Nothing fine I'm corn

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Harry's POV

I'm 4 months pregnant now. My bump is visible now. Just a little small bump.  My nausea has stopped but I got emotional even if Zayn made me a bowl of soup. Zayn took a good care of me everyday. Since we own the company,we just took a whole ass holiday until I get into labour.

I'm now cuddling with Zayn in the couch. I'm laying on his lap while he caresses my cheek. We are watching The Notebook,my favourite all time. I keep crying whenever they had fight. Zayn is humming some tunes which is a new tunes.

"Are you making a new music?"I asked Zayn which he got surprised.

"Yeah,I've been writing some sick songs. I would sing it to you after I got the beats and tunes right." He said while kissing my forehead. I really love his touch and his tenderness. He is so soft person . He always makes me happy by bringing me to the lawn for a walk. Sometimes we would go somewhere far and take a look at the beautiful places. He brought me to a beautiful lake yesterday. The memories is still fresh in my mind.

"Zayn,where are we going today?" I asked him.

"We will go fo-" his words were interuppted by the bell at our house.
"Let me get that"Zayn said and leave me alone in the living room. Honestly I already miss his warm.

"Zayn,whose at the door?"I asked him since he haven't return for like some minutes.

Then,he appears with someone behind him. He was smiling," Harry,i think you haven't met her before. This is Gigi,my best friend." My eyes widened. It's the same girl he cheated me with. She was giving me a weird smile. Like she knows she doing it on purpose and what's that? Is she pregnant too? What the actual fuck? I left speechless.

"Hello? Babe?"he come closer to me.

"Ye-yesh,uhmm nice meeting you"I shuttered with my words. I cant let Zayn know he cheated me with this girl. Hopefully the baby is not Zayns.

"Finally,I'm meeting you Harry" she just gave me a evil smile. Why the hell she want to ruin this happy family.

"Gi,as you can see my baby here is pregnant. He's four months by now." Zayn said which she just give me a fucking smirk this time.

"Oh,mine is 5 months now." She said still haven't leave my gaze.

"I don't know why gi,but after I've seen you today,I feel guilty but I can't process what happened. Did we have fight?"

"Nothing happen Zee. We didn't fight. If you don't mind can I get a glass of water?"she said to Zayn which he obeys and disappeared to the kitchen.

"What do you want?"I asked her

"I want Zayn. I love him since I've been in highschool but he was with Liam. After he broke up with him,I try to be with him but he was focus with his business. Then,he got married. All my chances was destroyed before it was even started. That's why,when you both got fight,I brought him to the club and give him some pills. And I fucked him. The only thing that bother me is he still chants your name while we're fucking."

"Look,we are just trying to build a happy family. Please don't remind him anything about that night. He might get depression. I don't want him to suffer again. If you really love Zayn,you should focus more on his happiness. But,you just give him some kind of medicine so he was unconscious and you took the opportunity."

"He doesn't understand me although I told him a lot of times."

"Because he doesn't love you"

"I know he won't. That's why I come here. I'm pregnant with his child and we are going to raise it."

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