Something told me it was you

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Harry's POV

24 hour left for Zayn to live with me. Right now I am sitting next to him, ruffling his hair. His eyes are closed. Crinkles started to form around his face. Ever since I took drug,I just want more of it. I'm literally shaking. But,I just gritted my teeth or eat something to forget about it. I have enough crying. Babies are still in the hospital. They need medication as well.

"Styles?" I turned around and found Dr. Jenner looking at me pity. I didn't even hear the door open.

"Dr. Jenner. Good to see you" I said giving a small smile.

"Harry,I'm really sorry. And just call me Kendall" she said and pull me for a hug.

" It's ok Kendall. Fate is turning against my will" my eyes started to water but I bury them inside.

She caressed my back. Then,she pulled away. She give some checks on Zayn.

She sighed loud. " Zayn,if you didn't come back today I'mma steal your boy" she said. I just give a small smile.

I saw Zayn face did change a little. A little scrunched face.

"Oh my god! Ken,did you saw that?" I said holding my hair.

"Yeah,I saw that. It's a great improvement but his heartbeat is getting weaker." she said.

I sat down frustrated with my life. I fucking need something right now. If something that would ease my mind, then I'm gonna try some cigar. I have tried that ages ago but here I am willing to take another buff.

I put it around my lips and light up with Zayn's lighter. First try is really bad. I nearly cough until I die. But then I let myself to get use to it. And I could feel the ease. Nicotine doing a great job. After taking some buff,I stomp it and went inside Zayn's room again.

This time I brought his favourite marvel comic book. I just smile at his little childish side. He look like a sex god but when you got to know him, he's actually a kiddo. I laugh remembering our sweet little memories.


"Babe" I called him but he still concentrating watching Venom.

"Babe" I called second time earning his attention.

"Yeah?" He said not turning his head from the tv.

"Give attention to me,not the tv" I pouted like a baby.

He smile at me and kiss my lips. Then,he turned and continue watching tv.

I just took the remote control and off the tv. He look at me unbelievable.

"What the hell babe?" He said not amused.

"I need your attention."

"I already give you from morning and I just watch tv for 2 hours" he said.

" Well,I don't care. I need your attention on me" I said crossing my arm.

"Cut this crap Styles. Give me back the control" he said approaching him. I took this opportunity and started to run away from him.

"You can't catch me" I shout while running.

He accept the challenge and chase me. But,then he caught me.

"Naughty styles uh?" He smirked and put his hand inside my shirt.

"You're the naughty one. You never give me attention." I said still pouting hoping he would give his attention to me. And yeah,he did. He started to kiss me roughly. I can feel some blood from my mouth.

"Shit,shit,shit. Babe,sorry. I will back with some ice cube." He said and rushed to kitchen.

"Babe,I don't need ice cubes. I need you" I said seductively. His pupils get larger than ever. He pushed me against the wall and intertwined our hands. Then,his mouth great job licking my earlobe and neck. Then,he work on my shirt and took it off. He kissed and licked each and every part of my body. When,his mouth found my nips I moaned hard. My moans making him horny. He unbulked my belt and push down pants. He kissed me hard and carry me to the countertop.

He removed his pants and breif. His member is waiting to load everything into my mouth. I parted my lips getting some fresh air. Then,I use my hand to give him some move. He groaned and cursed all the way through. He then spit some of his saliva and rub it all over his member. I don't need a prep since I just made love in the morning. He push in hard. No matter how many times I made love with him,it's a different feeling each time. His huge member just went into my pink hole really fast. Skin and skin slapping, our moans and sweat all over places. The place is really mess. Then,he carry me to the bathroom to have a nice vanilla scented bath together.

End of flashback

I didn't realise I was moaning remembering our memories. I'm glad there's no one here. It's an embarrassing moment. I already feel hard right now. I need to soothe them now. I sighed and get up. I give Zayn a kiss in the forehead and leave to the toilet. But,wait. What's that?

A bulge forming under the sheets. My face get red and it seriously makes me turn on. He got turn on by my moans. I wonder what he's dreaming right now.

So,past few chapters is really sad and heartbreaking. Here some sweaty and romantic smut. I just hope it's good. Stay safe and happy ❤️✨

~Love J 💛💚

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