Shit,maybe I miss you

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Zayn's POV

I'm so tired,my body is numb but I don't care. All I want to do is cuddle Harry. He haven't sleep well for days. His eyebags are the evidence. As I ruffles his hair,he purr like a cat. His eyes are closed but he's not sleeping.

We have went back home already but the babies are not ready to go home yet. They still need some treatments.

"Babe, go to sleep. Why haven't you sleep?" I asked since it's more than 2 hours since we lay together. Even I feel like wanna sleep but I want to make sure Harry sleep first.

" I dont want you to leave me again." He murmur.

I sighed, " Babe, I'm not going anywhere."

"No,I'm not gonna sleep"

I sighed again. I need to make him sleep. "How about you become a big spoon tonight. That way I can't go anywhere without you knowing." I said feeling proud of my idea.

He eventually gave in and spoon behind me. I could feel him sniffles my scent and it tingles. He hold my waist tight bringing me closer to him. He left some little kisses behind my neck and murmur I love you over again. I smiled and glad that I came back alive.  After some moment,I hear his little cute snores. Then,I closed my eyes enjoying the warmth and drifted to sleep.

Sound of the alarm rang through my ears. I groaned and open my eyes. I can't believe that we are sleeping at same position from last night. I couldn't move myself. I really want to wake up since I feel like a need to pee but seeing Harry sleeping peacefully take my action back. I just watched him sleep. His curls looks messier,his brown brows furrowed together like he's dreaming something. His lips parted just a little,his hands still covered my waist. I smile to myself. I can't keep myself from kissing his parted lips. I left some kisses all over his structure like jawline. Then,my lips make it's way to his eyes. I kiss his eyes and its flushed open. I feel like butterfly fly their wings against my lips. His gorgeous green eyes make contact with mine. His lips curved smiling.

"Good morning" his raspy and deep voice turns me on. Honestly his morning voice is the best thing I could get in the morning. It's like a music to my ears. I smiled and murmur a good morning too. He let go of me and I regret it when I lost the warm. But,I cue myself to go to the toilet. I've been holding it for god knows how long. I heard his giggles behind my back.

I flushed and washed my face with my regular face cleanser. I wipe them away with a soft cloth. I found him looking at me with a cheeky smile. "How long have you been holding them?" He said laughing lightly.

"For some time" I snickered.

He shook his head. "Go clean up yourself Haz. I will make breakfast today" I said ruffles his hair. He peck my lips just one more time before dissapear to the bathroom. I picked a sweatpants and let my upper body free from any cloth.

I head downstairs and prepare his favourite Fresh Toast with baked beans and half boiled eggs. I prepare him some coffee and make myself one too. Around 7 minutes later, Hazza came down wearing a brief and my shirt. His tattoos are really exposing and it's so hot. He clears his throat and I flushed in embarrassment.

"Hye babe"

"Hye love" he took a sit and I placed all the food infront of him. He literally enjoy every chew. He closed his eyes and moaned. My another member started to raise up. I try to control my erection but it's only getting worse when Harry keep moaning.

I excuse myself and bring my empty plates to wash them. I divert my mind to something else and I could sense the victory. But, Harry left some kisses around my neck. It's my turn to moan now. I turn around to meet his lustful eyes. My bulge is getting tighter and I couldn't hold it. I slammed my lips to his and explore every bit of of his mouth. My hand make it's way to his beautiful ass. I squeeze it a little and he moaned inside our mouths. We broke our kiss since we lack of breath.  We smile flirt fully. I carry him and make him lay on the countertop. He look so fucking sexy.

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