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Harry's POV

Hye babe, it's me again. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked like that but it's been 2 weeks. I miss seeing your face, laughing with you, eating with you, touching you, teasing you,annoy you, kiss you hell I miss you. Call me back if you miss me too. I love you.

Oh god, he's been calling me every single minute. I groaned, bury my head in the pillow. Whenever he come by to play with the kids, he would stand outside my room knocking again and again. Seriously it annoys me but at the same time I wanna open the door and jump to his arm and kiss him. But I can't. My ego is blocking it.

I heard the door flashed open. I can feel someone walking towards me and sit by my bed.

"Hazza! Wake up" I heard Niall squealed like a girl.

"Shut up Niall." I groaned pulling up my duvet.

He pull them down and throw water on my face.

"What the actual fuck Niall!? Now only I'm gonna sleep after hours of crying and overthinking and you think it's funny? Do you think it's funny? If you think so,it's not funny at all! "

" I'm sorry" Niall said quietly and left the room. I sighed, I shouldn't spat Niall like that. He's just trying to help me. I run my palms on my face. I wash my face and decided to take a shower. It's cold outside but I don't care. I wash my body with the cold water. I was shivering and I know I will be having cold but right now I don't care.

"Honey, you have been in for like an hour. Are you okay?" I heard my mom voice from the other side of door.

"I'm fine. Will be down in a 10".

I wipe away all the flowing water and put on a shorts with a pink sweater. I make myself to the kitchen and sit at the table. Niall was munching his food happily but stop when he saw me. Well actually he choked on his food.

"Niall baby, are you okay?" My mom approach him and give him some water. I keep giving him the straight face look.

"Harry, why you didn't help him?" My mom glared at me.

"I don't feel like helping" I said shrugging.

" Drop that attitude Harry." She said hands on her hips.

"Well now I don't feel like eating. " I said jogged to my room. I quickly put in my jeans and coat. I make sure to take my wallet and my car key. When I open the door, I was met by Zayn who's hand on the air just like he want to knock.

His eyes grew wide and a smile on his face. I can see glint of happiness on his golden orbs.

" Babe, I missed you" he said approaching for a hug. I stop him with my hand. I can see his smile dropped but my ego is not letting me to give up yet.

I keep on walking past him. He came running like a puppy. " Babe, please talk to me. I need to hear your raspy, deep voice."

" Leave me alone won't ya Zayn?" I said walking towards my car.

I sit on the driver seat and started my engine. Zayn open the passenger side of door and take a sit.

" I have no time for your bullshit Zayn. Please get down" I said gripping my wheels.

" I would get down on my knees for you" he said looking straight to my eyes.

" I don't care. Please leave can you?"

" No, never in a million years."

" Yeah, you don't need to" I said getting out from the car and booked an Uber.

"Babe, how long will this happen? I couldn't take it anymore."

" It will last until I got satisfied torturing you. " More like torturing yourself.

"Baby, please. Don't let your stubbornness get in our way"

"Who said it was my stubbornness? I made this decision. It's all in mine. No one told me what to do. And pretty much you deserve it!"

" What? Why do I deserve it? All I ever do is loving you! And this is what I get back?"

" You love me but never trust me. You broke my trust long time ago. You were with Gigi. And had a baby. Still I forgive you! Why? I'm a fool for you. I always been a fool for you! Even after you told me that you messed my life with Louis all along, I forgive you because my love for you is stronger."

"Don't bring Gigi into this would ya? I don't remember doing it at all! And about Louis I said I'm sorry right?! It's you who didn't forgive me when I'm in the streets like a freaking dog such for your forgiveness!"

" You know what! Let's separate. Let's divorce. You won't have to beg for me again. I filed it myself!" I said fuming in anger.

" Fine! For the first time in your life, you made a good choice!"

Just the right time, the cab arrived leaving him alone in the streets.

Short and bitter chapter. What do you think? I think they're dumb. Leave your thoughts. I love you guys, stay safe♡(> ਊ <)♡

~Love J 💛💚

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