First Crush and First Love- Part 2

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Harry's POV

I can't believe Zayn has experienced all of this. It's just too much and I could only say one thing about him. HE'S SO STRONG. He told me that he so worried about my safety. This LIAM FUCKING PAYNE GOING TO SUCK HIS OWN DICK. It's about 7:30 pm and its getting dark. Zayn's still beside me wiping away all the tears and mucus coming from his eyes and nose. I didn't even let him go because he's really shaky and his eyes are red. Omg I hope I could comfort him. He also told me the song he sang last night was written by him when dating Liam. But he didn't sang it to him because Liam hates music. I mean who hates music?

"Har-harreh,if you think I'm disgusting too you can just leave. Just don't tell it to me. I-i can't handle it."he said trembling over his own words. Who the hell said he's disgusting? I just don't understand the world. People is disgusted with the victims not with the rapist. Seriously it's such a cruel world.
"Hye Zayn,whoever say you are disgusting probably so stupid. If they empathize you,they might understand you. But people are too dumb to think straight. You know what, I'm not going to leave you, not only now but forever."I said kissing his temple. He still looking at me just like a baby. He come closer to have a kiss but our kiss were interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Hello mom"he said in a boring tone. "No,you guys eat first. We'll be back late. Don't wait for you too. Bye"then he ended his call. "Is there any problem?"I asked him concernly. He looked at me and said"no, just mom asking if we are coming for dinner. I just told her to eat first because we'll be back late. "I nodded. "Hye Harreh,since I've shared my story would you mind if I ask yours?"he asked still unsure if he asked it right. When I thought about it,my heart thumping faster,sweats coming out . Well.....I need to tell him if I want everything to be great. I took one deep breath and let it go. Feel like let a hundred kilo of shit out of my heart. I'm ready.

"Well,it happen the same year as yours. It was 2008 and I went to Canada Highschool.


The first day of school is so scary. I don't even know anyone and everyone creeping the shit of me. Then,a guy ran onto me. Both of us fall down and his books scattered around. "For fuck sake,don't see me running ? I know I'm cute but stop drooling at me like that. That's fucking creepy."he said looking at me. I didn't realize I was grinning like an idiot. "Well,I'm sorry. I'm just scared. This place creep me out and I'm new here. I don't really mean to ran onto you."I said looking at him . This time his face softened.
"Which class are you?"he asked in a relaxed tone. "Well, I don't know . Can you bring me to the office. I've been looking for it for ages."well actually that's a lie. I know where my class is,but he's cute so I want to get to know him more."sure let's go?"he gave a questioned look. "Harry, Harry Styles. And you are?"I said showing my dimple. "Louis, Louis Tomlinson. Nice to meet you."he said handing me his hand. I handed back and follow him to the office.He left me outside and went to his class.

I went to the class too. But I never expected to see him again. The teacher stopped teaching and looked at my direction. I smile wide until she let me in. I told all the information about me and she announced" Guys,
this is Harry Styles. He's new to our school. Give him anything he wants " the teacher said looking at the class. I kindly wave at them and went to sit beside Louis. "Hye,didn't know you're this class. How's everything?"he asked sound so excited about me being same class as him. "It's pretty good. Well didn't expect to see you here. It makes everything good since I'm new and the only friend I have now is you"I said smiling brightly. "I'm glad you're good mate. I think you already fans don't you?"he told me smirking. I saw everyone in the class was looking at me. Even guys.There was a girl winking at me and there's a guy licking his lips at me. I quickly hide my face. "Don't be shy. These people are great. And I'm sure if you are single,they would be the perfect one."he said bumping my shoulder. "Geez,shut up dude. I'm already into someone."I told him and I instantly regret it. "Oh really,who do you have a crush on little cat?"he asked me which turn me on so damn much.

"It's ..... someone who is handsome,funny,small,sassy and I hope he's single."I said not making an eye contact. "Whoever that is I'm sure he's lucky to have you. And I hope he's single too."he said not understanding what I said. I asked"since I told you about my crush,is there anyone in your life?"I asked still nervous if he said he have someone. "Not really,I just broke up couple weeks I'm not ready for relationship."he said with a sad tone. One side of me is happy and the other is sad as well.

(Talking to Zayn now👇)

"It took 5 months for both of us to open up. We started a nice little relationship. He likes to stand in his own feet which I admire about him. Then,one day I feel terribly sick."I stopped for a while to get some air. Zayn look at me with a concern in his eyes.

"I just hope you won't hate me after I told you this, please?"I said my eyes started to watered the lashes. He stared deeply into my eyes and said"I won't Harreh,no one could hate you Harreh." He gave me a go on look and I continue.

"One day.....I feel terribly sick. I-i was vomiting and tired. It's really terrible. I told Lou about it and he brought me to the doctor. Well.....the doctor told me something that is really surprised both of us. I..........I was pregnant with his baby"when I tried to look at Zayn,his eyes were wide open and I know that he's going to leave me alone. But still I continue the story.

"We were very happy, especially Lou. Whenever he come back home,he  would buy something for the baby. He loves the baby even before the baby was born"I said still smiling. "During my 4 months of pregnancy,we went to the monthly checkup. We-"before I could end it I was already crying. Zayn hugged me tightly and told me to go on. "We got to know that it's a baby girl. And she's healthy and everything. He was the happiest man in this world. He even rubbed my belly and said nothing but lovely things to the baby. The baby response with a kick. So,we headed home using his car. We was really happy and singing to 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran when a lorry came hit us. It was a -a ....I can't tell anymore. It-its so painful be-because he-he look close at me before he clo-close his eyes and ne-never o-open again."I can't contain it anymore. I saw Zayn comforting me while crying. He was helding me close and I could hear his heart beat. Then,I stop him because I haven't finish the story yet.

"Wa-wait Zayn,I haven't done yet. The ba-baby died in the acc-accident too. I-i wish I already die when I heard all this news. Three weeks back,was their death day which makes me to took suicide. I -i tried suicide every year to see if I'm lucky to have a same death day as them. Guess I'm not."I started crying . My face turn red and I can't even breath properly.

" know you're lucky because you safe my life. You gave me hope in my life. You're so lucky because I think I've fallen for you Harreh. Don't get mad me Harry,but I already know this story from your diary. But you didn't finish what happen at last which makes me wonder. me I love you so much Harreh. I bet Lou will not like it if you are crying like this. I might not be the best choice for you but we can live better. I know you're not ready yet. But remember,I will always be here for you. "He said which makes my heart to make a spin inside and I break down again. This time he wipe away the tears and kiss me slowly and tenderly which makes my heart weigh less. I'm truly lucky to have him.

I was crying during this chapter.😭😭 So the truth is out. I wish there will be a happy ending .........or is it? Stay tuned for the update. Hope you guys liked it. Any questions? Just ask me out and I can explain it for sure. Stay safe. Zarry forever ❤️✨👀💅

~Love J💚💛

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