Everything about you

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Harry's POV

Right now I'm bathing Baby Shas. I heard her giggling when the bubbles burst out. It was a happy sight for me. She's laughing after a terrible moment of her life. Apparently baby Khai and Al are sleeping. I just want to use this little time to bond more with her. Zayn is monitoring those babies. He is afraid he might hurt them,so he would stay outside the baby room. I know he's not happy about it but he insist to do it so. I sighed, and pick Shas up. I wrapped her with a pink towel and bring her to Zayn. She is ok with Zayn and I'm happy about it.

"Zaynie,hold her a while. I'll get some diapers and her needs." I hand her to him. He took her and she cluthed to him like a bear. He was cooeing with her. I went inside the baby room and grab the things I needed. I give a little look on both of them before head out of the room.

Zayn lay her in our bed. She was grabbing everything around her. She was taking a baby powder case and put her in her mouth. I immediately took that out her mouth and push in the silicon nippy. Just when I want to put on the diaper, I heard crying from the nursery. I sighed.

" Babe, I'll take care of her. You go and take care of them." Zayn said smiling. I give kiss for both of them and head to the nursery. I saw baby Al crying,kicking the air. I go and pick him up. He was full of puffy eyes and red. His green orbs is more visible. I blew some butterfly around his tummy. He was giggling nonetheless. Just when I want to head out, I heard Khai crying.

This  is not gonna end good

I grabbed both of them and went to our bedroom. Zayn already put on the diapers and her cute outfit. She was giggling for everything Zayn's saying. I was smiling hard until I heard crying again. Both Al and Khai are crying went they say Zayn. What makes Zayn so scary for them?

He was looking dead right now. His gaze fell down. I can tell he's holding back his tears.He pick baby Shas and exit the room. Why we can't even be happy for a second? I was scolding God even though I know it's my fault. I didn't realise I was crying until baby Khai wipe my tears with her tiny hands. She's so mature even in this age.


At night, we already put babies to sleep. Zayn is sitting in the living room and he's watching a TV. But, the tv is not even on.

"Babe..." I went behind him and wrap my arms around him. He was little tensed by my touch but he later get ok with it.

"Babe, they need some time. It will be better I promise." I said kissing his hair.

He sighed hard. " Just give them one more time. It will be better,I promise" I said assuring him.

" I trust you babe." He said and turn around to kiss me in the lips. He carry me to our room. We did nothing but cuddling all night.

The next day we started a day with both of us making a breakfast. We decided to make some pancakes but all the flour is on our bodies. The kitchen is a freaking mess. We skipped on making a pancakes and decide to make a cereal instead. After a little chit chat,we decided to take a bath together since it's still 2 hours early for the babies to wake up.

Zayn added some strawberry and honey scent in the tube. It's so relaxing. We do what old couples do. Scracth each others body. We also do what little kids would do, splashing water here and there. And don't forget young couple style. Our tongues are inside each others throat. We did everything and time fly really fast.

We dry ourself after a lot of touching and squeezing. We dress up in a opposite way. He wore my outfits and I wore his. Today is fun day. After  every single process,we went inside the nursery. He sighed hard and his hands are trembling to open the door. I squeeze his arm a little and give a reassuring smile. He open the door and went inside first. The babies are still sleeping.

I guide Zayn to pick baby Al up. He is still sleeping and it won't be hard. I picked the baby slowly,not waking him up. I pass him to Zayn. Zayn took him and his eyes started to filling with tears. The baby started to fumble and Zayn gave it back to me but I stopped him.

"We need them to get in touch with you babe" I said caressing his cheek. He keep him in his arms still. After some time,he open his green eyes. He first looking at Zayn's shirt,well actually my shirt and stay calm. Zayn was really happy but when Al saw me he was looking at who is helsing him. When he saw Zayn, he cried kicking him. Zayn just give me the baby and head out.

" Zayn, honey. You can't give up now. Listen to me. " I ran after him holding baby Al still.

"No hazza. Everything is over. They won't be like before. I can't handle it" he said not even turning to look at me.

"No, baby. Don't. They need you. I can't handle 3 babies at once. I need you" I said holding his wrist.

He turned around and I saw tears streaming in his face. " You will never know how it feels when your child hates you so much. It hurts Harry." He said getting away from my grip. I just stand there tongue-tied.

I saw him leaving the house with a smoke around his lips. He slammed the door hard and it's makes the other two of the babies to woke up as well. I sighed and went upstairs to look after them. It is so hard. I can't do anything. They either will cry or laugh. It makes me feel miserable.

When three of them want me to carry them, I lost my control.

" WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP FOR A FUCKING MOMENT. YOUR DAD JUST LEAVE ME ALONE HANDLING ALL THREE OF YOU AND YOU'RE MAKING THIS HARD. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT" I closed the door and keep walking to our room. I can hear them crying. After I cool myself down,I realise what I did. If I could punch myself,I would do it.

I know I'm not in a right state to take care of them. So, I called my mom.


"Sweetie, how's going?" I can sense the excitement in her voice. No Styles. Just because you are not happy,don't make others unhappy as well.

" It's pretty good. Zayn is helping me taking care of the babies. They seems to be comfortable with Zayn now" I was choking for air. I can feel my throat get tight.

" That's great honey. And why your voice is kinda stuck and thick? Are you having a cold?"


" Yeah mom. Just a cold,nothing bad. I just took some medicine just now." I said shutter with my words.

I can sense the silence in the other side of the line. " I call you later mom. Babies are calling. " I said hoping it would ease the tension. But,she's suspicious. I know it.

"Yeah darling. See ya. I love you"

"I love you too" I said and ended the call. I literally cry after the phone call. I don't know who should I call for help but I don't want to trouble anyone.

I open the door and found babies sleeping on the floor. Tears stain are visible in their cheeks. I sighed and placed all of them in their cribs.

Lord knows I've tried

I don't know what to say but I know it's pretty bad. Well, I can't get over Harry's performance and his outfit. Don't blame me,blame Harry for being so damn hot and cute at the same time. Anyway, have a nice day. Stay safe. I love you 😚💟

~Love J 💚💛

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