Knock Knock

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Niall's POV

It's been two hours since we reach London and Harry is still mopping around.

"Harry,cut the crap out. How long do you want to stay like this?"

"It's not even a week Niall. How am I suppose to throw it out of my mind. "

I sighed. I hate to see my best friend sad. It hurts me to see him sad. He lost his father when he was 5 years old. He even cried for 2 weeks for losing his dog,Toronto.

"C'mon Harold,let's go grab some lunch. I'm starving." I show him my puppy eyes. Hope it works.

" Fine Niall,let's go. There's no use with me being sad right?"

"That's my boy. Lets go,it's my treat."

For the first time since yesterday he show his dimply smile. It melts my heart. This is enough for me.

Zayn's POV

Everything was going as we plan except for Harry. He is not here with me. He is not here to give me small kisses and tender hugs. He is not here to give me cuddle to sleep. He is not here to make me smile with his stupid jokes. I still remember when he first say that joke to me.


"Knock knock"
"You suppose to say who's there"
"Okay....who's there?"
"Urine who?"
"You're insecure"
Harry was laughing at his own jokes.

"That is not funny Harry"

"It is. You don't have any sense of humor"

"First of all,I'm not insecure and I'm good at making knock knock jokes too"

"Oh yeah,tell me"

"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Barbie who"
"No, barbeque"
Harry laughing,his tears coming out. Zayn couldn't control and join laughing with Harry.

"Mine is more nicer Harry. Admit it"

"Fine,but I'm sure I will do dad jokes when we have kids"

"Seriously H?"

"Wow,that's a nice nickname Zayn"



"Zayn,stop zoning out at the middle of the celebration."

"I'm sorry Safaa. Go help your sister there."

I miss Harry

Harry's POV

Me and Niall basically had a 'date'. He brought me to a Chinese restaurant and then we went to park. We even had a ice cream at the famous ice cream parlour. I can't believe Niall treat me all of this. He even brought me to karaoke and we sing together. It's not romantic songs though. Some people were judging us for sure.

We were being idiots. We played hide and seek at the park. Niall tripped mostly all the time and laugh at himself. Today was fun. It was 8pm and Niall went out to buy some groceries. So,it's just me and Niall's pet fishes . Their  names are Tom and Jerry. Pretty classic name he picked.

I decide to stay at Niall's because I know he will come back to say his sorrys and I'm not ready to hear all of that. Those words still chanting in my ears. You're a slut. I need pain killers. I keep my phone off. I don't need anyone to disturb me. I just need to clear my mind. I decide to do some yoga. It always helps .

I closed my eyes, counting each time I breath in and out. Body and mind is relaxing. I can feel it. Finally,some stress releaver.

Breath in,breath out

Breath in, breath o-

The door bell ring louder than anything right now. Whoever on the other side is going to gain a punch from me. I walk to the door and reveal by no other than Zayn himself. He look guilty. His face only says sorry,I could read that. But,I'm not ready.

"Harreh, I'm sorry I can explain. Just listen to me"

"I'm not ready to hear anything Zayn. Please leave me alone"

"No,Harreh don't say that babe. I don't know what makes me say that. I love you"

"Enough Zayn,I was just being happy and you ruin it again by showing your face. Please I need time to dissolve your venomous words. It's hard for me even though you said it while you were drunk."

"Babe, please let me explain"

"Zayn, please give me respect as much as I give you. I need privacy too. I need to think. Don't worry,I will talk with you sooner. But,not now. Understand that"

He think for awhile.

"Okay then,if that's what you want. I will be waiting for your call. I love you"


He sigh and leave. I can't say I love him. It's so painful. I need to ask Niall if what I do is wrong or right. I'm completely lost.

It's almost 12 and Niall haven't come home. He went to buy groceries,not make them. Let me call him.

'Hye this is Niall Horan. I might be busy so leave a message HAHAAHAH'

"Niall,where the fuck are you? It's almost 12 and you haven't return home. Call me as soon you had this message"

Niall is a bitch. He told me he would return fast and now it's 12. Maybe a little nap until he come.

Suddenly the door cracked open. Niall there standing. No groceries in his hands. He look like a tomato and if I'm not mistaken,is that a hickey?

"Where the fuck you been Niall?"

"I-i was just chilling with Li-liam"

"You didn't have sex,did you?"

He nodded and turn red even more

"You should have told me Niall. I won't be waiting to look at this. And where are the groceries?"

"I left them at Liam's I guess"he said scratching his head.

I facepalm myself. He is into Liam. Well,we could change his attitude with Niall's help.

"Go take a shower Niall,you smells like sex"

"Oh stop it,you said it like you never smell before"

"Whatever Niall. Go to sleep after shower. Imma head first. Goodnight"

"Goodnight Hairy"

"Shut up Neil river"

So,I don't why there's a lot of funny things happening in this chapter except for Zayn and Harry at Niall's place. I hope you enjoy it because I enjoy writing for you guys. Thanks for the support. This is the first chapter I'm writing this new year. So,it would be great if you guys give me some votes and comments. It would mean a lot. Stay safe💫💚💛

~Love J💚💛✨🎂☀️👀

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