Apology accepted

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Harry's POV

It's been three weeks since our fight and wedding.We never talk since then.Whenever he saw me,he would run up to a guest room.Sometimes I feel guilty but my fucking ego doesn't let me ruined it.

Now I'm sitting at my office checking all the files and emails I received. Then I heard someone knock at my door.

"Come in"."Sir, there's someone name Trisha want to see you.Should I let her in?"my secretary told me.What's Zayn's mom doing here?

"Let her in".I heard my door open revealing a smiley face Trisha.

"Hye sweetheart,how have you been?"
"I'm fine Mrs Malik,please have a seat"she took a sit in front of me.
"So what's the matter Mrs Malik?"
"No need formalities Harold,just call me Trisha."Her face become serious"Ok ,I came here to talk about you and Zayn.So,Zayn always call me everyday even if he's busy.Its been  almost three weeks since he called any of us.If I try to call him,it always says it's switch off.Im worried about my baby boy.Did you two got in fight?"

"Uhhmm yeah but it's not a big fight like involving any equipments or something.It just fight using words,that's all."

"No,Harold baby.Dont take it easily.Zayn is really hard to convince.If he's sad he won't talk to anyone.If he's angry he will show it to everyone. Please Harry,try to talk with him. Bring him on dates,he love dates. Bring him to Vas happenin Restaurant.He really love that place. He might change his mind. Bring him flowers after work. Bring him  red roses."

"Sure I will do Mrs-...sorry Trisha.I didn't know it's this bad.Im sorry for everything.This fight is because of me so it's all on me.I promise you he will call you by this weekend.Once again I'm so sorry."

"It's fine sweetie,I'm glad you understand.So I will see you around. Goodbye Harry."she stand up and hug me then leave.Wow I never thought it's this bad.Now I feel really bad.Just because of me,he didn't talk to his family for three fucking weeks.Gosh I should make it up.

Zayn's POV

Oh my God,work is so frustrating.So much orders and everything.And I need to manage 15 studios.My life is sucks.Wish I never met this curly shit. Just because him my mood is ruined for three fucking weeks.I miss my mom but I won't call her.It will makes my mom sad even more.Haishh.Then I heard my office phone rings.

"Hello, what's the matter Julia?"well Julia is my secretary so don't overthink."Sir, someone left you some flowers and chocolates.Should I bring them in?"she said.Flowers and chocolates for me?Who gave it to me?"Bring them in"

"Sir here you go"."Thank you Julia.You may go now"Let's see who send me these.I looked at the red roses,my favorite.So, he or she knows my favorite rose.There is a heart shaped chocolate,how cute.I wish someone I love gave this to me not some random stranger.Well behind the chocolate box there is a small note.

It says"Hye Zaynie,I'm so sorry for everything.I know it's my fault for you getting angry but please talk to your mom.Well,this is a small apology gift specially for you.I just arranged a dinner for us so get ready.See you soon at our house. Love H"

Wait,am I dreaming?Is this really happening?Did an asshole Harry just wrote me a cute hand written letter?Oh my god,finally he's changing.The thought about him makes me happy.Gosh,I think I'm falling for him.

"Harry why you always don't be like this?So, you're a sweet person after all."

Little did Zayn know what's going to happen on their dinner or should I say date

So,finally some short sweet zarry moment which will ruined by something.Once again thanks for all your support. I will try to update as fast as I could. I love you guys❤️

~Love J💛💚

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