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Harry's POV

After our five make up sex, here we are laying in a hotel room. He's sleeping but i can't sleep. I'm so happy that i can't stop smiling. i heard my phone rings. I picked it up and it's Niall.

"Hye Hazza, had a nice talk?"he asked which makes me annoyed a little bit.

"WTF Ni, it's 3am"

"But you are awake"

"Yeah, i have my own reasons. Why are you still awake?"

"Had a party,guess for what?"


"For Zarry"he giggled

"Wait, you saw us?"

"Of course i did. I know my plans would work."

"What plan?"

" That guy touching you, he's my guy." he laughed like a maniac.

"WHAT" I screamed a little making Zayn to move. I got up and went to the balcony.

"What you mean by your guy Niall? Don't tell me you hired him to make Zayn jealous"

"That's exactly the plan. I saw you both eating yourself in the parking lot, so i let you be."

"Jesus Ni, Zayn hit that guy. He got a lot of blood loss."

"Worth the money duh, i paid him 15000 bucks"

"You're crazy Ni. Did anyone saw us making out?"

"No, just me,Snig and a random guy passing by"

"Thank God"

"Well i might have record it"

"NIALL, for real?"

" Yeah, me and Snig planned it out"

"I hate you both"

" But i love youuuuu"

"Niall, you're drunk. Go get some sleep"

" HAHAAHAH okay mommy"

" Shut up, goodnight"


I hang up and look at the half moon that shining bright with the stars. It's so quiet and the wind breezing just calm my nerves. "What you doing out here princess?" I jumped a little by the sudden raspy voice that came behind my ear. Zayn hold my waist tight and put his head on my shoulders. "I miss your warmth already." He said kissing my neck.

"I miss you too" I said turning around and kiss him. I didn't realise I let my tears flow while kissing him.

"Babe, why are you crying?" He said innocently cupping my face.

"I'm afraid to lose you again" I said more like whispered.

"I will be here for you curly, forever. I'm nothing without you. I know you did lose your temper and say those venomous words out of your mouth. But I know everything you said isn't true. I know you love me and will never leave me. I'm sorry, I should stop you when you said about divorce but I didn't. I follow my temper as well which end up making both of us struggle without each other. Now, look at my eyes"

I hesitate at first but I did look at him.

"You know what I did for you?" He said making me confused.


"Well,look" he said showing his inner arm where my.....eye is tattooed. I started to tear up and end up on the floor crying.

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