Love is tainted

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(Since a lot of you ask a good chapter, here we go! But remember everyone lives is not perfect)

Zayn's POV

All my time, I was sleeping in the plane. I could feel myself dizzy but I have to do this for Harreh. My lovely Harreh. Hope he's doing good now.

Attention to our lovely passengers, we will land in 4 minutes. Please keep your seatbelts on.

Finally! I got off the plane the next minute it landed. I dialled Harreh's number but he's not picking up.

"He's in Hotel Starfish." I remembered my mom said.

I called out a cab and told him the place.

"Here we are Mr. Malik ."

The driver, Caleb is such a nice guy. We did talked so don't be surprised on how he knows me. Besides, i'm famous.

"Thank you Caleb" I smile and look at the massive building infront of me. I inhale and make my way to the reception center.

"Hi" I said asking for her attention. I saw her rolled her eyes but when she saw me she adjust her shirt and open up her front buttons. Eww!

"Yes, Sir" she said exposing her uhm breasts.

"Uhmm, I want to know the person who stayed here. He's name is Harry Styles Malik."

"Just a minute" she typed out something and then she smiled.

" Well, yeah there's a person who staying with that name but I can't give you the information sir."

"But, I'm his husband. The Malik is me. I'm Zayn Malik"

"Do you think I don't know? Everyone knows you. "

"Then tell me his door number!" I growled.

"But I'm sorry. We can't break our hotel policy " she said and went back to typing something in her laptop. I huff and decide to leave but she left me a little piece of paper. There's written :

Floor 23 room number 25

I smiled at her and mouthed thank you. I rushed to the lift and pressed 23 rushly. But, it's closing so slowly. It's testing my patience. I waited until the ding sound which means I'm at Floor 23.

Number 1

Number 9

Number 14

Number 20

Number 25!

I knocked on the door and there's no reply. Wait? Didn't I ask Harreh to call the police? Maybe he was scared. It's okay.

I rang the bell. Still nothing.

"Harreh! Harreh! It's me Zayn. Open up" I hear ruffles inside.

"Za-zayn?" I heard his cracking voice.

"Yes baby, I'm here. Open up" I said a little more gently.

I heard him sniffling. He open the door and I never expected to see him like this.

 He had some eye blacks around his eyes. His shirt is ruffled up and covered with a little blood. His hair is really messy and he's literally shaking. His lips are so dry. I can't see the green orbs since he's looking down.

I just embrace him with a hug. He let out heavy sobs in my shoulders. 

"Shush baby, it's okay." i tried to confront him but he just kept crying. I know what he is thinking right now. 

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