Hot stuffs 💚💛

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(👆that's what Harry is wearing, hot really right?💛💚)

Harry's POV

Been a week since we got to know mommy Trisha's situation. Zayn been off since then but I know he can make it. We are now heading to the beach with our trunks, sunscreen and of course food. It's just between families.

Me and Zayn cooked almost everything. We made some fresh sandwiches which is stuffed with grilled chicken,cheese,lettuce and mayo. Since mommy loves samosas I tried my best making it by watching YouTube. Looks good, but taste? I don't know. We are already packed and took off to Ferara Beach.

We took a nice place under the sun and placed our mat there. We let mommies to have a sun bath while me, my sisters (included Zayn's sister) dip ourselves inside the water. It's just a perfect summer. Anne and Trisha are taking a good care of our little angles. Zayn is sitting,looking lost than ever. Then, Yaser approached him and talking with him. They looked like having a deep convo. It didn't stop myself to enjoy with the girls.

Honestly I'm so sad but I'm trying to make the girls happy. They have been crying and sad for a week now. I splashed some water on Don which in returned she splash a wave of water towards me. We made a water fight which includes all of us. After playing around for about 40 minutes, we got off the water since we're hungry.

I saw Zayn's sleeping without any shirt.

 He neither wear any lotion or sunscreen

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He neither wear any lotion or sunscreen. I went near him and help him to put on some sunscreen. As much as I want to see him getting tanned, I don't want him to burn his skin. I placed some cold sunscreen in his hot body which he noticed.

He looked at me and smiled a little. I just rubbed all over his body while he's still laying watching me. "Turn" I motioned him which he obeyed.

After putting on his sunscreen, I pecked his lips. He grab me again and brought our lips together. He kissed me again and I can notice his trunks getting tighter. I try to pulled away but he didn't. Our kiss got heated up but we didn't stop. I accidentally left a moan from my mouth which makes my face red. We keep kissing, his hands on my waistband and my hands on his chest.

"Ew gross" I heard if I'm not mistaken Safaa said. We quickly pulled away only to noticed that every single one of them watching us. My eyes widened and I hide my face in my hands. Zayn also got embarrassed that he excused himself and went to take a smoke.

I followed him up and saw him having his back on a tree and inhaling the toxic content.

"Hye cuppycake, what're you doing here?" He asked taking a long smoke.

"Just wanna make sure you're ok" I said looking at him taking the smoke. He's so hot while taking it but it's so bad for his health.

Before I could think of anything,I asked " can I have some?".

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