Imagining things we could do

221 19 13

Niall's POV

"Any lead sir?" I asked for the fifth time. But the answer is different now.

"Yeah,our squad has found the truck's tyre prints and it leads us to Carribean Street. But,some of the prints has vanished. So,in a hour we gonna sprawl all over place to find them. You can follow if you want to." Officer said pointing it at the map.

"We would like to follow. I want to know what's going on"

"Sure thing. Officer Kennedy please set them up. Let them wear some protection. We assume they are a lot of them and they are armed."

I gulped feeling scared. It must be hard. I hold Liam tightly,praying that they are alright.

Zayn's POV

God,the pain is harrowing. Just now I went to the toilet and I found a window. We could escape from there. But,we have to break it first. If I break it first,then we would get caught and he might blow our heads.

Think Zayn think. Use your useless brain just for now.

As I was thinking,I saw dickhead approaching me.

"Lost in thoughts I see" he said smirking and sit infront of me.

I keep my mouth shut,looking eye to eye with him.

"Why haven't you die yet? We beat you up like you're a piece of trash and yet you're still alive. Just die" he said slapping me.

I wipe away blood that was coming and said, "because my soul is not with me".

He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" He said standing up slowly.

"Not gonna tell. Find it yourself" I said . Now it's my time to smirk. It's damn easy to distract his freaking stupid brain. He was becoming restless,asking all his left and right hands the answers. But nobody knows. Stupid culprit.

"AHHHHHHH! TELL ME MALIK!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"I will tell you if you untie me and Harry" I said confidently but not really. I am scared he will notice what is going on. He didn't even think a second. He removed mine and ask one of his guards to remove Harry's. Then,Harry come out,with a confused face. He look lost. I gesture him to sit with me.

"Tell me now Malik! I need to know." He said holding his head like it's gonna blow off. I'm seriously enjoying it.

"Well,ask Harry yourself" I said smirking.

"C'mon Harry you tell me." He said sitting down with us.

Harry is lost. His eyes widened and he didn't understand anything.

" Wait Austin. Harry didn't understand. Let me explain it to him" I said smirking. He nodded his head furiously.

" know.babe.... umm. .. that ...uhmm...." I keep stalling to make him restless. Harry notice what I'm doing and joined with me.

"Uhmmm...I don't .... understand" he said innocently.

" know.....that I....don't soul.....with.... myself...." I said enjoying the moment.

"Ohhh........yeahh." he said smirking as well.

"Yeah Harry tell me now." He said impatiently.

"Hmm know......when ....people...." Harry was interuppted by one if his men.

"Boss the po-" he was cut by Austin himself.

"AHHH! SHUT UP BITCH. THS IS IMPORTANT" He shouted at him and he leave immediately. I saw he warned the others and they try to left. But,the police entered at the right time. I saw Austin widened his eyes. He try to pick his pistol but unfortunately for him I took it way before him. I give him a smirk and push him to the police. He looked at me with a glare.

"Malik! I need to know! Where is your soul?!" He asked again. This guy is really crazy.

"My soul is belong to my awesome husband, Harry Edward Styles Malik" I said hugging Harry side ways.

The police took him away. I have hugged Harry. He was crying hard. Our body is full bruises and blood. I left some sweet kisses along his face and neck.

"I've missed you babe" he said still crying.

"I've missed you too darling" 

Them,we saw Niall and Liam approach us.

"Mate, how ya both?" Niall said hugging both of us. He kinda hug us tightly and we hissed in pain.

"I-im sorry . Let's go to the hospital" he said.

"The babies,we need to pick them too" I said weakly. I don't know why I feel dizzy right now. I went to their room and pick Baby Al, Harry hold Baby Sha and Niall hold Baby Khai. We left the room and entered the ambulance. I feel like I couldn't balance myself. So,I past out.

Harry's POV

I saw Zayn is kinda tired and more likely pale. When we entered the ambulance,I knew he would pass out. Thank God I had a hold on Baby Al. Suddenly I feel myself dark too.

"Niall,hold them." I said handing them to him.

Then,me myself passed out too.

Cliffhanger,I'm sorry. But,we end it right? I end it earlier for you guys. Maybe,or maybe not. Kinda short chapter.  Even I can't see them suffering like this. So,yeah new chapter will be out soon. I don't even know. Stay safe loves ❤️

~Love J 💛💚

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