cause it's not an illusion

267 19 35

Zayn's POV

It's been a week since our twins born and we are heading to the hospital for a check up. Hazza is cooeing with baby Shasmeen. Shasmeen has curly locks just like Harry's. She has hazel eyes like me.  Plump lips from Harry.

(This how baby Shasmeen look alike just a reference although they're still 1 week 💀)

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(This how baby Shasmeen look alike just a reference although they're still 1 week 💀)

Baby Alykhan is sleeping in my arms. He seems to be more like my behavior. His green eyes always make remember about Haz. His lashes are longer than Shasmeen.

 His lashes are longer than Shasmeen

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(Just a reference guys. I know they're still a week old)

We put both of them in their stroller. Well it's a double stroller.

Harry is holding my arms while I push them both

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Harry is holding my arms while I push them both. Shasmeen is giggling and Alykhan well still sleeping.

When we reach at hospital, everyone will stop by to cooed with the twin. It makes us happy. We could share happiness with everyone.

We were waiting for Dr. Jenner who took the twins away.

"Babe" Harry said rubbing my thigh. I smirk knowing what he wants.
"Yes darling?" I faked an innocence.
His hands were making through the zip of my pants. I could sense my other friend is getting tight around my pants.

He finally open them and stroke it by his hands. I rolled my eyes back because of the pleasure. It feels so good.  His mouth took placed now. It's working really good.

"Babe,look at daddy" I said.
He looked at me with so much lust and love. It turned me on so much. I already keep the seeds flowing from his mouth. He plays with my balls and sucking it. I ran my hands through his curls. I leaned in to kiss his beautiful lips. We just smashed our lips knowing it would fit perfectly. The kiss was hard,raw but full of love and lust. I started wandered his ass. It's much more fluffy now.

I lay him on the table there. I undress him. Harry was laying there impatient. I was removing his boxers.

"My god,my eyes" I heard Dr. Jenner's voice. I quickly put on my pants and help with Harry's clothes. Dr. Jenner was still facing the other site covering her eyes. Harry's was flushed red. It was an embarrassing moment.

"Uhmm,you can turn now Doc" I said which she turn flushed as well.
"Sorry,didn't mean to interrupt you both." She said smiling awkwardly.

We just left some nervous laughter.
"I see you both working on the third one?" She said flashing her smile. Harry blushed away while I just left some soft laugh.

"Come here sit both of you." She gesture to sit at the reserved chair. We were making out minute ago at this chair. "I just got the report. Both of them are good. You should bring them for an injection in 3 months." She said then close the file.

"Okay thank you so much doctor." I get up and hand my hand. We shook our hand,followed by Harry. "You can take them both at the Baby Room." We both nodded and make towards the door. I twisted the door and stopped when she continues," oh and don't forget to continue where you both left" she said giggling. I mouthed for sure and Harry hit my shoulder. We pick both of them and put them in the stroller.

"Babe,I feel really complete now. I got you, baby Khai,the twins. I'm proud that I'm a dada now. I'm proud to say that I got pregnant with your baby." Harry said holding my arm and leaning against me.

"Me too darling. I can't thank you enough for making me a daddy. I feel really really lucky to have you by my side. You're so gorgeous and I can't believe I'm the one who can hold you like I do. I'm truly a lucky person. " I said kissing his curl locks.

"If that's the case,I'm also lucky to have you now. You're so damn handsome with your hazel eyes,your hair which is perfect no matter what,your lashes which lash away my heart,your lips which is sweeter than honey,your beautiful body and my favorite of all your beautiful heart" He said kissing my lips. I nearly cry because of this curly idiot.

We ended our kiss and bump our nose. I keep pushing the stroller until I meet someone. My eyes widened and I turned to look at Harry. He was looking at that person,eyes dilated.

"No fucking way" I said almost in whisper.

Hye, guys well yeah a cliffhanger. Who do you think it is? I need your opinions. Valentine days by my self is the best thing ever. Have a date with myself,feed myself some chocolates, some nice sleep and music of course. I love you guys 💕 ✨. Next chapter will be about the 'someone'. Leave me some comments and maybe some votes. It doesn't cost anything. Stay safe 💕

~Love J 💚💛✨

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