cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker

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Harry's POV

I've seen someone killed and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I am such a cruel human being. He tried to help us but I didn't do anything to help him. I could stop him but no instead I close my eyes like a coward. After the scene,they quickly bring us to another place which look like a school. It's holiday week and people wont be here. I don't know what will happen anymore .

Zayn looked devastated. He's trying his best to proof that he is strong but I know he is not. Because of me we are here suffering,just because of my drunken ass blabbering those three words. Three little words bring us here. One of his guards throw a cockroach to me. They forced me to eat them. I cried taking bite but I need it. I read in online that cockroach has higher protein compare to chicken. It may help me to get stronger. Seriously it's a bad after taste.

Then,they gave me a milk. Honestly I thought it's milk but then I realized it's someone's cum. I spilled everything out. Throwing the cup away. This is too much.

"Call you fucking boss! I need a talk!" I scream to one of his guy. He left the room and come back with the boss.

"You! Bitch! Honestly I could kill you right now but you tied me up"

"What will you do if I tied you off?"

" I will beat your ass mother fucker!"

"Then,let the game on"

One of his guy open up my tied and I looked at him with my deadly eye. Be ready bitch

Zayn's POV

What the fuck Harry? I heard his screams and I'm more than terrified now. I can't look what's going on. After some several times,the door opened to be revealed Austin with a smirk.

"Wondering what happen to your husband?"

I just looked at him.

"Well,he try to fight me which is impossible. Then,he lose. I hurt him up more and rape him with a stick." He said laughing his ass off.

I could feel my anger boiled up but at the same time eyes threatening me that tears will spill. I feel my heart sank. Why this can't be a fucking nightmare.

"Please just let me see Harry" I sniffles and he agreed. I went to door but afraid to open it up. I saw Harry lying naked and he's shivering. He can't even sit and he's back is full of blood. I wipe away my tears but no use of that. I went near him and touch him.

He flinched by my touch and remove my hand from his skin. My heart felt heavier now. "Ha-harreh,this is me Zayn. Your husband baby" I said running my hands through his curls. At last he gave in and burried his face in my lap. He was crying and telling me how much painful it is. All I could ever do is say some soothing words to calm him down. I pecked his lips and his beautiful curls since dickhead is screaming at me to leave now. I help Harry wear his clothes and hug him for one more time.

"Don't worry baby,I will let us out" I said kissing his curls. I inhaled his beautiful scent of shampoo.

"I love you babe" he mumbled.

"I love you too" I said and giving a sweet kiss in his mouth.

I left the room and got tied up again. I sat at the corner and started to think some plan to escape. I need to planned it out.

Niall's POV

"Mr. Payne,two of the blood sample is matching with your two friends. The other one is someone's else blood. But,from my research your friends blood either come from beating or abuse. From Zayn's blood sample,it consists of a lot blood from inside. He basically cough them out. Harry's blood well it's kinda cruel but we find some stich around the blood. So,they might have rape him. " Officer Xavier explained

I couldn't handle anymore. I started to cry. They both don't deserve this. Zayn already had a bad past and Harry got rape by some monsters. I buried my face at crook of neck of Liam.

"The other blood is from shooting I can conclude since it's fresh and hot and of course a lot of blood. This person is obviously a psychopath. We will find them soon"

Help me lord

Harry's POV

I should've just keep myself shut. I basically invite him to fight which he wins. He then rape me but this time with a fucking stick. I know I already lose a lot of blood and I probably faint if I lose any more of it.

That little time with Zayn is enough for me to keep living. I literally have up until I earn some sweet touches from Zayn.  He promise me that the will safe me and our babies. I really believe him but he himself say it unsure. Zayn did screamed a while ago and it's proves why he's limping now. He is raped too. Honestly,if we ever get a chance to home we need some serious caunseling. Our mind is disturbed. My throat is dried now. I lay in the middle of the floor with nothing except my clothes. Zayn's words replayed inside my brain

Darling,we will be alright. Just don't do anything in anger because it only will lead you to bad. I will make a plan to escape. Just do what he asked us to do. And remember I love you so much.

Another update just for you guys. It's 1:50am right now and I have class tommorow at 8am. So I'mma head sleep first although I'm not sleepy. Thank you for reading. Stay safe. I love you guys ❤️✨ hope this pain will be healed ..

~Love J 💚💛✨

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