I'm Icarus

164 16 14

Harry's POV

"I believe you Harry. I know you can do. That's the reason I'm giving this to you. My responsibilities. It's all yours now."

Momma smiled at me while holding my hands.

"I won't let you down momma. I know how much this means to you" I said and kisses her cheek.

And that's the moment I woke up. Wow, a dream. More like something that had happened before. Yeah, she told me the exact same thing before she passed.

I tried to sit up still but my back was terribly aching. Eventually I woke up and I stretched myself. There's some bone cracking noise which I'm not even surprised. I look at the time and it's around 8 am. Time to make breakfast.

Before that, let me check on my babies.

I walked the their nursery and they were not there. Not even their cribs. My eyes widened. Not again.

I ran up to my mom's room and I didn't even care to knock.

There I saw my mom looking at me with wide eyes.

"Harry! Don't you have manner? I thought I raise you good?" She said in a quite tone.

"My babies? They're gone"

"Oh my stupid son, they're here with me. Just chill out. I'm taking care of them" she said while looking at them slewpi peacefully.

"Well,let me make some breakfast"

"Call me up when you're done"

"Yeah sure"

I headed out and I crosses Zayn's room. I am really worried about him. His actions is not something I really want to see. I sighed and was debating whether to open the door or not.

At last, I decided it won't hurt to open. Besides,it's my room too. I open slowly which makes a creaked noise. I mentally blame myself and thinking about changing the door.

There I saw him sleeping in his bed, more like buried in his duvet.

I got at the edge of the bed and just admired me. I wish I can help him in some ways.

I touched his forehead and it was burning. Oh my god, he got fever. As I took of the duvet he was shivering.

"Hye it's okay,here have this" I said giving back his duvet.

"Har-harreh, I'm cold"

I snuggled close to him, giving all my warm.


"Yeah" he said and snuggle in my neck.

I guess no breakfast then.

After some time, I lit up the woodfire and turn off the AC.

He was pretty much okay with this situation.

I was walking back to the kitchen to make some breakfast for us and soup for Zayn.


"Oh hi Harry. I thought you will never come down"

"Zayn got fever"

"Oh my. Is he okay?"

"Yeah I guess. I need to make him soup. Did you make yourself breakfast?"

"Yeah, I did. I have plenty for all of us"

"Okay then. Let me make some hot soup for him"

"Eat first Harry"

"No, he's not well. He needs me mom"

"If you say so, go ahead"

I started to add some spices along with some little tiny chicken,selery, water,some ginseng,pepper and salt. I think we're done.

I brought the soup in a wooden tray to our room. I kicked the door to open since my hands are busy.

He's still sleeping. I really don't want to wake him up but he haven't eaten anything from yesterday.

"Zaynie? Cupcake? Wake up baby" I cooed nibbbling his ears.

He gronaed and tossed around.

"Cmon babe, I made you breakfast." I said sweetly.

At last he open his eyes. His eyes were glitening for a moment but it dropped.

"I don't need anything Harreh" he said in a deep voice. He probably have cold too.

"Just tiny little scoop"

I said looking at him. He's not amused at all.

"Fine" he said grabbing the bowl.

"No" I snatched him away. "I'll feed you"

"Cmon Harreh I'm not a baby"

"You are my baby"

"I have my own hands"

"You're not feeling well"


I shushed him by putting my finger on his lips.

"Eat first, talk later"

I started to blow and feed him since it's still hot. He was enjoying for sure. After done eating, he was yawning again.

"Noo,no. Wait. Eat this paracetamol"

"What? Suddenly you're a doctor"

"Yes, I studied chemistry. Now eat it"

"Fine" he said took it and add some gulp of water.

"Take rest yeah. I love you" I said he decided to close the door.

And he's not saying it back. I looked at him. He's still awake and he's looking at everywhere but me.

That moment it breaks me. So hard,that I close the door and keep running no where while crying.

I finally gave up and dropped to my knees. It was a park just across the street. I covered my face, tears flowing my cheeks.

I guess that's it. How am I supposed to fulfill momma's wish? How if he wants to end this? No,no! I couldn't live without him. What if he lose interest on me? Do I already got bored for him? Maybe....

All I ever wanted was the truth

Hye guys new chapter! Hope you guys will love this. Stay tuned for new chapters. It will get interesting. I'm kinda busy nowadays. So sorry if I couldn't upload. Anyway, enjoy! Stay safe and I love ya guys.

~Love J 💛💚

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