Leave my life outside

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Harry's POV

"No fucking way" I heard Zayn whispered.

I can't process a thing. How?

The person just turn and looked at us. That person's eyes widened, surprised just like us. Zayn hold my hand tightly and whisper I'm here for you. As that person was approaching us,my mind went to the dark zone.

I could hear some soft noises between my ears. I knows it's Zayn. I slowly open my eyes and I was relieved to find Zayn looking at me sweetly.

"Babe" he pecked my lips. I give him a small smile. I realised I was laying in a hospital bed.

Then,I noticed a figure behind Zayn's body. The person I once loved,who I always cared, LOUIS.

He moved pass Zayn and sit at the couch there. I just look at him unbelievable. But,he brought someone else's with him. A girl and a toddler around 3 years old.

"How are ya Haz?" He asked with the same tone of his voice. I don't even know why I'm crying. He doesn't really age. He still the same Louis I know.

Zayn wipe away my tears. Louis came forward and took my hand with him. I could sense Zayn's jealousy beside me but I ignore it.

"Haz,I know what you're thinking right now. I owe you an explanation. But,not in this state." He said holding my hand.

I'm fucking sure he wouldn't know what I was thinking. I wish I could die to witness this situation.

I looked at Zayn for approval. I'm sure he knows better than me. He just give a small nod.

"Great then. You are invited too Zayn" Louis say getting up from the couch.

"Sure pal" Zayn said which makes me wonder,do they know each other?

Louis open the door and turn to face me.
"Your kids are adorable Haz." He said and head out of the room.

I'm so confused. Did I really saw him? Is it some kind of exorcist thing? But Zayn sees him as well. Or is it someone who looks like Louis and he's lying to take away our fame? God,I need answers.

"Babe?" I said almost whispering.

"Yeah?" He said turning to face me.

" Do you know ea-" I was cut off by him saying " No answers today. Answers will be delivered tommorow"he said putting his finger on my lips. I just give a small nod and keep thinking everything about.

That night I can't sleep. My mind keep wandering around. I can't believe what I saw. I saw him closing his eyes just right infront of me. I saw him in a pool of bloods. It was a real accident. I lost a little angel. I need sleeping pills. I shouldn't keep awake at night. I saw Zayn sleeping peacefully like there's no problem at all.

I slowly get up from my bed and went to the kitchen. I took some sleeping pills and wash it away with a warm water. I silently put the glass in the washer since I'm too lazy to wash. I turn my heels to go back to sleep more like to my questions.

Suddenly,everything went black. Someone tied up my eyes.
"Za-" I tried to call for Zayn but the person cover my mouth with another cloth. I'm gonna die today. Why I always in a bad luck. I was trying so hard to let out from the person's grip but it only makes me exhausted. That person left some wet kisses all over my neck. I was crying now. I got to know he is man by his powerful arm. He use his tongue to lick over my body . At last I release from his grip and ran upstairs to wake Zayn up.

When I open the door,I saw that Zayn is no more there. No,it can't be. Whoever the hell is that I'm gonna rip him up. He took my Zaynie.

"Looking for your husband uh?" I heard a deep voice coming behind me. I turned to look over but I can't see his face. He got it covered with mask.

"Who the hell are you?" I hissed
He shrugged," So you more care about who I am than knowing where's your husband?".

"Fine,where is he?" I asked getting nearer.
" Well,not gonna tell" he smirked. He started to laugh seeing my expressions.

"Such a dickhead" I mumbled.

"Wanna know what this dickhead can do?" He smirked.

"You can't fuck me bitch " I said daring him to touch me.

"Who says about fucking you. It's about your babies."

Oh no. My precious gems. I ran to their room to find an empty cribs. Three of them are missing.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT ASSHOLE!?" I said holding his collar. Honestly he's taller than me but I'm not scared of him. Maybe a little but no.

"Chill Styles. I just want you to follow me" he said and pushing me into a black trunk. He covered my eyes all the way to the place.

"Are we there yet? My family are safe right? Where you taking me? You're not gonna kill us right?" I asked for the 13th time.

"For fuck sake I really regret kidnapping your family. Can't you shut up for minute?" He hissed showing his fist.

The trunk stop and that guy asked me to get down. They still keep my eyes closed. At last they open it and I found Zayn laying in bloods. He got cuts around his wrist,face,lips and arms. I ran to him and grabbed his face.

" Baby,what happened?" I said running my fingers around his cuts. His face was full of black and purple wound and it's makes my heart shutter.

"Babe....run" Zayn said and the next minute the person grab a whole full of my hair and pulling it. I screamed in pain. He bring me to another room where there's a lot of items of torture. He tied me up and looked at me intensely. He pull out his pants and started to jerk off. He never leaves my eye contact. The scene only makes me wanna throw up.

"Where's my babies?" I asked concern.

"Don't worry I won't hurt babies. They are safe for sure" he said and continue his jerking.

"Can I know why we are here? And why you jerking off looking at me? I don't even know you. Although I haven't seen your face I'm sure I dont know you" I said scrunched my face.

"You're a whore Harry." He said and zip his pants. He leave the room without any other word. What the fuck is going on? Is it one of my stupid dreams? Let me pinch myself. Ouch...no this is happening. What is going on and who is he? Why is he doing this to us?

Huhuhu,who is this guy? I don't know either. Just let me know your thoughts. And for the previous chapter some of you guys manage to get right answer regarding who they saw. It's LOUIS. But Louis is not related to this kidnapping if you are wondering. Next chapter will be full of blast and I don't even know when I'm going to finish my book. Thank you for reading if you did read until the end. I love you guys so much 💓✨ stay safe loves 💘🐥

~Love J 💚💛✨

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