Same Mistakes

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Harry's POV
When I open my eyes,I was in a hospital with Niall beside me munching chocolate. The light hurting my eyes.
"Hye Hazza. Are you alright now? Do you need some food or water? Or anything,just ask me except for my chocolate."
"It's fine Niall ,I'm okay now. Who brought me to the hospital?"

"It's was one of your office worker. If I'm not mistaken his name is Marcel Stylik. He looks like a nerd. But he is so kind and he was damn scared when he found you lying with bubbles coming from your mouth."

"Oh Marcel ,he is really kind hearted. Where is he now?"
"I don't know he said he got some work to do."
"Well,i really appreciate his help"

"By the way, what the hell is wrong with you? Why the fuck you try to commit suicide when you are only going to build a happy family? Are you crazy?"

"Niall,you know right what month it is?"
"So? You're just going to cry over a spilled milk everytime? Don't be stupid Harry."

When I was about to open my mouth, I saw Zayn entering to my room. I quickly turned away from him. Seriously that day he fucked another guy in front of me. But I don't care. He can do anything he wants.

"Harry, you're awake. How are you feeling ? Do you need any soup? Let me get some. Would you like some porridge or something? And do you want to have some warm milk. It will ease your body."he quickly listed everything out.

"Can you just do one thing?"I said with a straight face.

"Yes, tell me Harry. What do you want?"

"Can you shut your mouth,close the door and leave."

I saw his face dropped. He deserves it. He fucked that guy in front of me. But I don't care, so why am I angry?

"Harry,he's your husband. Do I really need to remind you everytime that. Stop acting like a child won't you. He's being nice and you're being a bitch to him. Just stop it."Niall snapped at me.

"You don't know what he did Niall. You won't even look at him in the eyes if you know what he did. "

"I'm sure whatever Zayn did is good for you. You know why? Because he's not you. You only know to cry about past."

"Stop it Niall or I'll swear to God..."

Zayn interrupt us" Hye bud, it's okay. Let him be. I know I'm just not the right for him. I'm so sorry. Tell him I won't be staying at the mansion. Even though I already feel like I've been living in a hotel. Thanks for everything Niall,and take care of him."and then he left me and Niall alone .

Now I feel guilty. Now I feel like a bitch. What have I done? Why I act like that?

"Are you happy now Harry? He just left you. It's better for him to leave you. You're such an arrogant son of a bitch who can admit when he's sorry."

I keep my eyes on the floor.
"I know Ni, I made a mistake. But I just don't know why I am angry when he fuck someone else but I don't really care."

"He WHAT?"Niall's eyes gotten bigger.

"Yeah,there was guy who kidnapped me and I don't know how he know Zayn. But he was saying something to him and then they fucked . I only can see it but I can't hear anything."I explained to him.

"Harry,you both seriously need to talk. You are lack of communication. Please do it for your life sake. When asking him this,tell him about your past. He deserves to know." Niall told me with a worried eyes.

"Sure Niall,I will make it only for you. But now I need Zayn to come so that I can talk to him."

"Don't worry about that. Captain Nini is here to help. Just tell me when and I'll make sure he comes."

"Thank you Ni, you are always the best"

"Well,I don't need your thank you. Just buy me cheeseburger. That's would be enough for me."

"How are you so fit after eating a lot of things?"

"That's Niall's secret"he winked at me.
"Just let me eat this nandos. Well if you need some , I will buy it when I go out okay."

"Sure Niall now shut up and eat."

I need to fix this,for my future,for Zayns future,our future. YES OUR FUTURE,I decided.

Hye guys,short chapter. So what kind of past both of them hiding?And isn't Niall being a great friend? Why Harry try to commit suicide and what month is it for Harry. Comment what you think. Thanks anyway for my silent readers.

Stay safe,stay connected

~Love J💚💛

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