile and his shining eyes made me smile eventually. I peck his lips before go inside to brush my teeth. He stop me and he pick all the crust that sticking in my eyes. He then said "Now perfect. You didn't have a bad mouth even you just woke up. You smell fresh."I nearly froze from his compliment. He peck my lips once again before he continue to do the planting. I'm seriously lucky to have him.

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