Can we do it all over again?

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Zayn's POV

I don't even know who the fuck is him and why the fuck he brought us here but he's crazy for sure. It's going to be New Year in an hour and I planned a lot of surprises for Harry. Guess everything is ruined. I still remember how whoever that fucker is kidnap me. He wake me up first. Then when I woke up he gave me a stupid smile and punched me in my face. The punch was hard and I fainted. Then,I was here. Tied up around 10 people who wear mask as well.

They started to hurt me using a hockey bat. It seriously hurt me. Then,they throw several punches to my small tiny body. Blood coming from my mouth. But I know that none of them is the leader. Leader is someone else. Then,I saw Harry come in with a guy who strangle his wrist. I honestly get angry but I can't even move my body,not even a inch. I lost a lot of blood. When Harry approach me,I warned him to run but it's too late. He's taking him to another room. I tried to stop him but I can't. I feel helpless. I promise myself to take care of Harry but here I am can't even safe myself. After some time,the mask guy came out. He look at me with a smirk.

"You're husband is too good. His hot mouth work really well" he said

It hurts me and broke me but I try to be strong. If I am strong enough I would beat his ass for even talking like that about my Harry.

I can't even stand up. That mask guy sat at a table right infront of me. I am fucking angry now but I want to see Harry and my babies.

"I-i don't k-know why you beating m-me bu-but don't hurt my hus-husband and ba-baies." I said plead.

He walked to me. His boot sound is echoing through the building. He squat down and rise my chin up.
" Beg for it" he said still not losing his smirk.

I cried feeling weak. I can't. I can't lose my family. " Please,please just leave them go" I said this time under his feet,crying my heart out. I feel ashamed to be weak.

"I can't do that,sorry " he smirked.

"Stop being a bitch. Just beat me up. I don't care if I die but don't hurt them." I said trembling for words.

"Not gonna happen this time Malik"

"What do you want? You want my money? My fame? You can take it everything.  I don't care. Just let us live this life. " I said sobbing hard.

" Then,I want your husband" he said looking at me.

I stopped crying and I feel myself empty. I can't process things.

"NO!" I shouted. I try to stand up which I successfully did. My legs are numb but I don't care.

"But you said everything. I'm asking only one thing." He said crossing his arm.

"Everything means fame and money. Not my love life." I said shouted.

"You think I'm gonna listen to you. Never. I can easily kill you and throw you as a food for my tiger." He said which makes me boil even more.

I went near him trying to grab his collar. But,they tied my legs and I can't reach him.

"Go fuck yourself bitch. I don't even know how the fuck you know him but  that's not gonna help you. Get the fuck away from our life" I snapped.

"Wanna know how I know him? Just like you said,fuck." He said with a smirk.

My face really fell. No,Harry won't ever cheat. No,Harry won't. This guy is lying.

"Dont  you lie mother fucker!"

" It's your wish if you wanna believe it or not but what I told you is the truth." He walked to the chair and have a sit.

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