Where were you?

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Zayn's POV

Tommorow is Christmas Eve. We are more than happy. We are now having a small gathering at Niam's penthouse. Everyone's here except for Snig. She always bloody late. Then,we heard door cracking sound and we know it's Snig. "Just come in already Snig" Niall said rolling his eyes. She was giving an apology smile. "Sorry,the traffic is the worst."

I don't think it's traffic. We saw hickey around her neck which proves it all. "So, who's him Snig?" Niall asked. She widened her eyes. "What are you talking about?" She asked like an innocent puppy. "The hickey. I bet the hickey won't fly to land on you " Harry said with a straight face. She finally gave up.

"It's a guy called Caleb" she said looking at her plate.

"Okay,aren't your parents strict with things about this?" Tom asked.

"Yeah,they are. So I end the things with a hickey."she said with a  blush in her cheek.

"Bring him next time. We want to know him too" I said which she give a small smile.

"C'mon cheer up bitch. YOLO" Tom said while shaking her.

"Yeah yeah can you atleast let me eat this food?" Snig said annoyed by Tom's action.

We had some great food to be honest. Liam is an excellent cook after all. Niall didn't do anything,just chilling with stuffed mouth.

"Hye guys we sign the papers." Niall said which we only widen our eyes. Tom was choking on his food. I help him out by soothing his back. Harry started," You both getting a divorce?!"

Hearing that only make Liam and Niall laugh. "This is not funny bitch tell me now!" Harry exploded. "Babe,calm your tits" I said which makes Harry only pinch my tits. "Ow,it's painful babe." I said. He only mouthed I know. "My god you are both such a drama queen. Can you stop it?" Niall said.

"As you all know,everyone is not lucky like Harry who could have their own babies. So,we sign a papers for an adoption." We just understand what they meant.

"Congratulations" we said in unison.
"So is it a baby girl or boy?" Tom asked them.
"It's a baby girl." Liam said kissing Niall.
We clap our hands.

"We named her Angela since she's an angel for both of us. She's just three weeks." Liam said which makes us aww in response.

"That's such a beautiful name you got there." Harry said.

I haven't told Harry what name I picked for the baby. He for sure will love it. I can't wait to see his response.

"What about you Zarry? Haven't picked a name?" Tom asked gaining our attention.

"Well,we have chose a name but not gonna tell now. " I said giving a smirk at Harry.

"Why is that?" Snig asked.

"It's a surprise,not only for you guys but also for Harry." I looked at Harry. He has a confused face. He looks so cute. I peck his lips which tastes like orange.

"Forget about Zayn,Harry you tell us. What name you pick for the baby boy?" Tom asked

"Not gonna tell until Zayn tell first." Harry said not leaving my eye contact.

"Such a stubborn bitch both of you" Tom said and continue to eat his food.

"Babe,I gotta go out to sign some papers. Work calls" I said as I put on my office attire. I try to wear the tie but it's not cooperating with me.

"Let me help ya." Harry said helping me with tie. "Thank you " I pecked his lips.

"Come home fast. It's a morning of Christmas Eve." Harry said making a pout.

"I will be home right after I sign the papers." I said kissing passionately.

"I adore you" Haz said which I gives a kiss before saying my reply.

"I adore you too babe " I said making my way to out.

Harry's POV

Christmas Eve alone at house, surrounded by gifts under the trees. I could just write songs. Apparently Khai is sleeping which earns me a little relax time. I could feel my stomach rumbles.

I went to the kitchen to have some cookies and milk. I'm too lazy to make myself anything. Im watching Friends series. Honestly I'm getting bored alone. No one's at home except for that security guard out there. My life sucks.

Maybe a call to Zayn

"Hye babe,how long will it take?" I asked impatient of his absence.

"Wil be home soon. Just in 5 minutes."he said which I sighed in relief.

"Great,will be waiting for you hubby." I said.

" Don't turn me on now babe. I'm at my office."

"Then come home fast." I said with a small moan. I'm sure he will be here in any minute.

I'm feeling something now. Like my back is aching and the muscles is like stretched. Oh my water is coming out. My water just broke. Oh god no. Not without Zayn by my side. Let's just see how long is the contractions. Second  concentration is 25 minutes apart that last for 1 minutes.

Let me call him again

"Hye babe just in moment,I will be right back." He said

"Babe,my water just broke."


"I'm having contractions about 25  minutes apart" I said which I could feel the air breezing. He probably running right now.

"I will be there babe. Just hold on." He said and didn't hung up.

"Don't hung up darling. I want to hear your voice " he said with a worried tone.

"Yeah,okay." I said try to hide my back pain.

"How long already now?" He asked.

"It's been 15 minutes. The third contraction will be in 10 minutes" I said squeezing my eyes. I could feel like I'm getting the contractions will come earlier.

"Zayn,home..fast" I said hanging up. The pain is miserable. After 2 minutes Zayn run as fast as he could to carry me. He was looking so worried and the tension he had in his face say it all.

"Everything's okay." He told me kissing my forehead while letting my head on his lap. The driver drive faster than he could. Zayn was calling someone.

"Hye Ni,can you help me take care of Khai? Harry is on his labour. Just for a while. Thank you man" he hung up.

He looked at me,smiling crept on his face. He kiss my nose which makes me giggle. The contraction has stop for now. It will start again probably in 10 minutes. I kiss his jaw and he kiss back my ear.

"I love you darling" I said snuggling closer.

" I love you too jaan" he said. He love to make me cry.

Apparently Im obsessed with the word jaan so I put it out. Harry is in labour. Next chapter will be name reveal,fondness and cuteness and maybe some pain. Thank you for support and votes and follows. Stay safe 💞😚 Virtual hugs and kissy

~Love J 💚💛

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