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Harry's POV

Don't call me baby again,
You got your reasons
I know that you're trynna be friends,
I know you mean it
Don't call me baby again,
It's hard for me to go home and be so lonely

I sing strumming my guitar. Third day after I got to know that I'm just a toy that they played. A toy that they thought have no feelings. I have no more tears left to cry. I looked through the window, a pale night just like myself. Moon is shining bright by the help of stars. I feel empty inside.

How many nights does it take to count the stars? that's the time it would take to fix my heart. Oh baby I was there for you, all I ever wanted was the truth.

I need to stop making songs. It's only making it worse. I heard someone knocked the door and I know who is it.

" Hi mom. What's wrong?" I asked smiling a bit since she look a bit tense.

She sighed and sit at the edge of my bed. " Darling, how long are you going to be hiding in your room? If I asked what's wrong, you just shrugged and say its none of my business. What's the matter Harry? You know you can tell me anything" she said holding my hands.

I take deep breath and left out a shaky breath. Oh god I might have anxiety. "Noth-"

" Don't tell me it's nothing. What is the  reason you came here without Zayn? Zayn's been here for every little minute just to talk with you. I bet whatever the problem is, it's not that big"

" IT IS BIG MOM. IT IS" I said crying. She just take me in her arms and didn't say anything else. I did end up sleeping in her arms. After a long time, I sleep peacefully.

Zayn's POV

I am standing infront of Harry's house just to talk with him. I ring the bell and wait for the response. As usual its Anne.

" Hye mom. Can I meet Harry today?" I asked.

" First of all good morning sunshine. Don't ya think it's too early?" She said, hands in her hips. Just what hazza would do.

" Good morning too mom. And it's just 6am. " I said smiling.

She sighed, "look Zayn, I don't know what shit you have done but it affect Harry so much. Give him some space."

" But, I can't live without him." I said eyes on the floor.

She rise me up by my chin and said , " I only said he need some space, not to divorce you." She said giving me a narrowing look.

" But, he might be divorcing me" I said not looking her in the eyes.

" Okay seriously, is it that bad Zayn?"

I didn't say anything.

" What the fuck did you do Zayn?" She said. She barely cursed and I know that I'm fucked.

I sighed, " I'm not gonna tell you mom. If Harry tells you then you can kill me. But right now, I won't tell you. I'm sorry."

"I hope it's not something that affects both of you and the babies."

" Since I am here, can I at least take a look at my babies?" I said with a pleading eyes.

" Yes you can of course. It's your babies too" she said and let me in. I open the door and saw a perfect sight of my babies sleeping. I place a little kisses in their foreheads and left the room. I must be doing this often.

I didn't see Anne anywhere so I decide to look at Harry once. Just once. I open the door and found him sleeping in a curlball position. His face is scrunched up like he's having a bad dream. I went inside and cover him with a blanket. I ruffles his hair and place a kiss on his forehead. I left the room with a little smile. I love this

" Where were you Zayn?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhmm just a casual look on my husband?"

" Whatever. Don't do any stupid things until he woke up. Here, have this tea and go back home yeah" she said handing me a cup of hot tea.

" Thank you mom. Sorry for disturbing your beauty sleep."

" No problem but don't do the same tommorow. Or else your face will turn into pancake."

I left a little giggles and she went back to sleep. I finished my tea but I don't feel like going home.

I don't give a fuck and went back upstairs to be with Harry. I went inside and he is in a more comfortable position now. He wrapped himself with the blanket. He looks so cute with a pout. Wish I could kiss him but it will only makes it worst. I sighed, no husband will do shit like me. I make myself next to him.

He accept my warm and hold me tight. We cuddle with each other. I know this won't be the best for both of us but I'm not gonna leave this moment right now. I should just enjoy this moment while it lasts. My eyes started to pile up. Thinking about ending our life and going in separate ways hurt me so bad. I will be crazy without him. I settle myself beside him and try to sleep. I know in the next few hours, he would only push me 10 feet back again.

Hye hye hye, just a little simple but effective chapter. I hope you like it. Today's day is kinda bad. But, I hope I lighten up your day. Leave your thoughts. This book might be ending soon. Stay safe. I love you 💖

~Love J 💛💚

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