Save you tonight

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Zayn's POV

I rushed to the Ferris factory as fast as I could just to save HIM.I can hear my own heartbeat and it making me even more scared.LIAM FUCKING PAYNE IS THE REASON I DONT WANT TO MARRY but now it's too late.

When I reached there,I saw a tall old building.It looks like haunted tho.

With a worried face,I try to find Harry

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With a worried face,I try to find Harry. But I can't find him which makes me restless.Then, I heard some footsteps coming towards me.The place was dark so I can't look who was coming.
"'s been a looongggg time "I heard the shadow say.Of course I know who's that.

"Hye fucker where is my husband?"I hissed.
"Chill Malik and I'm really impressed because you are already here by 20 minutes"he clap his hands.
"Stop your bullshits and show me my husband NOW!"I shouted.
"Don't raise your voice at me babe.Or your husband"he shows his throat like getting cut.

Okayy let's cool down until meet Harry.
"Okay,I won't .Now can you show him to me."
"Not so fast."he smirked
"What the fuck you really want?Why are you always need to ruin my life?"
My breath hitched hearing those words. I've heard this words before from his mouth and his asking again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"I snapped at him
"If you want your husband,your mouth under my pants now"
I really don't know what to do now.Liam would do anything to get what he wanted.I have no choice.
"I need to see my husband safe and sound first."
"Sure baby if that's what you want."
Seriously I want to throw up whenever he called me baby.I need to do this for my husband.

There he was in a room full of guards. His perfect lips were sealed with some tape.He was all sweaty and tired.I can't bear to see him like this.

"Liam,after I done it with you,don't you ever disturb me again."
"We'll see how you work and I will think about it.Now come on kiss daddy."
Honestly I feel used .After all these years, he came into my life just to ruin our new family.

(Seriously I don't want to write about ziam so I skipped ,so sorry if you was like waiting for it.Just wait for Zarry moment😉)

After i done it,I realised he just fuck me in front of my own husband.I could feel him hurt.I wish i could die instead of facing all this shit.

"Malik,you can bring your husband home.Just remember if I need you,I will call you up."
"What!?I thought we're done.What kind of rules you're making now uh?"I shouted trying to hide the tears that forming in my eyes.I never thought I would cry for the curly lad.
"Well Malik what you done today doesn't satisfies me,so I need you again whenever I feel hungry for you."he bites his lips.

"Fuck off Payno.I wanna bring Harry home. Find a new fuck toy won't ya?"
"Nobody compares to you Zayn. Your ass and those small waist and those plump nipples and.."
"Cut the crap won't you payno?You only look at my body not at my soul and character. Your nothing but a snake."at that I rushed out with Harry.

I quickly bring him with me but he pushed me away. He looks like he's disgusted with me. I've never feel hurt before like this. He haven't say any words since we're in the car.The ride was silent.I drive us home. Harry would be happy if he didn't marry me. He would live happily with Lou if  not mistaken. Yeah I haven't find anything about him yet.

My thought were washed away when I heard some small snores.It was Harry. He looks so cute with his lips parted a bit and his messy curls is driving me crazy.

 He looks so cute with his lips parted a bit and his messy curls is driving me crazy

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(This picture is one of my favorite zarry moment ❤️)

When we reach home,I slowly pick him up bridal style. I really don't want to wake him up. Finally I manage to bring him to our bedroom. I remove his shirt and pants leaving only his brief covering his member.Wish I could see that but I'm not lucky enough for that. I covered him with a blanket. Well I leave it with brief because he always sleep naked so I guess it would be much better. After finish his works,I went up to my room(guest room).I quickly put on my pyjamas and went to sleep. Before I sleep,all I could think is Harry's face when he saw me having sex with an asshole.

So,how's the new chapter? Harry's POV  will be in the next chapter.I haven't reveal the story behind Zayn and Liam first.So,what do you think happen with Larry last time?Give me your suggestion and comments on the comments.Thanks for supporting.
So it's my birthday (15/9) it would be great if you give me some support with my work.Stay connected.Love you all

~Love J 💚 💛

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