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Harry's POV

I got up early in the morning because there's an emergency meeting in my company. As a boss, i should be there. Right now Zayn is sleeping still. His hair is ruffled like he's a kid and his lips are pouty. I should leave soon since he will notice the emptiness beside him. I give him a kiss in his lips and exit the room. 

(This is what Harry's wearing, how incredibly hot😍🎇❤)

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(This is what Harry's wearing, how incredibly hot😍🎇❤)

i jogged through the stairs. I should be at New York by 2pm and its 4am already in Bradford. I'm afraid i couldn't make it. It's a 10 hour flight. To my surprise, Trisha is sitting on the couch and not sleeping at this time.

"Momma? Why aren't you asleep?" i said caressing her cheek. 

" Waiting for you my baby." she said hugging me tightly.

"But, i didn't tell anyone that i'm leaving. Me myself know it 3 hours ago. Even Zayn doesn't know."

" Well, let's say i eavesdrop" she said giggling. Just like what Zayn would do. 

"Momma, you should get to sleep. I will be leaving now." i said kissing her cheek.

She respond with a kiss on my forehead. "Bye sweetheart, take care. Have a great flight"

"Sure momma. And oh, let Zayn know that i will be back by 2 days. Love ya"

"Sure darling, love ya more"

We bid our goodbyes and i get in my car, started the engine. I had to drive myself since i didn't bring my driver with me. He's probably chilling somewhere. I fastened my seatbelt and drove to the airport. Oh god, it would be a boring flight. Well, its good since i will have my secretary with me along with few of my workers.

I reached the airport. I saw one of my worker, Marcel ran to me to help with my bags. "Good morning Sir, let me help you" he said grabbing my bag but eventually dropped them. Classic Marcel. 

"So-sorry sir. I-I g-got" he was trembling and finding his own words. "Hey chill out. I don't mind, as long as you don't steal" i said with a dimply smile and a pat on his shoulder. He smile back revealing his dimple. I never knew this guy got dimples. I got met by my assistant, Veronica, my other worker Gibson. Veronica hand me a coffee. God, i really need that. But, wait? When is our flight?

"Miss Veronica, when is our flight?"i said as blowing my hot coffee.

"Our flight is in an hour sir."

"Wait what? But the meeting is at 2pm. If we took off at 5am then we would reach there by 3pm. That's way past our meeting schedule."

"I think you got it mistaken sir. Yes, the meeting is at 2pm. But i mentioned it from USA timing. As you know UK and USA are 5 hours apart. We are 5 hours ahead which means it still 12am there. With this flight we will be there even earlier, which is 10am. So, there's plenty of time sir."

"Oh" is all i could said. Since when did i forgot about this? i excused myself and go to a cafeteria there. There was a girl, who seems to be in her 20s flash her big smile. 

"Hello sir,what can i get for you?"

"What do you have in this early morning?" it sounded stupid when you ask a question back when they ask first but right now i don't really care.

" We have bagel, pretzel, waffles, pancake, and a lot more."

Before i could answer, my phone rings. Shit, it's Zayn. 

"Just give me a bagel and a pretzel" i said answering his call.

I inhale a deep breath before talk. "Hye babe".

"What the fuck Harold?" He sounds so mad. I bet he's looking so hot.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I try to sound innocent.

"What's wrong? I guess I just lost my stupid husband somewhere" he said groaning.

I left a little giggles. "Look babe,I'm sorry"

"You're not forgiven" he said. By now he must be pouting while rolling his eyes.

"C'mon baby, I will give you anything that you want when I'm back home" I said little seductively.

I took the pretzels and bagels and moved away from that place.

" Yeah? Don't change the topic babe."

I already know when he said babe, he already forgive me.

"You really don't want this offer babe?  Anything you want,you get" I said more like a whispered.

It was dead silence on his side. "Babe, you there?"

"Fuck you babe, I can't even stand mad at you. Don't turn me on right now"

"But I love it when your dick stand straight for me" i whined.

He left a small moan. Then,he hang up. I left out sigh but all he do is making a video call. I quickly grab my earphones and connect to my phone. When I accept it, all I see was his desperate face.

"Hi babe"  

He showed his naked self, I couldn't help but smirk. I also feel like my pants gonna burst.

"Babeeeeeeee, talk dirty to mee" he said rolling his head back. He look so sexy and cute at the same time.

Since no one is around me, I made a blowjob sign. And he did the same too. Oh my god,I feel so miserable.

"Zayn fucking Malik, I'm so hot right now "

"Me too darling. I want your hot mouth. "

"Use your hand babe, imagine it as me"

He slowly pumped and really a hotful of cum on his hands. By the sight of it, I'm gonna cum. But I can't. I might ruin my Gucci suit.

"That's my Zaddy"

"Don't make me cum again baby boy"

We giggled.

"Mr. Styles?"

"Shit, fuck Veronica." I hide my phone from her sight.

" Sorry sir, but we need to go" and then she left.

"Babe, I need to go. Talk to you when I got landed yeah."

"Yeah sure babe. I will miss you." He said pouting.

" Trust me,I miss you more"

"Aww hazza being cheesy."

"Shut up. I love you babe"

"I love you more"

"Gotta go, bye"

"Byeee". We hang up.

I gather all my things and got up. But then I heard a voice, a familiar voice to be exact.

"Remember me Styles?"

So,what you guys think? Who do you think it is? Leave your thoughts. I love ya, stay safe ❤️✨

~Love J 💛💚

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