Niam's wedding(17/11)

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Harry's POV

I am 8 months now and things are going really smoothly. In the past 2 months,we done a lot of shopping for the babies. We spend every little time to love each other and decorate their rooms. Zayn always support me no matter what.

Now we are at Niall's and Liam's wedding. I'm standing as Niall's best man while Zayn standing as Liam's. I'm really proud of Zayn. He did change a lot ,not in a bad way.

I'm wearing a nice aqua dress with a jacket since I'm feeling cold

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I'm wearing a nice aqua dress with a jacket since I'm feeling cold. I decorate my fingers with my rings. I started to grow some beard which I don't mind to shave. My hair always mess up whenever air blows,so I just let it go
(Imagine he's having a big belly)

I heard someone knock on my door. "Come in"
I was my husband. "Hye darling,you look great." He pecked my lips. "Thanks so do you."

Zayn is looking godlike gorgeous.

Zayn is looking godlike gorgeous

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His grey suit is breathtaking. He started to grow his hair and the result is awesome. I want to strangle myself with his man bun. His beard are the reason I'm alive.

" You sound like a fangirl babe" he said with a little giggles.

"What?"I asked amused by his question

"I said you sound like a fangirl."he said with his cheeky smile.

I hide my face with my palms. How he heard what I think?

"If you wondering how I know,you thought you are talking inside your head but you just spill it all out."he said with a laughter.

"DONT LAUGH AT ME" I said which he obeys the next moment. I inhale deeply and exhale. I learn to control my anger. "I'm sorry" I mumbled.

"Aww babe,c'mere."I sink in his love. "You look too beautiful to be angry and I understand about the mood swings. I'm sorry too kay" he kissed my hair. "Smells like my shampoo. Did you use it?" He asked me. Shit,he doesn't like if people use his shampoo. I mumbled another sorry. He just laughed and said," why sorry babe? You have all the rights to use my shampoo. If you want,you can use my boxers or toothbrush too. I'm so happy that you use my shampoo. It will make our relationship stronger. Don't worry."he said squeezing me hard. " You really have to stop squeezing me."I said getting away from his hug. I lick his earlobe and he moan. I use my fluffy ass to rub his clothed member. He was trying hard not to moan. Of course he failed. I bite his sexy neck which earns a big moan. It turn me on really hard.

"Jesus, Harry Zayn!" Tom said shutting his eyes. I quickly stand up and adjust my dress. My cheek was burning hard. Zayn just looked annoyed.

"Don't you know how to knock Tom?" He said in a annoyed tone.

"I would have knock if the door was closed." Tom said

Zayn just facepalm himself.
"What's the matter Tom?" I asked since Zayn was too embarrassed.

"The wedding is on in 15 minutes and you guys as best men has to stand beside them,not snogging each other faces like just now." Tom said with a little smirk on his face.

"We will be in a minute." I said and grabbed my things and pull Zayn with me.

The decorations was so good. It full of red,orange,green and white. So, basically orange,green and white represent Niall's country Ireland. Red is Liam's favorite color. Everyone was waiting patiently for one and only Niall. We are standing at our places. Liam is stood there looking nervous more than ever. I just laugh at that scene. My wedding probably the worst one ever. No vows or anything. Still I messed it up by saying Louis's name. Those moments will be freeze forever. Then I saw Niall looking perfect then ever walking in the aisle holding his dad's hands. He has a little blush on his cheek. I can sense he's going to cry any moment.

" You may now say your vows" the priest says. Liam started first.

"Niall James Horan. Such a beautiful name for someone as beautiful as you. You thought me what is love,what is life and what is a relationship. I used to suffer a lot until I saw you babe. No one ever thought of making me better,not even my mom but here yoy looking at me with your gorgeous icy eyes changes everything. Because of you I got a new family from Ireland. You are a such a sweet guy I know but you're too shy to show it. Your innoceness drive me crazy. I love you with all of my heart. Each time I see you,it still makes it a new fresh meet. I'm happy that I got you as my better half." Liam said looking at Niall's eyes. All of us were crying. Niall too. Liam wipe away Niall's tears.

Niall clear his throat before start, " Liam,I swear to God you are a wonderful person I have ever met. Those kinky things you done with me,I love it so much. Let me be honest. When I first saw you,I already keep a special space at my heart. Then,I got a chance to get closer with you,to make you better. I have no believe in myself. But I really believe our love can makes both of us better. And here we are,infront of all of our friends and family,saying our vows, and getting married to the most lovable soul in the planet. I love Lima Bean." Niall said wiping away his own tears. Liam give such a huge smile shit tears dropping from our face.

"You both are made for each other." The priest give aways their rings and they exchange their rings. We were all clapping and cheering for them.

"You may now ki-" before the priest end his ceremony, Niall just throw himself at Liam kissing him passionately. "I may now present to you husbands" priest say with a little giggles. Just then I got a message from an unknown number. I open it up to show a photo with Gigi and her newborn baby. She just got delivered. She sais, ' I just got delivered two hours ago. Let's see who wins ' and then a smirk emoji. I told Zayn and we are heading to the hospital. I can sense the tension from Zayn's face. I still bought her some apples. You know,treat people with kindness. We are now at the entrance of the hospital. I was getting nervous than ever. My hands are sweating and Zayn's too.

I feel like want to leave it here. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Keep streaming NIL. Zayn deserves everything. And Halsey is pregnant too. I'm so happy for her✨💓. Stay safe.

~Love J 💚💛

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