Happy and preggo

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This chapter is dedicated to SB_Zarry

Harry's POV

I'm 10 weeks now and we decided to throw a small party. We just want to let our family and friends know that we are adding a little bean in our family.

We made a deal. We only told them it a small gathering. I'm so excited for their reaction. I've invited Niall over and Zayn invited his friend Tom and Sniggy.

We cook spaghetti,garlic bread and mushroom soup with a tiramisu as a dessert. My tummy haven't visible yet to the world. Our little bean still growing happily inside.

"Zayn,I'm so excited babe"

"Me too. Just imagine their reaction. Our moms probably crying and the rest will be congratulate us."he said smiling with a dreamy eyes.

"Yeah,this is going to be awesome. Babe,talk to our little bean."

"Hye little baby. I'm your daddy. You are inside of your dada. Just remember that both daddy and dada love you so much."

I smile at the cute moment and kiss Zayn's nose. He sure will take a good care of our baby. We heard the doorbell rung and we open the door to revealed a happy  Zayn's family and mine as well.

"Hello sunshine"she kiss Zayn's cheek.
"Hye mom,it's really good to see you." I heard my babe angelic voice.
She then hug me tight and kiss my cheek as well. I just stood there smiling. My mom hug Zaynie and me too. We took turn by turn to earn all the hugs from everyone. It's a bit less of people since Zayn's sisters, Waliyha and Safaa didn't come. They have school tomorrow. My mom and my sister Gemma both attend the gather. Niall, Tom and Sniggy join us a little bit later.We all sat down and enjoy the meal to full. Everyone were commenting on how delicious the food is.

I glanced at Zayn,and he gave me a approval to start to announce the happy news. I grabbed their attention by tapping my glass. All of them were looking at me even Yaser.

I cleared my throat before start. "Im so happy today and I would like to thank to God for giving me this beautiful families. I would like to thank each of you for coming today. It means a lot to us. I always pray to God that we will stick together no matter what happens. I know my dad is looking down at how beautifully our lives is. He always support me. And now I got my better half to support me when my dad's shoulder was gone. I love each and everyone of you. Thank you for being with us today" I saw some of them wiping some tears that were escaping their eyes. I saw Zayn and he stand beside me, holding me tight.

"And since we all are here, we would like to announce something important to all of you." Zayn said which they made a confusion face.

"I'm happy to say we are pregnant" Zayn said which In return they all cheered. As Zayn said our moms were crying and I let out a happy tears. My hormone is making me emotional for a simple thing too. My mom hug me with a streaming face.
"Congratulations baby. My baby is having a baby now"she cooed.

Trisha was hugging Zayn whispering something to Zayn. Yaser patted Zayn's shoulder. Niall,Snig and Tom were so happy that they made a toast.

"Toast to the new Zarry baby" they said in unison. The others join them too.

All of them leave except Niall,Tom and Snig.

Zayn's POV

Today is memories. It's so precious just like my Harry. Oh,since you guys wondering who Snig is,she is a friend of mine when I was in college. She is a top student and always help me to do the project. She is kind hearted too. She even help me to cheat during exam. She's such a great friend.

Move on,to the story. All three of them sit right in front of us staring at us deeply. "Can you guys stop creeping us out?" I hissed since they doing it for the past 5 minutes.

"Well,you don't even told us anything about the baby first. So we are mad" Tom said with a disappointed tone.

"We just got to know we are pregnant 2 weeks ago" my babe said.

"Still there are 2 weeks in between but you didn't even tell us anything." Snig started.

"Guys,we were excited and Harry was in the hospital be-"


"Calm the shit down Niall. I just got some nausea and I passed out. So Zayn brought me to the hospital. Don't freak out before knowing everything." Harry said with annoyed tone. Niall just scratch his head.

"Language babe"I whispered to Harry.

"Stop your drama Horan. Turn the headlights to our upcoming parents. So,tell us. What gender are you expecting?" Snig questioned us.

I look at Harry and he just smile a little. I know what he will say. "We don't really care what the gender is. As long as we got a baby,we are happy" Harry said which they awed together.

"I'm going to be the best uncle to this little person." Niall said proudly.

"Shut up,we know who's the best. It's always me. Aunt Snig is the coolest."

"Noo,it's always me. Who could resist a spiderman." which in return we gave him a annoyed face.

"Stop your bullshit guys, let the baby decide who is the best after the baby born. Now stop fighting for fuck sake." Harry shouted and they all sat quietly.

"Babe,control yourself. They are just joking around."I kissed his forehead.

He sighed before," Sorry guys,this days I don't know what is going on with me. The hormonal change is makes me snap at people. So sorry" he started to cry.

All of them gather around us. Snig hug Harry and whisper its alright. Tom and Niall just give say their sorry  again and again. Tom started to make his stupid jokes.

"Harold, do you know why lizards love me?" Harry look at him still eyes red.

"Because lizards eat spiders. I'm a spider that's why"

Honestly that's not even a joke but Harry understand their trying to make him happy so he laughed. Tom was very happy that finally someone like his jokes. I wipe away his tears and kiss his lips softly like a sweet kiss. He smile a little.

"Babe, tommorow buy me some avocado and french fries"he said to me.

"When I ask you to eat avocado for breakfast,you don't want to and now you are asking for it" I just laughed at his crazy weird cravings.

"Don't ask a lot. I also don't know what is going on. Just do whatever I say. Would you baby?" Harry said showing his dreamy green eyes.

"Of course I would." I said and kiss his lips. I heard people around us awed at us. Harry's face was red if embarrassment.

"We leave you happy couple alone. We head out first. Bye Zayn, Harry. Take a good care of the baby" Snig said while hugging me and Harry.

"If you need anything,just text me mate. I will be at your door like a underdog." Niall said to Harry which in return Harry pinch him. Harry whisper something to Niall and I couldn't hear it well.

"Hye Zayn bud. You are going to be a dad so don't forget to treat us soon. Stay happy mate" Tom said hugging me.

We wave our goodbyes and head back inside. I spoon Harry every night. Sometimes he got some memories of his past baby. And he would be crying at midnight. If I could,I want to take all of his pain and let myself suffer with it. Nothing happens like we expected.

So,Zayn didn't show up two days for his live. I was waiting all day but ni sign if him. Guess I'm unlucky. Anyway,stream NIL. Stay safe 💓 I love you guys so much. Thank you for still sticking with me

~Love J💛💚

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